Answer: SLOWER
SLOWER is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 28 times.
- Largo, vis-à-vis presto
- Like rail vis-à-vis air
- Ritardando, musically
- Not as busy
- Less apt to learn
- Like a runner-up, often
- "Don't go so fast!"
- Not so fast
- More like molasses
- Adagio, vis-a-vis andante
- Largo, compared to andante
- Largo, vis-a-vis larghetto
- Less likely to win the race
- Ritardando, in music
- More dilatory
- Ritardando
- "Not so fast!"
- Not as fast
- Like right-lane traffic, usually
- Less speedy
- Not quick on the uptake
- Adagio, as compared to allegro
- Largo, vis-a-vis adagio
- Largo, compared to adagio
- What a ritardando gradually gets
- Like the tortoise, vis-a-vis the hare
- Like the 1-Across vis-Ã -vis the tortoise, ironically
- More like the tortoise