Crossword Heaven
Answer: SLYLY
SLYLY is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 47 times.
With subterfuge
With cunning
How to palm a card
On the quiet
How to cheat
In a foxy fashion
In a furtive manner
In a wily way
In a crafty way
In a furtive fashion
With an ulterior motive
How an April fool may be done
With guile
In a furtive way
In a sneaky way
With a wink, perhaps
With craft
In a cunning manner
In a sneaky manner
With deviousness
How a card sharp plays
On the down-low
On the q.t.
In underhanded fashion
In a foxy way
In a feline way
In foxlike fashion
In a vulpine way
How many winks are made
In an underhanded manner
In a devious way
In a cunning way
With caginess
How cheaters deal cards
In a calculating way
With craftiness
With a wink
In a devious manner
With sleight of hand, say
How someone might wink
On the D.L.
With a wink, say
In a crafty manner