Crossword Heaven
Answer: PURR
PURR is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 158 times.
Sound of a cat or engine
Tabby talk
Manx "Thanks!"
Persian output
Sound of a fine-tuned engine
Sound of a tuned engine
"I'm happy" in Siamese?
Engine sound
Sound of contentment
Run smoothly
Good engine sound
Petted pet's sound
Say coquettishly
Sound from a Burmese
Contented sound
Run perfectly
What gentle strokes may produce
Sound from a sex kitten?
Sign of a contented cat
Copy cats?
Show contentedness, perhaps
Contented kitty's sound
Siamese sound of contentment
Sound from a Siamese
Sound from an Abyssinian
Feline hum
Happy cat's sound
Sound of pleasure
Siamese for "Aah!"?
Siamese for "Ni-i-ice!"?
Rumble in the jungle?
Run like a dream
Sound from a cuddled kitty
Contented kitten's sound
Relaxed sound
Run softly
Be catty
Sound smooth
Run really well
Contented cat sound
Contented cat's sound
Run great
Contented tabby sound
Siamese sound
Run like a charm, as an engine
Cat or engine sound
Feline "I feel fine"
Manx murmur
Catnap noise
Smooth sound
Cat's murmur
Persian sound
Sound from Catwoman
Smooth-running engine sound
Music to a cat lover's ears
Rumble of cats
Happy rumble
Sound engine sound
Sound from a contented cat
Siamese sign of contentment
Sound of a contented cat
Run well
Siamese response
Make a catty remark?
Make a catty remark
"I'm happy" in the siamese
Kitten's sound
Kitten's call
Engine noise
Desirable engine sound
Contentment sound
Kitten's comment
Kitten noise
Cat noise
Copy a kitty
Run well, as an engine
Say sexily
Run smoothly, as an engine
Kittenish sound
Sound of a content cat
Kitty croon
Run like a top
Sound of a happy engine
Sound finely tuned
Kitten sound
"That feels good" in Siamese?
Result of some heavy petting?
Happy Himalayan's rumble
Sound from a contented kitty
Well-tuned engine sound
Feline sound
Kitty's satisfied sound
Sign of feline felicity
Himalayan production
Sound from a sphynx
Cat sound found in the answer at 17-Across
Sound like a well-tuned engine
What cats and some engines do
Motor sound
Cat's rumble
Sound of a finely tuned engine
Respond to a belly rub, say
Contentment indicator
Cat sound
Contented kitty sound
Sound of satisfaction
What you want your engine to do
Smooth engine sound
Sound of a contented kitty
Emulate a happy cat
Kitty's feedback
Catty comment?
Sound of a happy feline
Sound of a satisfied Siamese
Sound of a happy cat
Sound of a Maltese or motor
Emulate a contented cat
Sound of a well-tuned engine
Be catty?
Persian murmur
Sound from a contented Siamese
Cat's utterance
Feline murmur
Catty comment
Good sound at the garage
What engines can do
Content cat sound
Abyssinian's sound
Sound of a contented Siamese
Pet's contented sound
Sound from a lynx's larynx
Hum, as an engine
Happy kitty sound
Reaction to scritches, maybe
Contented pet's sound
Sound of feline felicity
Sound from a cat or an engine
Sign of cat love
Sound of a Siamese
Happy Himalayan's sound
Speak softly with contentment
Car or cat sound
Happy cat sound
"I am VERY happy you gave me this catnip"
Contented rumble
Garage mechanic's goal, maybe
Feline response
Cat's sound of self-relaxation
[I'm a happy cat]
Ideal engine sound
Cat's sound
Sound of feline contentment
Sound of a happy tabby
Feline rumble
Sound from a happy cat
Sound from a pleased kitty
Sound of a smooth-running engine