Crossword Heaven
Answer: PLUTO
PLUTO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 89 times.
Disney dog
1930 discovery
Distant planet
It's about 2,100 miles in diameter
Ruler of Hades
Mickey's dog
Cartoon canine
Astronomical discovery of 1930
Planet whose name is a Disney character
2006 neologism meaning "to demote"
A dwarf planet, now
Mickey Mouse's puppy pal
Charon's planet
Its year is 248.53 times longer than Earth's
Underworld god
Ninth rock from the sun
Disney mutt from hell?
"Demoted" object in the solar system
Recently demoted planet
Its planethood was revoked in 2006
Planetary outcast
Mickey Mouse's pet pooch
Demoted planet
Reclassified planet
Mickey's mutt
Nix and Hydra orbit it
Dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt
Disney pooch
Charon is its largest moon
It was reclassified in 2006
Notable reclassification of 8/24/2006
Toon mutt
Demoted dwarf planet
Newly classified ''dwarf planet''
Orb beyond Neptune
Charon circles it
Dwarf planet discovered in 1930
Ninth planet
Ninth planet from the sun?
Ninth planet no more
Body in the Kuiper belt
Planet demoted in 2006
Mickey's pet
The dog from hell?
Newly classified "dwarf planet"
Mickey Mouse's dog
A planet, once
Erstwhile planet
Former planet
Planet discovered in 1930
Dwarf planet
Demotion victim of 2006
Reclassification of 2006
Dwarf planet since 2006
1930 Clyde Tombaugh discovery
Demotion in 2006 news
God of the underworld/ dwarf planet
Recipient of a major downgrade in 2006
Second-most-massive dwarf planet
Planet no more
Disney dog
Photo subject for NASA's New Horizons
Planet downgraded in 2006
Small planet
Ninth rock from the sun, once
Designated dwarf planet since 2006
Mickey's pooch
What Styx circles
2006 demotion
Dwarf planet beyond Neptune
Planet demoted to "dwarf planet" in 2006
Planet for a canine?
Disneyland dog
Underworld ruler
Toon dog in "Mickey's Revue"
Classic Disney character who never speaks
Former planet reclassified in 2006
Largest object in the Kuiper belt
Dwarf planet past Neptune
Verb meaning "demote" coined in 2006
Dog owned by a talking mouse
Planet until 2006
It has only one-sixth of the mass of Earth's moon
Yama counterpart
Disney character who may have been named in 1931 for a newly discovered planet
Second-most massive of the solar system's known dwarf planets
Ninth planet, until 2006
Subject of a 2006 demotion
"I love you to ___ and back!"