Answer: OPS
OPS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 243 times.
- Photo ___
- Photo ___ (pol's news events)
- Saturn's wife
- Wife of Saturn
- Photo ___ (camera sessions)
- Photo ___ (media events)
- Harvest goddess
- Mother of Jupiter
- Rhea's Roman counterpart
- Tactical station, for short
- Special ___ (military force)
- Favorable times, for short
- Suitable times, briefly
- Mission control, for short
- Covert ___ (army assignment)
- Photo ___ (picture-taking times)
- Special ___
- Missions, for short
- Coin-__ (candy machines, e.g.)
- Photo ___ (White House events)
- Photo ___ (P.R. events)
- Missions, in brief
- Chances, briefly
- Roman goddess of the harvest
- Photo ___ (campaign events)
- Chances to get photos
- Photo ___ (journalists' desires)
- Photo ___ (campaign activities)
- Photo finishes?
- Covert ___
- Word after special or photo
- Covert ___ (military assignments)
- Photo finish?
- Special __: military force
- Co-___ (some apartments)
- Coin-___ (machines with slots for money)
- Photo ___ (press events)
- Covert follower?
- Word after photo
- Special __
- Covert __: spy doings
- Brief photo sessions?
- Chances to get pics
- Photo chances
- Photogs' chances
- Photo __
- "Black" CIA doings
- Photo __: media events
- Roman goddess of plenty
- Covert __: military assignments
- Photo __: publicity events
- Goddess of plenty
- Co-__ (some apartments)
- Photo events, briefly
- Photo __ (media events)
- Coin-__ (vending machines)
- Co-__ (condo relatives)
- Photo __ (PR events)
- Photo-__ (media events)
- Special things?
- Jobs for SEALs
- Coin-___ (candy machines, e.g.)
- Spouse of Saturn
- Covert ___ (military assignment)
- Photo ___ (picture sessions)
- Word with ''special'' or ''photo''
- Coin-___ (laundromats)
- Word with "photo" or "special"
- Photo ___ (PR sessions)
- Goddess of abundance
- Saturn's spouse
- Photo ___ (times for publicity shots)
- Rhea's counterpart
- Goddess of abundance and fertility
- Word with photo and special
- Covert __: spy missions
- Photo ___ (when pictures may be taken)
- Photo ___ (publicity setups)
- Photo ___ (publicity events)
- Photo ___ (picture-taking sessions)
- Covert __: spy activities
- Photo ___ (pic sessions)
- Favorable times, as for pics
- Black ___ (covert missions)
- Special ___ (milit. force)
- Black ___
- Special ___ (military missions)
- Espionage procedures, for short
- Black ???
- Word with "special" or "photo"
- Covert ___: military assignments
- Photo ___: publicity events
- Covert ___: spy doings
- Photo ___: media events
- Special ___: military force
- Covert ___: spy missions
- Covert ___: spy activities
- Special or photo follower
- Photo --- (pol's poses)
- Coin-___ (vending machines)
- Co-___ (condo relatives)
- Photo ___ (PR events)
- Photo-___ (media events)
- Coin-___ (machines with slots)
- The CIA's Special ___
- "Call of Duty: Black ___"
- Photo ___ (occasions for 1-Across)
- Psy-___: military propaganda, etc.
- Small missions?
- Black ___: spy doings
- They're sometimes special
- Missions, to spies
- Chances, for short
- Photo- ___
- Circumstances, for short
- Photo (Kodak moments) ___
- Covert ___ (CIA missions)
- Black ___ (some military activities)
- Chances for photos
- Covert ___: spy stuff
- Word with photo or special
- Black ___ (covert activities)
- Co-___ (some apartments, for short)
- Titaness
- Photo ___ (political events)
- Word with "photo" or "black"
- Military missions
- Black ___: covert missions
- Spy's "covert" activities
- Short missions?
- Missions, to SEALs
- Coin- ___
- Photo ___ (PR occasions)
- Word with special or photo
- Covert ___ (spy missions)
- Army missions
- Black or photo ending
- Saturn's wife
- Little chances?
- Saturns wife
- Brief missions?
- Photo-___ (camera sessions)
- Quick missions?
- Co- ___ (some apartments)
- Call of Duty: Black ___
- Mil. missions
- Word with "covert" or "special"
- Photo ___ (chances to get pics)
- Ending with psy-
- Photo ___ (news events)
- Co-___ (condo kin)
- Missions for the CIA, say
- Roman goddess of abundance
- A titaness
- Roman equivalent of Rhea
- Military missions, for short
- Co- (some dwellings)
- Special ___ (military unit)
- Covert ___ (spy doings)
- Black ___ (some military missions)
- Some Australian exports
- Call of Duty: Black ___ (video game)
- "Special" military missions
- Black ____
- Word with black or photo
- Black ___ (secret missions)
- Covert or black doings
- Covert ___: secret missions
- Covert ___ (spy shenanigans)
- Black ___ (20-Across activity)
- Word that can follow the first parts of 17-, 27-, 45- and 61-Across
- Black ___ (covert doings)
- Word after black or photo
- Word with "black" or "photo"
- Photo ___ (campaign P.R. events)
- They're sometimes black
- Special ___ (SEALs missions)
- Covert ___ (spy stuff)
- Word with "black" or "covert"
- "Covert" missions
- Spy missions, for short
- Photo ___ (planned publicity events)
- Word with "covert" or "photo"
- Word with "black," "photo" or "covert"
- Word after black or covert
- Post ___ (surgical follow-ups)
- Covert ___ (CIA doings)
- Special ___ (unconventional missions)
- Covert ___ (spy work)
- Coin-___ (various vending machines)
- Word after black or special
- Mil. manoeuvers
- Photo ___ (PR stunts)
- "Special" missions
- Post-___ (surgery follow-ups)
- Coin-___ (some dryers)
- Special ___ (mil. group)
- Spying activities, for short
- Photo ___ (PR setups)
- Word with photo or black
- Coin-___
- Co-___ (condo alternatives)
- Black ___ : covert missions
- Photo chances, briefly
- Photo possibilities
- "Photo" sessions
- Word after photo or black
- Special ___ (SEALs' missions, e.g.)
- Black ___ (some missions)
- Photo ___ (snapping sessions)
- Special or covert strategies
- Covert doings
- Word that follows "Black" and "Spec" in video game titles
- Photo ___ (times to take pics)
- Covert missions
- "Covert" activities
- Intel missions
- Special ___ (some missions)
- 56-Across activities, for short
- Post-___ (some hosp. patients)
- Covert activities, for short
- Military incursions
- Military missions, informally
- Photo ___ (events with pics)
- Word after "special" or "photo"
- "Covert" or "photo" follower
- Photo ___ (chances for pics)
- Corporate workplace division, for short
- Some are performed in a theater, for short
- Special or black follower
- Business ___
- See 57-Across
- Coin-___ (some laundromats)
- Special ___: commando tactics
- Special ___ (some military missions)
- Missions, informally
- Curtailed missions?
- Brief chances?
- Word after "photo" or "special"
- Co-___ (alternatives to condos)
- Department that helps a company run, informally
- Biz ___ (corporate team, informally)
- Brief missions