STACCATO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 24 times.
- Cut short in performing
- Clipped, in music
- Disjointed
- Musically disconnected
- Detached
- What a dot indicates on a musical score
- Rapid-fire
- Broken off, musically
- Unsustained, in music
- Disconnected, musically
- Rapid-fire, musically
- Detached, in music
- Short disconnected notes, in music
- Musically detached
- Detached, on a score
- Choppy, in music
- Disconnected, as in music
- Abruptly disconnected, in music
- Like dotted musical notes
- Detached, musically
- Choppy, to Chopin
- Musically choppy
- Opposite of legato
- How dotted notes should be played