Crossword Heaven
Answer: STP
STP is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 264 times.
"The Racer's Edge"
Popular oil additive
Indy 500 letters
Nascar sponsor
Race car sponsor
Indy 500 sponsor
Big initials at Indy
60's-70's hallucinogen
Racing car product
Oil additive
Gas station product
Fuel additive brand
Product made by Armor All
Big Nascar advertiser
Indy 500 logo
Big Indy 500 advertiser
Oil treatment letters
"The Racer's Edge" sloganeer
Fuel additive
Indy letters
Initials on a Nascar car
Engine additive letters
Big name in auto products
Car care product
Racing initials
Dura Lube alternative
500 letters
Certain "edge"
Indy sponsor
Inits. at a gas station
Pit stop can
Sponsor at Indy
Crankcase additive
Letters at a Nascar race
Engine-cleaning brand
500 letters?
Its slogan is "The Racer's Edge"
Race sponsor
Big race sponsor
Name on an oval
Indy racer sponsor
Popular fuel additive
Product at a gas station
Longtime Nascar sponsor
Big letters in racing
Engine additive brand
Speedway letters
Indy 500 advertiser
Product with the old jingle line "One little can will keep you running free"
Motor Up alternative
Big inits. at Indy
Big car racer sponsor
Indy 500 inits.
Engine additive
1999 Clorox acquisition
Brand at a gas station
Brand of octane booster
Motor fuel additive
Big initials in auto products
One of racer John Andretti's sponsors
Andy's auto additive
Indy additive
Oil additive letters
Pit stop product
Petty cash supplier?
Gas additive
Indy supplement
Racing letters
Gas tank additive
Daytona 500 advertiser
Sponsor of some NASCAR drivers
Pit stop letters
Oil additive since 1954
NASCAR sponsor since 1970
Havoline rival
Gasoline additive
Racetrack logo
NASCAR supplier
Pep Boys purchase
Valvoline rival
AutoZone purchase
Petty cash source?
Letters at Indy
Brand of power steering fluid
Maker of Son of a Gun! car care products
Brand owned by Clorox
Petty cash source, once
Additive sold at Pep Boys
NASCAR advertiser
Gas additive brand
Additive at Indy
Auto maintenance letters
Big name in auto additives
It once had a jingle with the line "One little can will keep you running free"
Longtime Richard Petty sponsor
Engine performance aid
1985 Union Carbide acquisition
NASCAR sponsor since 1971
Gas treatment letters
Auto-racing sponsor
Clorox brand
Auto-racer sponsor
Motor-oil additive
Valvoline alternative
''The racer's edge''
Motor oil additive brand
Long time NASCAR sponsor
Brand for a gearhead
Big name at Indy
Maker of fuel additives
Brake fluid brand
Indy initials
Onetime sponsor of Richard Petty and Mario Andretti
Octane Booster brand
Lube letters
Logo on many a Richard Petty race car
Motor oil brand
Auto additive
Racer's sponsor
"Interstate Love Song" band, for short
Motor additive brand
Winter Maintenance Formula maker
Auto engine conditioner
Engine oil additive
Auto additives co. that hints at this puzzle's theme
Oil-treatment letters
Son of a Gun! Protectant maker
Letters in a red oval
Auto additive brand
Auto-additive initials
Motorsports brand
The Racer's Edge
Brand known as "the racer's edge"
Talladega decal
Racecar fuel additive
Additive that sponsors NASCAR racers
Sponsor at some NHRA events
Big name in fuel additives
Slick 50 competitor
Motor oil additive
Slick 50 rival
Slick 50 alternative
Indy inits.
Brand of motor oil additive
Popular additive
Andy's additive
NAPA buy
Gas-tank additive
500 initials
The racer's edge, commercially
Auto engine additive
Longtime sponsor in NASCAR events
Popular fuel additive brand
Auto additive letters
Big inits. in fuel additives
Auto oil additive
Major NASCAR sponsor
Logo seen on race cars
Longtime sponsor of racing's #43 car
Eng. conditioner
Longtime Indy sponsor
Big name in gas treatments
Auto additive with a red oval logo
Longtime auto racing sponsor
Additive sold at AutoZone
Part of the Armored AutoGroup
Lucas Oil competitor
Gas additive letters
"The Racer's Edge" Indy sponsor
Common Nascar letters
___ 500, annual race in Ridgeway, Va.
Automotive brand with a red oval logo
Logo seen at the Indy 500
'The racer's edge'
Brand of brake fluid
Motor treatment letters
Letters on a track
Longtime sponsor of Richard Petty
Big Indy inits.
Gasoline additive brand
Initials seen at Indy
Son of a Gun! vinyl protectant maker
Motor oil choice
Racetrack letters
Pep Boys product
Pit crew's canful
Gas Booster brand
It's the "Racers' Edge"
Car care brand
Oomph! degreaser brand
Auto performance brand
Brand of fuel additives
lndy 500 advertiser
Race car logo
Brand of motor oil
Ethanol fuel system treatment brand
"The Racer's Edge" product
"Helping Engines Run Better" sloganeer
Havoline competitor
Sprint Cup Series sponsor
Letters on many a racecar
Granatelli's additive
Racer's brand
Brand at the Daytona 500
Auto. engine enhancer
Inits. at Indy
AutoZone brand
Additive sold at Napa
Eng. oil additive
Initials on some Indy cars
P.o. item
Speedway brand
Major race sponsor
Big advertiser at auto races
Brand sold at Pep Boys
Big engine additive
Oil treatment brand since 1954
Valvoline competitor
Brand in a "non-friction best seller" ad
Pennzoil competitor
Auto additive with a mostly red oval logo
Engine additive since 1954
Additive sold at Napa Auto Parts
It's "inside every great machine"
Nascar additive
Brand at a garage
Indy brand
Oil additive brand
Common fuel additive
NASCAR brand
Gas treatment brand
Big brand with an oval logo
Pennzoil rival
Frequent auto race sponsor
Rival of Havoline
Oil Stabilizer maker
Fuel additive letters
Common race-car decal
Popular gas additive
Brand sold at gas stations
Popular engine additive
"The Racer's Edge" brand
Automotive brand with an oval logo
Indy 500 initialism
Longtime advertiser at the Indy 500
Race car driver's additive
Treatment for fuel injectors
Big racing sponsor
Garage brand
Big speedway sponsor
Canful at a gas station
Brand seen at speedways
Noted speedway sponsor
Filling station brand
Longtime sponsor of 8-Down
Soak as tea
Big name in motor oil
Brand seen at AutoZone
Pit stop brand
Indy label
Speedway additive brand
Gas additive brand that's a longtime NASCAR sponsor