Answer: TIN
TIN is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 424 times.
- Element #50
- Malaysian export
- Solder material
- Can's composition
- Shanty material
- Faience glaze ingredient
- Tenth anniversary gift
- Type of type
- 10th anniversary gift
- Kind of foil
- Food holder
- Like some ears
- An Oscar is mostly this
- The ___ Man
- Food container
- Some plating
- Word before ear or horn
- Old can material
- Soldier material?
- Component of bell metal
- 10th-anniversary gift
- Cake container
- Sold(i)er material
- Bolivian export
- Foil material
- Stannary stock
- Plating metal
- With 12-Down, source of metal for cans
- Pewter component
- Indonesian export
- Rustproofing agent
- Plating choice
- Part of the alloy britannia
- Can metal
- Sn, chemically speaking
- The ___ Man ("The Wizard of Oz" character)
- Plating material
- Composition of some cups
- Material for a whitesmith
- ___ Lizzie (Model T)
- Bronze metal
- ___ foil
- 10th-anniversary metal
- Canterbury can
- Pewter, in part
- Oscar statuette, mostly
- Candy holder
- Some smiths work in it
- Cookie holder
- Pewter ingredient
- Muffin holder
- Sn, in chemistry
- Kind of soldier
- __ Pan Alley (songwriters' district)
- __ can (destroyer, in Navy slang)
- Component of bronze
- Anniversary gift for the year after pottery
- ___ soldier
- Common alloy component
- "One ___ Soldier" (antiwar song)
- Altoids holder
- Major Indonesian export
- Its symbol is Sn
- Shack roof material
- ___ plate
- Plate material
- Roofing material
- Cookie store
- Ingredient in Delftware glazing
- Contents of a stannary mine
- Solder element
- Malleable element
- 10th anniversary metal
- Sardines holder
- Component of solder
- Bronze component
- Metal given on a tenth anniversary
- Anchovy holder
- What one man is made of, in Oz
- Oscars, mostly
- Metal rusted by tears in Oz
- Oz man's metal
- Silvery element
- Pewter metal
- Soldier or solder material
- A base metal
- "___ Cup" (Kevin Costner movie)
- Oscars, for the greatest part
- Lizzie's makeup?
- Element found in 16-, 27-, 50-, and 63-Across
- Solder component
- Sardine holder
- "Cat on a Hot ___ Roof"
- Container for some breath mints
- Tenth wedding anniversary gift
- Word that may precede the first word of this puzzle's theme answers
- Can stuff
- Soldier material
- 10th anniversary material
- See 67-Across
- Atomic number 50
- Element obtained from cassiterite
- Soft metal
- What whitesmiths work with
- Oscar material, mostly
- Can, in Cambridge
- Shortest-named element
- ___ Pan Alley
- Star material?
- Main element in pewter
- Like musically challenged ears?
- Biscuit holder
- Spice holder
- Cigarette holder
- Squash court telltale
- Element whose symbol is Sn
- Cookie container
- Element between indium and antimony in the periodic table
- Its atomic number is half of fermium's
- Component of pewter
- Element with twice as many protons as manganese
- Makeup of some old soldiers?
- It can be used when making solders and soldiers
- Sn, on a table
- Anchovy container
- Like the Wizard's heartless visitor
- Metal in solder
- Woodsman's makeup
- Like some ears or gods
- Can material
- Element in pewter
- Kind of ear or soldier
- 10th anniversary symbol
- Tuna container
- Sn, on the periodic table
- Foil lead-in
- Metal in pewter
- Window-glass component
- Badge metal
- Sardine container
- Bendable element
- Metal in an Oscar
- Baking pan
- Two-thirds of a canine star
- ''Cat on a Hot ___ Roof''
- Type of soldier
- Sn
- Common foil material
- Tenth anniversary gift, traditionally
- What a copper badge is made of?
- Kind of badge or can
- It's in the can?
- Kind of can or cup
- Its symbol in Sn
- Woodman's material
- What some soldiers are made of
- 10th-anniversary material
- Like a heartless man of film
- Type of ear
- Tenth-anniversary gift, traditionally
- Like the heartless man
- Word with foil or can
- Pewter part
- Jack Haley's metal
- Kind of badge or cup
- Type of foil
- Muffin pan
- Soldier's makeup?
- Like some plates
- Cup metal
- Type of plate or soldier
- Cheap roofing material
- Oz Woodman's makeup
- Part of bronze
- Element with the shortest name
- Badge material
- Tobacco holder
- Bronze, in part
- Sn, in the lab
- Tenth-anniversary metal
- Composition of Jack Haley's Oz character
- Corrosion-resistant plating
- "___ Cup" (1996 Kevin Costner movie)
- -
- Window-glass ingredient
- Stannum
- Light metal
- Container for Altoids
- Oz man's makeup
- Can, in Canterbury
- Like Oz's woodman
- --- Pan Alley
- Brit's can
- Oz visitor's makeup
- Popcorn gift container
- Tenth-anniversary gift
- Solder ingredient
- Metal with the symbol "Sn"
- Metal in some bronze
- Canister
- Woodman's composition
- Tel ______
- Metal
- Can makeup
- Can across the pond
- Beggar's receptacle
- Cake ___
- Like an Oz man
- When repeated, hero of children's lit
- British container
- Composition of some stars
- The stuff some soldiers are made of
- 50 on the periodic table
- Element of cavity protection
- Mint holder
- Malleable metal
- Pie dish
- Breath mint holder
- Breath-mints buy
- Badge makeup
- Cassiterite yield
- Bronze ingredient
- Haley's 'Oz' costume
- Woodman's makeup?
- Container for cookies
- Chemical element with the shortest name
- With 28-Down, jalopy
- About 85 percent of pewter
- With 55-Down, destroyer
- Haley's Oz costume
- Bauxite product
- Mint container
- Lightweight metal
- With 6-Down, source of element #50
- Shallow pan
- Sardine can
- Spam holder
- Plating option
- Snowy's owner, when doubled
- Inexpensive roofing material
- Part of pewter
- Tenth anniversary material
- Like an Oz resident's makeup
- 50 on a table
- Can or cup metal
- Keeper for kippers
- Pewter base
- Oscar statuette's makeup, mostly
- Sn, to a chemist
- It might take the cake
- ___ Pan Alley (songwriters' district)
- Kitchen foil material
- Toy soldier material, sometimes
- Container
- Its atomic symbol is Sn
- Toy soldier material
- See 61-Down
- Element of surprise in this puzzle's theme answers
- Kind of foil or soldier
- Like the Oz woodsman
- Star material
- [10]
- Can matter
- With 36 Across, rapper's woe
- Type of foil or can
- Silvery-white metal
- Cookie sheet
- Can to a brit.
- With 63-Down, title boy in a 2011 Spielberg film
- Western star makeup
- Part of the alloy britannium
- Man of Oz?
- Its atomic number is 50
- Altoids container
- ___ lizzie
- Whitesmith's stock
- It's in bronze
- Aluminum siding: slang
- Man with Dorothy?
- Penny whistle material
- Roof material in a Williams play title
- London can
- Pie holder
- Word with Man or can
- Its chemical symbol is Sn
- Shortest-name element
- Star material, maybe
- Baker's need
- Flatfoot's badge material
- English can
- Material for little soldiers
- Main ingredient in an Oscar
- Roof material
- "Man" in "The Wizard of Oz"
- Can composition
- Foil metal
- Dog, Part 2 or 3
- Foil material, once
- Fancy food container
- Stannite yield
- Whitesmith's medium
- Sort of a soldier or hat?
- Material in many camping utensils
- Can component
- Can
- Oz's ___ Man
- Common metal
- Cup or can material
- Roofing material, sometimes
- Mints holder
- Type of cup or soldier
- Paul Revere medium
- Material for some cups
- With 60 Down, legend in one's own mind
- Material for some cans
- 'Sn' element
- Spam may be in it
- Metal in bronze
- Big natural resource in Malaysia
- Metal in much window glass
- Sardine can material
- Makeup for a "Wizard of Oz" character?
- Pewter, mostly
- Makeup of some ceilings
- Element in some solder
- Bit of bronze
- Can or pan material
- Pie pan material
- Spam's place
- About 92% of britannium
- ___ can
- Gift on a 10th anniversary
- Big Australian export
- Can of food
- Oscar composition, mostly
- Flexible metal
- Can for food
- With 78-Down, tone deafness
- Like the woodsman of Oz
- Cannister
- Container whose letters appear in "container"
- Solder stuff
- Kind of cup or horn
- Oscar, mostly
- Badge or cup metal
- Metal in window glass
- Common can material
- Spam container
- Corrosion-resistant coating
- Common alloy
- Anniversary gift between pottery and steel
- Cupcake holder
- ___ ear
- Old star makeup
- Cup material
- Sn, symbolically
- Begin to type?
- "___ Men," 1987 film
- Soft metal in pewter
- Cheshire can
- Metal in an Oscar statuette
- Metallic element
- Toy soldier's makeup
- Sn, to chemists
- Breath mint container
- Element with the symbol Sn
- Altoids receptacle
- With 53-Across, jalopy
- Metal in foil
- Metal container
- Most of pewter
- Shed roof metal
- Traditional 10th anniversary metal
- "The Wizard of Oz" man's makeup?
- Big export of Myanmar
- Common fluorine partner
- Word before Pan, Man or can
- Food drive donation
- ___ star
- It's above lead on tables
- Element in fire extinguishers?
- Muffin ___
- Element with the fewest letters
- Traditional tenth anniversary material
- Easy-to-bend metal
- ___ Woodman (visitor to Oz)
- Small container
- Caviar container
- What pewter is, mostly
- ___ Man ("The Wizard of Oz" character)
- Word with "can" or "Man"
- Oz's ___ Woodman
- Hidden element in this clue
- Spam might be kept in it
- Metal in some foil
- What's mixed with bismuth, lead and cadmium to make cerrosafe
- Woodman's makeup in "The Wizard of Oz"
- In Latin, it's "stannum"
- Fiftieth element
- Material easily mistaken for aluminum
- Sn on the periodic table
- ___ Woodman: Oz traveler
- Metal used to coat sheets of steel
- Main component of britannium
- Container for mints
- Metal present in this clue
- Metal with the chemical symbol Sn
- Container of sewing supplies or butter cookies
- Only chemical element whose name fits this answer's length
- Metal no longer used in making kitchen foil
- Element with the chemical symbol Sn
- Metal derived from cassiterite
- Bronze element
- Ceiling metal
- Recyclable material
- Container for cookies or sewing supplies
- Commonly mined material that's relatively rare in Earth's crust (about 2 p.p.m.)
- Woodsman material, in Oz
- Punched metal
- Metal that "cries" when bent
- Component of pewter and solder
- What's mined in a stannary
- Periodic table element, or a container
- #50 on a table