Answer: ORE
ORE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 1146 times.
- Smeltery input
- Cuprite, e.g.
- It's unsmelted
- It runs in veins
- Norwegian coin
- Mined-over matter
- Nickel in a pocket, say?
- Stuff of mine
- Fissure filler
- Smeltery pile
- Get a lode of this!
- Great Lakes cargo
- Wash. neighbor
- Mine product
- Mine metal
- Hard rock, maybe
- Mined metal
- Neighbor of Ida.
- It's found in banks
- Bauxite or hematite
- Change from a krone
- Profitable extraction
- You can dig it
- Bonanza find
- Sourdough's find
- Iron man's quest?
- Dig it!
- Mine find
- Band of gold?
- Comstock output
- It's found in the ground
- Some can dig it
- Valuable rocks
- It lacks refinement
- Prospector's find
- It's pursued in vein
- It may have a silver lining
- Tramload
- Metal to be refined
- Dig it
- Rough stuff
- Mine diggings
- Where Salem is: Abbr.
- Assayer's specimen
- Paydirt
- Riches from ditches
- Smelter input
- Miner's quarry
- Source of iron
- Mine material
- Vein glory?
- Shipment to a mill
- Vein pursuit
- Valuable deposit
- Metallurgist's subject
- Bauxite, e.g.
- Pay dirt
- Scandinavian money
- Refinable rock
- Parts of a krona
- It may be reached by tunnel
- Seam contents
- Objective for 25-Across
- Miner's find
- Seam content
- Buried treasure
- Mine extraction
- Load from a lode
- Contents of 28-Across
- Miner's quest
- Scandinavian currency
- It may be in a bed
- It's fine for a refinery
- Tram filler
- Bauxite or magnetite
- It might be picked apart
- Bonanza stuff
- Hematite, for one
- Subject of testing
- See 11-Down
- It might be found in a rush
- Rush attraction
- Excavation find
- Metal container
- It's picked out
- Part of a krone
- It may be sought in a rush
- Bank deposit?
- Can you dig it?
- Mesabi range find
- Metallic rock
- A load off one's mine?
- Mined-over matter?
- Assayer's material
- Lode load
- Vein find
- Tramcar load
- Find for 8-Across
- Kind of deposit
- Prospector's prize
- Miner's load
- Vein contents
- Iron or gold source
- Underground wealth
- It can be picked out
- Metallurgist's material
- Bank deposit
- Bucket conveyor's load
- Calif.'s northern neighbor
- Lead ___
- Miner's discovery
- "–ite" compound, often
- Lode deposit
- It's north of Calif.
- Seamy matter
- Metal in rocks
- Source of iron or lead
- It's extracted
- It's picked
- Beryl, e.g.
- Assayer's stuff
- It may be found in a pocket
- Graphite, e.g.
- Miner matter
- Prospector's interest
- Swedish coin
- Mined rock
- It's found in seams
- It needs refinement
- Valuable rock
- Source of gold
- Something to slag
- Mineral source
- Swedish coins
- It needs refining
- Something to pick
- It may have a lead part
- Nugget holder
- Blast furnace material
- Mining target
- Ida. neighbor
- Cinnabar, e.g.
- Source of wealth
- Penny : pound :: ___ : krone
- Raw resource
- Seam material
- Prospecting find
- Tram contents
- Metal from a mine
- Metalliferous rock
- Blast furnace input
- Bank deposit, of sorts
- It may be picked
- It's major for miners
- Bauxite or galena
- Extraction target
- ___-Ida (Tater Tots maker)
- Rich rock
- 100ths of a krona
- It might hold gold
- Danish coin
- It's found in veins
- Iron ___
- Elementary stuff
- 1/100 of a krone
- Lead from a mountain?
- Bauxite, for one
- Cal. neighbor
- Naturally occurring mineral
- Rocky asset
- Metallurgist's sample
- Forty-niner's quest
- Miner's strike
- Metal-bearing mineral
- Mined find
- It requires refining
- Smeltery supply
- Lode contents
- Dig this
- Miners dig it
- Raw mineral
- Natural resource
- It's mined and refined
- Metal container?
- Rock discovery from down under?
- Galena or bauxite
- Hematite or bauxite
- Assayer's sample
- It's unrefined
- Rock deposit
- Unwrought iron
- Smelter material
- Miner concern
- Find in a mine
- Mined matter
- Miner's score
- Matter of miner concern
- Lucky strike
- Combination of minerals
- Seamy stuff?
- Miner's matter
- Heavy-metal rock?
- "-ite" rock
- Tramcar lode
- Unrefined material
- Argentite, e.g.
- Hematite or galena
- It may be picked out of a pocket
- Metallurgy specimen
- Forty-niner's score
- Vein extraction
- Hopper lode
- Prospector's quest
- Mt. Hood's state
- Assaying sample
- Metal-in-the-rough
- Assayer’s raw material
- Groundbreaking discovery?
- Cinnabar or pitchblende
- Cinnabar, for one
- Something to assay
- Valuable vein
- Heavy-metal rock
- Gold digger's strike
- Prospecting yield
- Some search for it in vein
- Substance in a seam
- "Mineral supplement" found in 20-, 33-, 43-, and 60-Across
- Calif. neighbor
- Klondike lure
- Mesabi shipment
- Ground-breaking discovery?
- Mined material
- Stuff that may hold gold
- Foundry need
- Material found at diggings
- It's found in a lode
- A lode off one's mine?
- Gold Rush quest
- Vein stuff
- Nev. neighbor
- Klondike find
- Coin of Sweden
- ___-Ida (brand in the frozen food section)
- Smithsonite or pentlandite, e.g.
- State that's home to Nike H.Q.
- Mountain treasure
- Uranium source, e.g.
- Metal on its way to a refinery
- Mine treasure
- Neighbor of Wash.
- Smithsonite, e.g.
- The Douglas fir is its state tree: Abbr.
- Aluminum source
- The Columbia R. forms part of its border
- It's found in a lode-bearing wall
- Coin of Denmark
- With 61-Down, brand of frozen potatoes
- It might be moved on a bucket conveyor
- What a gold digger is looking for
- It might have a silver lining
- Taconite, e.g.
- Setting of Crater L.
- What assayers analyze
- Smelting raw material
- Salem is its cap.
- What one of the hypocycloids in the Pittsburgh Steelers' logo represents
- Portland's state: Abbr.
- Gold container, maybe
- Buried treasure?
- Pitchblende, e.g.
- Assayed material
- Fraction of a krona
- Mining find
- Vein gloriousness?
- Unrefined stuff
- Setting of Pacific U.
- Slag furnace input
- The Snake R. forms part of its border
- Rock enjoyed by metal fans?
- Dirty money source?
- Smelting material
- Object of extraction
- It may be measured in assay tons
- Iron source
- Piece of mine?
- ___-Ida (brand of frozen French fries)
- Smeltery material
- It's found in a vein
- Bonanza, essentially
- A prospector might get a lode of it
- Bend's st.
- Cinnabar, vis-à-vis mercury
- Forty-niner's find
- Miner's objective
- Bonanza rock
- Bauxite, to aluminum
- Seam discovery
- Profitable rock
- It may be found in a deposit
- Rock that's mined
- Mining matter
- Face extraction
- It's picked out of a mine
- Refinery metal
- "Buried" treasure found in 17-, 27-, 44- and 59-Across
- Prospector's goal
- Tramcar filler
- Raw metal
- Tram load
- Salem's state: Abbr.
- Promising rock
- It may be picked out
- 50-Down member's find
- Rock with potential
- Hematite, e.g.
- Seam find
- Galena, for one
- Underground asset
- Discovery in a seam
- Eugene's state: Abbr.
- Tram car contents
- Bend site: Abbr.
- Useful mineral
- What some seams are made of
- Metal in the rough
- Substance for smelting
- Copper source
- Nickel source
- It's refined
- Magnesium source
- Furnace input
- Ground-breaking discovery
- Where Mt. Hood is
- Smelting input
- Mine yield
- Panner's quest
- Refinement candidate
- It's found underground
- Mine rock
- Tin source
- Rush discovery
- Rock that is mined
- State s. of Washington
- Gold source
- Source of nickel
- Vein material
- Unrefined metal
- Tramcar contents
- Stuff to smelt
- PST st.
- Prospector's yield
- Lode stuff
- Silver source
- Smeltery's raw material
- Tram cargo
- Assayer's concern
- Mine contents
- Mineral quest
- Raw material
- Source of scandium
- Stuff to refine
- Stuff in seams
- Willemite or wolframite
- Comstock load
- Unrefined mineral
- Vein yield
- Lorry lode, perhaps
- A miner matter?
- For miners it's major
- Metal in the raw
- Miner's pay dirt
- This really smelts!
- Gold digger's quest?
- Assayer's raw material
- It's moved through adits
- Metallurgy material
- Underground deposit
- Mined item
- Metal source
- Vein glory
- Get a lode of this
- Vein pursuit?
- Zincite, e.g.
- Nickel in a pocket?
- Something to be assayed
- Boxcar cargo, perhaps
- Quarry product
- Cores core?
- Tram cargo, perhaps
- Magnetite, e.g.
- It may have a silver lining?
- Miner's discovery, perhaps
- Klondike find, perhaps
- Rock hound's find
- Assay subject
- Hopper load
- Bonanza yield
- It's all in the mine?
- Assay specimen
- Mispickel or zinc
- You may want to get a lode of this
- Dig this?
- People dig it
- Wulfenite or cinnabar
- Load yield
- Vein product
- Mineral find
- Mispickel, e.g.
- Rockhound's find, perhaps
- Smelter fodder
- Seam sample
- Copper container, perhaps
- Mineral that contains metal
- Unrefined find
- Seamy matter?
- Driller's discovery
- It may pan out
- Galena or mispickel
- Contents of a lode-bearing wall?
- Vein makeup
- Seam treasure
- Fraction of a krone
- It may get panned
- Matter you mine
- Deposit in some banks
- Bauxite or azurite
- Smelter stock
- Vein treasure
- Rocky riches
- Pyrite, e.g.
- Specimen for an assayer
- Silver or iron, e.g.
- Assayer's subject
- Rockhound's find
- Slag source
- Bonanza in a mine
- One might get a lode of it
- Stuff in a bank
- Substance in a vein
- It may lie in a bed
- It's discovered in veins
- Quarry find
- It's lode-bearing
- Vein content
- Mined mineral
- Seam stuff
- "-ite" compound, often
- Mined over matter?
- Lead or copper, e.g.
- Refinery fodder
- Homophone of 12-Down
- It's of miner concern
- Metal in a mountain
- Garnierite, for nickel
- Smeltery delivery
- Azurite or malechite, e.g.
- Cinnabar or wulfenite
- Raw smelting material
- Lode material
- What's mined to keep?
- It usually ends in "ite"
- It may need refinement
- What rock fans may dig?
- Tram's haul
- Sourdough's strike
- See 46-Down
- Contents of some trams
- Suffix with ranch
- Azurite or galena
- The Douglas fir is its state tree (abbr.)
- Sample for an assayer
- Shipment to a smeltery
- Source of silver
- Fruit of a miner's labor
- Fruit of a miner's labors
- Raw tramful
- Something found in veins
- Underground treasure
- Mine discovery
- Cal.'s northern neighbor
- Deposit in a lode-bearing wall?
- Vein deposit
- Zinc or copper, e.g.
- Deposit worth digging up
- Vein to mine
- Vein valuable
- Rock band?
- Mineral deposit
- Rush find
- Extracted stuff
- Neighbor of Nev.
- Mine output
- Unrefined lode
- Stuff in a seam
- Shaft discovery
- Refinery input
- Galena or hematite
- Metallurgy sample
- It may be all in the mine?
- Magnetite or beryl
- Unworked metal
- Rock to refine
- Smelted stuff
- Miner's rock
- "ite" compound, often
- It's rough stuff
- 45D homonym
- Unwrought iron?
- It could use some refinement
- It's raw
- A miner concern
- Coarse resource
- -lite of mine?
- Mined stuff
- It's S of Wash.
- Potential pay dirt
- Gold container, perhaps
- Subject of an assay test
- A miner offering?
- Part of the underground economy?
- Garnierite or bauxite
- Assayers raw material
- Underground riches
- Its mined and refined
- Raw metal source
- Raw rock
- Forty-niner's pay dirt
- Chalcopyrite, e.g.
- Miner's lode
- Mineral bearing material
- Mineral bearer
- Metals source
- Mineral-bearing rock
- Mineral
- Source for raw metal
- Refinery stuff
- Assay sample
- Rush igniter
- Rich find
- Lode component
- Foundry material
- Dig this, and mine your business
- Miner's bonanza
- Rock in a seam
- Mined rocks
- Stuff to be smelted
- Miner's vein contents
- Iron in the raw
- Groundbreaking discovery
- Lorry lode
- Mined resource
- Underground band
- Pyromorphite, e.g.
- Galena
- Metal-bearing rock
- Coffinite, e.g.
- The Columbia R. forms much of its northern border
- Word after iron or potash
- Sudbury Basin export
- Refined material
- Heavy metal rock?
- Pacific st.
- One might take the lead from this
- Mispickel or cinnabar, e.g.
- Tantalite, for example
- Train cargo, perhaps
- It's of miner concern?
- Galena, e.g.
- Raw rocks
- Smelter's supply
- Mine matter
- Mispickel or cinnabar
- Refiner's stuff
- Refiner's supply
- Refinery supply
- Smelting need
- See 12-Across
- It's all in vein
- Tramcar fill
- Mine car cargo
- Galena or cinnabar
- Mine-car contents
- Galena is one
- Source of valuable matter
- Mine car contents
- Miners' gathering
- Galena, for instance
- Tramcar cargo
- Pac. NW state
- Refinery need
- Mine output
- Raw rock
- See 5-Down
- With 33-Down, frozen potato brand
- Native metal
- With 89-Across, brand of frozen potatoes
- Mine stuff
- Smelter stuff
- See 75-Across
- Mine rocks
- Gold container?
- Its processing produces slag
- Miner's haul
- The gold in them thar hills, say
- Rock discovery?
- It's taken in vein
- Rock-band discovery
- Mt. Bachelor's home
- Valuable stuff in a pocket
- Crude metal
- Refinery material
- Cinnabar or magnetite
- Stuff found in a 119 Down
- See 52-Down
- Cinnabar
- A miner discovery?
- "Portlandia" state: Abbr.
- Calcite for example
- Mineral in the raw
- Precious metal source
- Refined find
- Pay dirt for a miner
- Source of iron, e.g.
- Mining extract
- Foundry delivery
- Cinnabar or galena
- Danish coins
- It's all in your mine
- Mine layer
- Gold in them thar hills?
- Rich deposit
- Underground resource
- Mineral in a wall, perhaps
- 10-Down source, e.g.
- Underground-railroad cargo
- 4-Down contents
- Rocks with metal
- Sought-after rock
- Tram car filler
- Valuable extraction
- Forty-niners' score
- Bed rock?
- Rock for miners
- What to take the lead from
- Bedrock?
- Seam deposit
- Pitchblende or bauxite
- Pitchblende, for one
- Valuable stuff in a vein
- Seam valuable
- Mesabi Range output
- Certain extraction
- Millerite, e.g.
- Silicon Forest loc.
- Pay dirt?
- Pitchblende or galena
- Comstock Lode find
- Metal deposit
- Digger's strike
- Seam-y stuff?
- Mined meneral
- Metallic rock found in veins
- What may be under a mountaintop
- Magnetite or cinnabar
- Stuff to dig up
- Rock with promise
- A heavy metal band may have it
- Nabisco offering
- Bauzite or Galena
- Bonanza discovery
- Lode strike
- Load load
- Wolframite, for one
- Seamy material?
- Resource in the game Settlers of Catan
- Stibnite, for one
- Eugene's st.
- It's in some people's veins
- Mineral resource
- It gets picked out
- Miner's concern
- Material in the raw
- It may be deep in a mine
- Vein hope
- Find at the mine
- Bismuthite, e.g.
- With 47 Down, frozen-food giant
- What a picker may pick
- Metal-in-the-raw
- 2-Down, for one
- No ordinary rock
- See 9-Down
- Boxcar cargo
- Portland's st. [ now has archived bundles - just $8/year]
- Wulfenite or galena
- Nickel, e.g.
- Miner's goal
- 20-Across makeup
- See 63-Across
- Rush participant's prize
- Scandinavian coin
- Rush target
- Something that may be amalgamated
- Valuable find
- Something in that vein?
- Rock that's worth something
- Valuable find in rock
- Some freighter cargo
- Profitable rock extraction
- Limonite, e.g.
- Pickax picking
- Target of refinement
- Valued rock
- Picked out stuff?
- Smelter supply
- Mineral deposits
- Gold or silver source
- What is 1/100 of a Danish krone?
- Some freight cargo
- Lucky rockhound's find
- Some Scandinavian coins
- Pitchblende or wulfenite
- Underground discovery
- Digger's find
- Rock with gold or silver, say
- Comstock's contents
- It may contain mercury
- Tantalite, e.g.
- Dig this!
- Feldspar, e.g.
- It's often an oxide
- Good source of iron?
- Ida's partner?
- Underground band?
- Argentite, vis-à-vis silver
- Klondike enticement
- Vein filler
- Beaver State: Abbr.
- Mt. Hood locale
- Food for a smelter
- Trail terminus: Abbr.
- Autunite, for one
- Some slurry stuff
- Hematite example
- Rock worth mining
- Miner issue
- What might be grabbed in a rush
- Fool's gold, e.g.
- Rock worth something
- Lode yield
- Metal, pre-smelting
- Argentite is one
- ___-Ida (frozen potato brand)
- Heavy metal band?
- Bend's state: Abbr.
- Bedrock deposit
- It's totally unrefined
- It might need refining
- Comstock find
- Tram's cargo
- Valuable unrefined rock
- A metal-bearing mineral
- It's targeted for extraction
- Stuff in many 57-Across
- Rock worth unearthing
- Rocks for a refinery
- Celestite, e.g.
- Nickel source, e.g.
- Resource in the board game The Settlers of Catan
- Many a substance ending in "-ite"
- Mine extract
- Stuff in a mine
- Miner's reward
- State south of Wash.
- Valuable stuff in a mine
- Beaver St.
- Argentite, for one
- Load off one's mine?
- Extraction candidate
- Smelter raw material
- Pocket material
- Mineral bearing rock
- Prospector's pursuit
- Valuable bedrock deposit
- Ironworks input
- Miner's profit
- Iron or nickel
- Research-rich material
- Smelter's rock
- It might be found in a deposit
- Salem home: Abbr.
- Bauxite, for aluminum
- Rocky subject?
- Mined asset
- Vein discovery
- Mt. Hood setting
- Metallic material
- Rogue R. state
- Great Lakes freighter load, perhaps
- Mesabi Range yield
- Valuable mine rock
- Target of a strip search?
- Cinnabar, to mercury
- Hidden gold, e.g.
- It might require refining
- Refinery rock
- Homonym of 2-Down
- Smelter delivery
- What may hold gold
- It brings a smile to a miner's face
- Galena or feldspar
- 1/100 of a Norwegian krone
- Something to pick out
- Metal bearer
- Tinstone, to tin
- Cooperite, to platinum
- Rock worth money
- Heavy barge burden
- Cuprite, to copper
- Metal bearing rock
- Lead source
- Material in some seams
- Extractable natural resource
- Mine cart contents
- Valuable rock find
- Silver ___
- Miner concern?
- Rock that needs refinement
- Rich rock?
- Refinable resource
- It's the core of cores
- Miner's target
- 2,170-mi. trail terminus
- Uraninite, to uranium
- 32-Down contents
- Fodder for a smeltery
- Copper, for one
- Rock with value
- Stuff picked out in mines
- Material in the game Minecraft
- Lode discovery
- Rock salt is one
- Dug stuff
- Smelter shipment
- Miner's valuable discovery
- It's searched for in a rush
- Raw stuff
- Cave find
- Excavated rocky resource
- Rick rock
- Good stuff to find in a mine
- Taconite, to iron
- Tram-car contents
- Stuff worth something in a mine
- Mine score
- Gold digger's aim
- Refinery intake
- Pitchblende, to uranium
- Reward for those who mine their business?
- Extractions are made from it
- Supplemented 44-Down?
- Tram rock
- Elementary matter
- Crater Lake loc.
- Mine stuff that's good to find
- Miners pick it out
- Chromite, to chromium
- Extracted asset
- What an open car might hold
- Rock that may yield revenue
- It's mined, all mined!
- Undergrounddiscovery
- Galena, to lead
- Vein output
- 33rd st.
- Contents of a vein pocket
- Some hard rock
- Mine car load
- Source of slag
- Subterranean resource
- See 38-Across
- See 37 Across
- Source of metal
- Rock for refining
- See 112-Down
- It's of miner interest?
- Motherlode yield
- Rock that's an asset
- It's found in lodes
- Rocky deposit
- Prospector's target
- Mine resource
- Delivery to a smelter
- Underground find
- Valuable mine find
- Smeltery rock
- St. plagued by wildfires in 2017
- Part of a rocky deposit
- Early metal?
- Swedish cents
- Prospector's strike
- Underground stuff
- Old Swedish coins
- Ducks' home: Abbr.
- Valuable thing down and dirty
- Many an oxide or silicate
- Valuable mine stuff
- Good rock to pick
- Some metal bands?
- Valuable underground find
- Extraction target, often
- Deposit in underground banks
- Willamette Valley state: Abbr.
- Metal rock?
- Resource in the Mesabi Range
- Iron Range product
- Mine cartload
- Bedrock rock
- Sourdough strike
- Placer material
- Rock worth bucks
- 1/100 of a 43-Across
- Contents of a vein
- Strike with a pickax?
- See 65-Across
- Good rock?
- It can be hard to process
- 45-Across divisions
- Really good rock
- It's mined
- Krone fraction
- Dug-up commodity
- Material collected in Minecraft
- "-ite" mineral, often
- Rock with valuable nuggets
- Strip mine yield
- Nice rock to pick?
- Fractions of a krona
- Rock to pick
- Bonanza contents
- Contents of a seam
- ___-Ida (Tater Tots brand)
- Bismuth, e.g.
- Source of many metals
- Material that is 25-Acrossed
- Rock in a mine
- Valuable metal
- Weird
- Load for some barges
- Mineral rock
- Metal before refinement
- Prill or pyrite
- Malachite, e.g.
- Cinnabar or hematite
- Aluminum container, initially
- Asset in the game The Settlers of Catan
- Something found in a rush
- A miner concern?
- Portland's st.
- Cent : U.S. :: ___ : Sweden
- Way-old "above"
- Mineral that's mined
- Withdrawal from a deposit
- Molybdenite, for molybdenum
- Underground rock
- Many a sulfide
- Smelter's material
- Extractable resource
- Claim discovery, perhaps
- Unprocessed rock
- Geological vein content
- Smelter's need
- Iron or lead source
- It could be carried in a cart
- Miner's extraction
- Contents of a valuable vein
- ___-Ida Tater Tots
- Pickax-wielder's resource
- Rock in mines
- Rocks sent to a refinery
- Rock often ending in -ite
- What can be mined in "South Korea"?
- Gold waiting to be discovered
- Rock with metal
- It may contain iron
- ___-Ida
- Gold holder
- "Minecraft" resource
- Extracted resource
- Cent : euro :: ___ : krona
- Mine cart filler
- Carnotite, for example
- Mt. Hood's home
- Valuable stuff in a lode
- Mineral holder
- Source of lead
- W. state whose largest city is named for a New England city
- Beryllium bearer
- It may contain tin
- What's found in mines and many crossword grids
- Minecraft resource
- Catan resource
- Raw mining product
- Potential resource on an asteroid
- Homophone of 44-Across
- State next to Ida.
- Blast furnace output
- Something picked at with a pickax
- Certain freight car cargo
- Metal-laden rock
- About which someone might say "Get the lead out!"
- Shipment to a refinery
- Valuable vein contents
- Metal band?
- With 34 Across, train hobbyist's buy
- Rock from a mine
- Iron mine output
- Division of the Danish krone
- Kate Brown is its gov.
- Certain iron oxide
- Smelter's raw material
- What copper comes from
- Unrefined find at a mine
- Resource in The Settlers of Catan board game
- Source of lead or iron
- Metal that's mined
- Important resource for a crossword constructor?
- Historic trail terminus: Abbr.
- Tram load at a mine
- Assayed rock
- What some rail cars carry
- Source of iron or silver
- Minecraft material
- What fills some veins
- Metal from mines
- Many an oxide in rocks
- Half of a frozen foods brand
- Stuff searched for in vein?
- Certain deposit
- Mountain resource in Catan
- Minecraft block used for crafting
- Minecart contents
- "Minecraft" substance
- State next to Idaho (Abbr.)
- Metallic resource
- Unrefined rock
- Divisions of a krone
- Mother lode stuff
- Miner's material
- Resource in Minecraft or Catan
- Neighbor of Idaho (Abbr.)
- Pacific Coast st.
- Metal-bearing material
- Metal in a mine
- Elementium or obsidium, in World of Warcraft
- Portland's state (Abbr.)
- ___-Ida, maker of Tater Tots
- Rock in a vein
- Resource in the board game Catan
- High-value deposit
- Where to find Bend and Bandon: Abbr.
- Material from which minerals are extracted
- I-5 state
- Bank deposit, perhaps
- Mined resource in Catan
- Mining material
- Dug-out material
- Nickel found in a pocket, say
- State south of Washington (Abbr.)
- Refinery rocks
- Mined substance
- Blast furnace supply
- Salem's lot?: Abbr.
- State north of 37-Across (Abbr.)
- Something of miner interest
- Gold in them thar hills, e.g.
- Catan mountain resource
- Mine lode
- Deposit of a sort
- It may come from the hills
- 4-Down's state (Abbr.)
- Unit of the Swedish krona
- Stuff in a mine cart
- Crater Lake's state (Abbr.)
- State home to Crater Lake (Abbr.)
- Some Minecraft blocks
- Rock that's graded
- State between Wash. and Calif.
- Smelter's input
- City-building Catan resource
- Pacific Northwest st.
- Malachite, for one
- Resource in Catan and Minecraft
- Contents of a minecart
- It's stored in a vein
- Rock hard
- Redstone in Minecraft, e.g.
- Underground rock?
- Smelted material
- One of five principal resources in the game Catan
- Iron Range haul
- Pacific Northwest state (Abbr.)
- Mother lode material
- Rock containing valuable minerals
- Resource mined in Minecraft
- Uranium source
- Substance that lacks refinement?
- Catan resource from a mountain hex
- Resource in Catan
- Valuable rock deposit
- It borders Nev.
- Part of a rock band?
- Underground metal
- Opposite of 'neath
- Unrefined mined find
- Rock such as sphalerite
- Prize that a prospector pries
- Type of Minecraft block
- Raw mineral in a mine
- Deposit for processing
- Raw mined material
- ___-Ida (frozen food brand named after two states)
- Rock that sounds like a conjunction
- Mine's output
- Potential product of asteroid mining
- NorCal neighbor
- Mine deposit
- Type of block in Minecraft
- Find to be mined
- Valuable mineral
- Rocks that need refinement
- Something crushed during a gold rush
- Rock like bauxite
- Resource in a minecart
- Rock with minerals
- Chalcocyanite, for example
- Miner discovery
- You might pick one to get gold
- Silver deposit
- Resource in a lode
- Metal Catan resource
- Rock that gets refined
- Unrefined resource
- City-building resource in Catan
- Bauxite or chalcopyrite, e.g.