Crossword Heaven
Answer: SCAB
SCAB is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 190 times.
Sign of healing
Striker's cry
Picket line pariah
Healing sign
Object of union protest
Sore point?
Wound cover
One who's not out on called strikes
One who crosses the line?
Union foe
Picket line ignorer
Picketer's replacement
Line crosser?
Picket line crosser
Object of a union’s anger
One crossing a line
Evidence of injury
Strike defier
Wound protector
Unpopular worker
Cover for a wound
Walkout defier
Worker during a walkout
Healing formation
Very unpopular worker
Healing feature
Owie covering
Union flouter
Scrape evidence
Picket line defier
Hardly a striking individual
Healing crust
Certain line-crosser
Line crosser of a sort
Hardly a striking individual?
Wound reminder
Skin wound covering
Striker's bane
Line crosser
Striker's substitute
Striker's enemy
Labor pain?
Picketer's bane
Labor union foe
Boo-boo memento
Striker's antithesis
Wound topper
Picketer provoker
Formation over a wound
Fill-in for a striking worker
One crossing through the strike zone?
Sore protection
Wound formation
Certain line crosser
Wound covering
It may be a sore spot
Picket-line crosser
Natural healing aid
Sore souvenir
Protestor's replacement
Wound healing element
Strike breaker
Union defier
Beginning of healing, sometimes
Nonstriking worker
Scratch memento
It shows where a cut was made
Striker's anathema
Indication of healing
Evidence of healing
Wound remnant
Striker's nemesis
One who crosses the line
One objecting to a called strike
One who works during a strike
Management ally of a sort
One who works despite a strike
Scrape aftermath
Strike spurner
Union deserter, maybe
Nature's band-aid
Object of a unions anger
What kids are taught not to pick
Picket provoker
Person who crosses the line
Union bête noire
Union's bane
Union opponent
Persona non grata at a strike
Union underminer
Nature's bandage
Striker's foe
Natural wound cover
Cut coverer
Person who crosses the line?
Picketer's nemesis
Walkout walk-in
Union enemy
Boo-boo evidence
Evidence of bodily harm
Abrasion aftermath
Union-busting type
One who's not striking
Injury result
Nonunion worker in a union job
Target of union hatred
Strike ignorer
Cut covering
Boo-boo reminder
Part of the healing process
Picketer's pariah
Healing cover
Striker's adversary
Part 2 of a Labour Day quotation
Union buster
Natural bandage
Picketer's foe
Accident reminder
Skinned-knee sight
Picket line jumper
Coagulated wound
Natural cut protection
Nature's cut cover
One who has crossed the line?
Labour pariah
Striker's foil
Wound, after a few days
Feature of a healing cut
Line breaker
Striker's Benedict Arnold
It may cover a sore spot
Strikebreaker, slangily
Scrape reminder
Scraped-knee covering
Wound mark
Leave a mark
Wound's protective cover
Protective wound cover
Persona non grata, to a striker
It forms over a healing abrasion
Wound protection
One crossing the line?
Striker's fill-in
Persona non grata to a striker [1]
Strike fear?
Picket line violator
Crusty formation
Wound coverer
Union betrayer
Striker's replacement
Striker's villain
Union concern
Provider of protective coverage
Picketer defier
Union pariah
Natural wound protection
Strike replacement
Worker during a strike
Temporary cover
Part of a natural repair process
Result of healing
Strikebreaking worker
Union member's nemesis
Cut aftermath
Protective crust
Sign of a wound's healing
3-Down concern
One who crosses a line
Natural cover
Line crosser, of a sort
Natural Band-Aid?
Scrape remnant
Wound up on top?
Evidence of a recent scrape
Healing indicator
It may cover a cut
Scrape cover
Part of a healing process
Reminder of a scrape
Heal (over)
Strike underminer
Scrape coverer
Evidence of an injury
Temporary cover of a sort