Answer: SERA
SERA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 309 times.
- Bug shots?
- Blood supplies
- Transfusion fluids
- Antivenins
- Antitoxins
- Word repeated after "Que"
- Antitoxin fluids
- Will be, to Doris Day
- Intravenous infusions
- Hospital supplies
- Watery fluids
- Some transfusions
- Toxin fighters
- Hospital fluids
- Flu fighters
- Red Cross supplies
- They can repel bugs
- Infection suppressants
- See 10-Across
- Shot fluids
- "Buona ___" (Italian greeting)
- Medical liquids
- "Will be," to Doris Day
- "Que" follower, in song
- Blood fluids
- Immunologists' samples
- Vaccines
- Evening in Venezia
- Stuff on slides
- Some injections
- Word repeated after "Que" in a song
- Evening in Rome
- Clinic fluids
- Word repeated after "Que," in song
- Some medicines
- Evening on Mt. Etna
- Word repeated after "Que" in song
- Red Cross inventories
- They may carry antibodies
- "Buona ___"
- Some infusions
- Hospital supply
- "Buona ___!"
- Antivenins, e.g.
- Word repeated in a Doris Day song
- Fluids in bags
- Hospital shipments
- Evening for Evangelo
- Corriere della ___, Italy's top-selling newspaper
- Clinic supplies
- Roman evening
- Word following "Que," in song
- Word following "Que" twice, in song
- Medical supplies
- Repeated word in a Doris Day song title
- Medicinal fluids
- Blood bank fluids
- Plasmas
- It's repeated after "Que," in song
- It comes twice after "Qué" in a song
- Contents of test tubes
- Body fluids
- Evening, in Venezia
- It's repeated after "Que" in a song
- Infection fighters
- Immunological fluids
- Lab fluids
- Fluid parts of blood
- Word in a Doris Day song
- End of Doris Day's theme song
- Word sung twice after "Que"
- Fluids in shots
- Infirmary fluids
- Word repeated in the title of Doris Day's signature song
- Evening, on Elba
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be"
- Antibody fluids
- Notte preceder
- Shot contents
- Day's "will be"
- Will be in Spain?
- Blood bank supply
- Repeated word in a 1956 hit
- Immunization fluids
- Some shots
- Bug fighters
- Inoculation fluids
- Evening, in Rome
- Word before "whatever," in a 1956 hit
- Blood components
- "Que __ ..."
- "... __, whatever will be ..." (Doris Day lyric)
- Blood-bank inventory
- Certain antidotes
- Time of ''giorno''
- Medical fluids
- Ettore's evening
- Transfusion liquids
- ''... ___, whatever will be, will be''
- "Will be," in a Doris Day song
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be" (Day lyric)
- ''... ___, whatever will be ...''
- Doris Day song word
- They're delivered in shots
- Title word in a Doris Day song
- Part of Doris Day's theme song
- Repeated word in a Doris Day hit
- ''Buona ___'' (Italian greeting)
- Day's ''will be''
- Word sung twice after ''que''
- Red Cross collection
- An evening in Florence
- Red Cross collections
- ". . . ___, whatever will be, will be"
- Watery fluids (Var.)
- Blood bank deposits
- Vaccination fluids
- Corriere della ___ (Italian newspaper)
- Watery blood components
- Antitoxins, perhaps
- Contents of some injections
- Word in Doris Day's theme song
- Hospital lab supplies
- Word sung by Doris Day
- It follows "Que" in a song
- Word after "que," in song
- Some body fluids (Var.)
- It's repeated after "Que" in song
- Word sung by Day
- Word repeated after "que" in a famous song
- End of Doris Day's theme song title
- Doris Day song title word after "que"
- Word sung twice after "Que," in a Day tune
- Evening, along the Arno
- When Italian ghouls come out?
- Word repeated in Doris Day's signature song
- Some vaccines
- Doris Day song title word
- Evening in Italy
- Will be, in a Doris Day song
- Venetian evening
- Evening in Naples
- "... ___, whatever will be ..."
- Word repeated in a Doris Day hit
- "... ___, whatever will be ..." (Doris Day lyric)
- "Que ___ ..."
- Immunity fluids
- Evening in Parma
- Time of "giorno"
- Protein-rich liquids
- Que___
- Milky wheys, e.g.
- Doris Day song word repeated after "Que"
- Florentine evening
- Evening in Padua
- Evening in Roma
- Fluids
- Some biologicals
- Anti-snakebite supplies, e.g.
- "Will be," in a Day song
- Song word repeated after "Que"
- Innoculants
- Word twice in a Doris Day song
- Evening (Ital.)
- Twice, this follows 'Que'
- Red Cross supply
- This twice follows 'Que'
- Anti-toxins
- This follows 'Que' twice
- Word repeated after 'qu'
- Word sung twice after 'que'
- Word said twice after 'que'
- Will be (Sp.)
- Clinic shipments
- Evening on the Arno
- Evening in Torino
- Doris Day lyric repeated after "Que"
- Word from a Doris Day song
- Clinic shipment
- Hypo liquids
- Evening, in Roma
- Evening, at La Scala
- Shot liquids
- Antitoxin sources
- Vital fluids
- Antidotes, say
- Word famously sung by Doris Day
- Some blood bank collections
- Lyric sung by Doris Day
- They often pass through needles
- Que sera ___
- Some antitoxins
- Vial fluids
- Test tube fluids
- Evening, in Italy
- Doris Day lyric
- They may be used in veins
- Day song word
- Fluids in syringes
- Some body fluids
- Evening at Lake Como
- Evening, in Milano
- Flu preventers
- Immunizing fluids
- "Will be" in a Doris Day song
- They're measured in shots
- Intravenous infusion
- Evening, in Venice
- Blood products
- Injected fluids
- Yellowish blood bank donations
- Plural of 49-Across
- Word in a Doris Day tune
- Repeated word in a Doris Day song
- Emergency room supplies
- Vial liquids
- Florence's evening
- Part of blood
- Blood fluids, e.g.
- Evening on Mount Etna
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be" (song lyric)
- Medicinal shipment
- Blood-bank supply
- Plasmas minus fibrinogens
- Word in a Doris Day song title
- "Buona ___" (greeting in Italy)
- Flu shots
- Shot putters' needs?
- Emilio's evening
- Shot putter's supply?
- Blood parts
- Evening, in Milan
- Evening, in Italia
- "Buona ___" (Italian welcome)
- "Buona ___" (Italian "Good evening"
- "que ___ . . .": 1956 hit
- "Buona ___" (Italian phrase)
- Fluids with antibodies
- Evening, in Naples
- Night time, in Italy
- Bug zappers?
- Lyric repeated after "Que"
- Italian evening
- Blood-bank stuff
- Lake Como "evening"
- Evening in Venice
- Milan's evening
- Italian night
- Fluids stocked in hospitals
- "Buona ___": Gino's "Good evening"
- Evening in Pisa
- Subjects of biochemical analyses
- Evening, in Palermo
- Inoculated fluids
- "Buona ___" (good night)
- Contents of IV bags
- Shipment to a hospital
- "... ___, whatever will be..."
- Pomeriggio follower
- Repeated Doris Day song word
- Lyric after "Que"
- End of a Doris Day hit
- Some wheys
- "... ___, whatever will be"
- Animal fluids
- Evening on Etna
- Plasma
- Vaccine fluids
- Word sung after 'que'
- Liquid hospital supply
- IV bag's innards
- E.R. fluids
- Anticancer injections
- Medical lab liquids
- Some hospital supplies
- Some inoculants
- "Buona ___": Italian "Good evening"
- Bodily fluids
- Centrifuge products
- Lab vial contents
- Word said twice after "que"
- What Doris Day sang after "Que"
- Snakebite remedy
- La fine del giorno
- Italian for "evening"
- Liquids in shots
- "Buona ___": Italian greeting
- Immunology lab array
- Wellness fluids
- Red Cross fluids
- Blood drive fluids
- Fluids used for blood typing
- Some lab liquids
- Protein-rich blood components
- Spanish : noche :: Italian : ___
- Some skin-care products
- Evening in Amalfi
- Components of blood
- Some hydrating skin-care products
- "Will be," in Spanish
- Word repeated in a 1956 Doris Day single
- Lab liquids
- Antivenoms, e.g.
- Clinic liquids
- Some hydrating skin care products
- Italian counterpart to "mattina"
- Word sung twice after "Que" in a classic song
- Some facial cosmetics
- Contents of some shots