Answer: UNSET
UNSET is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 46 times.
- Not yet scheduled
- Ill-prepared
- Not hard enough
- Not hard yet
- Loose, as stones
- Not yet established
- Still liquid
- Like freshly poured concrete
- Not yet hardened
- Not firm, as recently poured concrete
- Like wet cement
- Not yet firm
- Like fresh concrete
- Wet, as concrete
- Up in the air
- Not yet mounted, as a gem
- Like loose gems
- Not fully fixed
- Not mounted, as a gem
- Not prepared
- Not yet solidified
- Not mounted, like some gems
- Still fluid
- Fluid
- Not solidified
- Like still-wet cement
- Go liquid
- Not yet firm, as Jell-O
- To displace
- Still goopy, as concrete
- Like loose stones
- Still liquidy
- Like wet concrete
- Not secure, as a gem
- Loose, as a gem
- Not mounted, as some gems
- Still curing
- Loose, as gemstones
- Not yet decided
- Like failed custard
- Like some tables
- Still to be decided
- Still runny
- Still soft, as concrete
- Soft still
- Like loose gemstones