Answer: SASS
SASS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 250 times.
- Cheek
- Get fresh with
- Back talk
- Act saucy
- Be impudent
- Lip
- Disrespect
- Smart stuff
- Get smart with
- Insolence
- Words of disrespect
- Disrespect, in a way
- Challenge authority
- Talk trash to
- Answer defiantly
- Reason for detention, maybe
- Guff
- Backtalk
- Rejoin rudely
- Smart talk
- Cheekiness
- Impertinent talk
- Get smart
- Reason for a parental reprimand
- Mouth, so to speak
- Cause for a child's scolding
- Talk back to
- Answer with attitude
- Mouth off to
- Talk back
- Impertinence
- Show disrespect to
- Get snippy with
- Impudence
- Fresh talk
- Freshness
- Freshness
- Snippiness
- Impudent talk
- Talk that might get one in trouble
- Mouthing off
- Reason for parental scolding
- Cause for a kid getting grounded
- Give lip to
- Answer with an attitude
- Get smart?
- Mouth off
- Verbal impudence
- Fresh kid's feedback
- Mouth
- Be disrespectful to
- Give one the business
- Fresh response
- Say freshly
- Disrespectful back talk
- Be rude to
- Be cheeky with
- Impudent speech
- Give back talk to
- Fresh approach?
- Some teenager talk
- Smart remarks?
- Fresh words
- Be bratty with
- Cheek or lip
- Answer back
- Talk freshly to
- Brash talk
- Be impertinent
- Disrespectful talk
- Give some lip to
- Pert blurt
- Flirt with a grounding
- Give lip
- Disrespect verbally
- Impudent reply
- Treat disrespectfully
- Disrespect orally
- Talk disrespectfully to
- Fresh response?
- Lip service
- Answer back in an impudent manner
- Dis verbally
- Cause for a child's punishment, perhaps
- Verbally disrespect
- Brat's rebuttal
- Rude rejoinder
- Challenge authority, in a way
- Be disrespectful to, in a way
- Feistiness
- Reason for detention
- Unwelcome talk
- Insolent act
- Contents of snippy retorts
- Verbal feistiness
- Bratty outburst
- Reason to scold a child
- Get wise with
- Lip or cheek
- Respond with an attitude
- Cheeky talk
- Be bratty with, in a way
- Child's offense
- Bratty talk
- Impudent back talk
- Pert talk
- Reason to scold a kid
- Grounds for grounding?
- Fresh lines?
- Reason for grounding, perhaps
- Cheeky chatter
- Cheeky behavior
- Bad thing to give an umpire
- Snippy comeback
- Sign of disrespect
- Impudent earful
- Mouth off at
- Heckle
- Wise off to
- Pizzazz
- Spunk
- Sign of freshness
- Imprudent talk
- Reason for a reprimand
- Insolent talk
- Talk impudently
- Give guff to
- Cause for a kid's grounding
- Pertness
- Impudent response
- Lip off to
- Smart answers
- Talk back or back talk
- Give some lip
- Back-talk
- Mouthy lip
- Act the wisenheimer
- Wise off
- Demerit generator
- Insolent rejoinder
- Be smart with
- Reason for a parental reprimand, perhaps
- Some sharp words
- Answers that may anger
- Fresh answers, say
- Smart-alecky talk
- Brat's comeback
- Be bratty
- Get lippy
- Brat's response
- Rude response
- Effrontery
- *1-/53-Down
- Brashness
- Be rude to, in a way
- Brat talk
- Give cheek
- Smart comments
- Brat's talk
- Run off at the mouth
- Challenge for a babysitter
- Grounds for a time-out
- It's delivered freshly
- An impudent rejoinder
- Vocal impertinence
- Possible grounds for grounding
- Get cheeky with
- Bratty retort
- Common reason for a timeout
- Talk fresh to
- Impudent stuff
- Be mouthy
- Be fresh
- Bratty comeback
- Possible cause for a time-out
- Product of a disrespectful mouth
- Lippy language
- Provide backtalk
- Fresh answers
- Feisty backtalk
- Give wise remarks
- Answer back disrespectfully
- Smart answer, sometimes
- Spew backtalk
- What a well-behaved child doesn't do
- Smart-alecky backtalk
- Unwelcome comeback
- Brat's output
- Freshness of the spoiled
- Wisenheimer's talk
- Feisty verbal comebacks
- Verbal attitude
- Inappropriate backtalk
- Wisecracks and zingers
- Teen talk?
- Talk defiantly
- Attitude
- See 6-down
- Get lippy with
- Be flippant with
- Bratty yap-yap
- Fresh-mouthed talk
- Unwanted lip
- Be flippant
- Unappreciated talk
- Answer politely? No
- What "Talk to the hand!" is an example of
- Stylishness
- Talk smack to
- Bratty replies
- Rebellious teen's talk
- Be bratty with
- Say "Talk to the hand, 'cause the face ain't listenin'," say
- Snippy return
- Fresh quality
- Some wisecracks
- Cheeky remarks
- Some freshness
- Fresh nature
- Time-out talk?
- Cheeky comments
- Bratty backtalk
- Impudent replies
- Defiant talk
- "You can't make me!," e.g.
- See 48-Across
- Smart-alecky responses
- Give attitude
- Talk back to rudely
- Time-out cause
- Spiritedness
- Bratty comebacks
- Fresh stuff
- Undesirable freshness
- Spirited quality
- Ask "Why should I?," say
- Be wise to
- Speak disrespectfully to
- 'Tude
- Spunkiness
- Drag queen's trait
- Chutzpah
- Flippant freshness
- Give lip service?
- Pert reply
- *tude
- Cheeky answers
- Snippy attitude
- Fresh answer, maybe
- Bratty attitude