Crossword Heaven
Answer: SONAR
SONAR is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 200 times.
Sub detector
Sub standard?
Item on a sub
Sub's "ears"
Echolocation device
Destroyer detector
Salvager's system
Whale finder
Source of waves at sea
Ship salvager's aid
Antisub device
Navigational aid
Sea salvage aid
Detection device
Echo analyzer
U-boat detector
Salvager's gear
Submarine detector
It hunted for Red October
Echo finder
52-Down gear
Blip maker
Sub system
Sub finder
Marine detector
Blip displayer
Salvaging aid
Whale spotter
Aid in removal of mines
Bat signals?
School locator
Salvage ship's equipment
Kind of signal
A school might be found using it
Deep-sea fishing aid
Salvager's equipment
Submarine-detecting system
Coast Guard equipment
Underwater wave generator
Ocean explorer's aid
School locator?
Sunken ship finder
Sub's navigational aid
Ping producer
Fish finder
Method for detecting submarines
Fleet finder
Bat's detection tool
Echoic finder
Bass boat feature
Dolphin faculty
Sub technology
Ocean tracker
Fish-finding aid
Shipwreck finder
Underwater detection device
Underwater finder
Depth finder
Method for tracking subs
Vessel detector
Underwater object locater
Sub tracking device
Hydroacoustic technology
Submarine finder
Wolf pack locater
Salvage ship equipment
Sub locator
Tool for bats
Sub sensor
Submarine tracking device
Naval device
Tracking method
Sub's tracking device
Sub tracker
Undersea acronym
Undersea tracker
Submarine tracker
Salvage-ship equipment
Treasure hunter's aid
Kin of echolocation
Echo sounder
Underwater transmission
Bats use it
Sub-conscious sensor?
Submarine apparatus
Sub seeker
Echo-sounding equipment
Sub's ears
Salvaging aid, perhaps
Bass boat feature, sometimes
Navigation device
Subs defense system
Sub device
Fish tracker
Salvager's detection system
Dolphin's sense
System in a submarine
Fish detector
Aid in finding the Titanic
Sub-tracking device
Echo-sounding system
Submarine sensing system
Red October detector
Ping maker
Aid in finding sunken ships
Shipwreck locator
Navigation tool
Fishing-boat accessory
Underwater sound device
Sub sighter
Sub spotter
School-searching tool
Ship tracker
Dolphin sense
Mine locator
Submarine-detecting device
Echolocation acronym
Water penetrating device
Feature of some fishing boats
System used on a sub
Underwater tracker
Mine detector
Echo-location method
Echolocation method
Bat signal?
Radar relative
Sub apparatus
Submarine locator
Hydroacoustic tool
Whale locator
Nautical detector
Sub navigation tool
Torpedo detector
Wolf pack tracker
Navigation aid at sea
Hydroacoustic device
Whale tracker
Navigating system
U-boat finder
Submarine sensor
Shipwreck hunter's aid
Navigation acronym
Dolphin facility
It might pick up a big fish
Radar's kin
Submarine locating device
Bats navigate with it
Creator of ocean waves
Mine finder
Salvage mission aid
Submarine equipment
Capability of whales and dolphins
Wreck locator
Ship's tracking device
Modern navigation tool
Whale facility
Bats' navigational tool
Sub sounder
Salvage ship's detection system
Technique using underwater acoustics
Fish-tracking aid
Detection device that can confuse whales
Tracking system
Mine countermeasure
Submarine navigation device
Underwater detector
Bat's echolocation system
One method of locating schools
Submarine device
Bathymetry tool
Submarine navigation aid
Underwater navigation aid
Submarine seeker
Sub detection device
Shipwreck-finding tech
Sound-based detection method
Underwater tracking device
Device for detecting underwater objects
Toothed whale's technique
Naval navigation device
Underwater detection system
Counterpart of radar
Dolphin communication method
Sound navigation
Underwater navigation tool
Dolphin's detection process
Nautical navigation tool
Ocean floor mapping aid
Sound-based detection system
Bat signal
Naval acronym
Underwater tracking aid
System for underwater detection
Military technology that's a source of stress for whales
Technology used in seafloor mapping
Help in finding subs
Echolocation is a natural form of it
Submarine's tech