Answer: ONE
ONE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 1260 times.
- Singleton
- "A Chorus Line" finale
- Single
- Population at the time of 44-Across
- Till bill
- Together
- "My ___ and Only"
- 1969 Three Dog Night hit
- Married
- Low note
- Buck
- "___ moment"
- "We're number ___!"
- "A Chorus Line" standard
- What I may mean
- It's for the money
- Joined
- Bit of binary code
- Lunch time, maybe
- 800 preceder
- TV's "Murder ___"
- Unified
- Washington's bill
- A quarter of four
- Last word of the year, often
- Common lunch time
- A wee hour
- Last number in a countdown
- Four quarters
- Late-late hour
- Twice 79-Down
- Small bill
- Half and half
- Early afternoon
- Latish lunchtime
- Word repeated in "takes ___ to know ___"
- Wee hour
- Ending of most odds
- Sum of the parts
- Best seller's number
- It precedes "Blastoff!"
- 38-Across, to us
- Wedded
- Inseparable
- Day ___
- United
- Microphone tester's word
- It's next to nothing
- Minimal amount of money, with 5-Down
- Last word heard on New Year's Eve
- It's better than nothing
- Wed
- Number of points a free throw is worth
- "___ China" policy
- Long-distance call starter
- A
- Sacagawea coin denomination
- Murder ___
- Word on a dime
- Impossible score, in U.S. football
- Like a gas gauge just before a fill-up?
- Single word
- Starting square
- Point value in Scrabble of every letter in this puzzle
- Start for step or stop
- Lunch hour
- Start of long-distance dialing
- Top-of-the-chart number
- Telephone button that lacks letters
- "Blastoff!" preceder
- Start of a long distance call
- Washington is on it
- See 5-Down
- It's heard before a liftoff
- "A Chorus Line" number
- Formula ___
- Series opener
- 56-Across + 56-Across
- "The loneliest number"
- Lunchtime, perhaps
- I
- With 60-Down, eventually
- Common lunchtime
- It might be broken into quarters
- Undivided
- "You're Still the ___" (1998 Grammy winner)
- Loved ___
- Top position
- Lunch hour, maybe
- Lonely number
- See 27-Across
- With 15-Down, low
- Solitary
- "Take ___"
- Fraction of a 46-Across
- Hole-in-__ (duffer's dream)
- What I might mean?
- Whole
- Cellular ___
- Like-minded
- Indivisible
- Start of a long-distance call
- Low digit
- Simple ticket order
- Count near the end of a countdown
- "___ Fine Day" (1963 Chiffons hit)
- "That's ___ for the books!"
- Next to nothing?
- __ way (message in an arrow-shaped road sign)
- ___ of a kind
- Person
- Early afternoon hour
- No longer divided
- See 60-Across
- Leading figure
- With 25-Across, 50%
- With 31-Across, some clubs
- Liftoff preceder
- Word on a dollar
- With 51-Down, a common tennis score
- A thousandth of a grand
- Number before "Liftoff!"
- Jukebox input
- Binary digit
- Word before and after "by," "on," or "to"
- White Monopoly bill
- Eagle's bill?
- It's dialed before a long-distance number
- "__-Trick Pony" (Paul Simon song)
- Two halves
- Bottom of some scales
- Calorie count of some diet drinks
- With 4-Down, some swimsuits
- With 74-Down, unanimity
- Capital ___ Bank
- "__ Day at a Time" (Bonnie Franklin sitcom)
- What I will always be?
- Air Force ___
- Purina ___ (pet food)
- When lunch hour ends, often
- Binary code digit
- Not split
- 1992 U2 top 10 hit
- Sole
- Number before "ignition ... liftoff!"
- Atomic number of hydrogen
- Missing broadcast channel
- With 52- and 39-Across, gradually
- Long-distance number starter
- Word before "ignition ... liftoff!"
- Night stand leader?
- "The loneliest number," in a Three Dog Night song
- Digit in binary code
- With 32-Across, a ball game
- Mr. Right, with "the"
- Number of operas composed by Beethoven
- Small note
- Canadian "loonie" denomination
- Beginning of all New York ZIP codes
- Neuter pronoun
- Hit 1992 U2 "single"
- Primary figure
- With 105-Down, a short play
- I might signify this
- Combined
- Unnamed person
- Billy Martin, for the Yankees
- Two halved
- Seventh row
- Marine ___ (presidential helicopter)
- "This round's ___"
- "A Chorus Line" song
- With 41-Down, quaint sandlot game
- Cosine of 2 pi
- See 32-Down
- What I might indicate
- Cosine of zero degrees
- The first cardinal
- Not even a few
- Quarter of four
- Bill with a pyramid on the back
- Hydrogen's atomic number
- Word on a penny
- Bill with a pyramid
- "A Chorus Line" showstopper
- Two bells, perhaps
- Bill passed regularly
- Smackeroo
- "___ Less Bell to Answer" (The 5th Dimension hit)
- Sawbuck fraction
- Last digit of this year
- Number at the heart of seven other answers in this puzzle
- 2000 Beatles compilation album
- Number below the exclamation point
- 1300 hours
- Unbroken
- Solid yellow ball on the pool table
- Smallest positive integer
- 1992 U2 hit
- Word on a penny or a dime
- ___ in a million
- It usually comes first
- Every number is divisible by it
- Number on a dime's reverse
- Telephone button without letters
- Sacagawea denomination
- I, in Roman numerals
- Matchless
- What 44-Across is 44-Across of
- Hour after noon
- See 7-Down
- Bestselling number?
- "___ of these days, Alice..."
- Any person
- Countdown penultimate
- Half and half?
- Fifth of a fin
- What I might mean
- Free throw score
- ___ and only
- "...___ hand clapping?"
- Married or single
- Single, in Toledo
- "___ Week" (1998 Barenaked Ladies hit)
- Yearling's age
- Big number from "A Chorus Line"
- Highest binary digit
- Smallest bill
- Divisor for any prime number
- Only partner
- "___ Fine Day" (1996 Pfeiffer/Clooney film)
- Bank or Air Force follower
- January, in some dates
- "A Chorus Line" closer
- Winning number
- Digit before an area code
- Bestseller's number
- Free throw point value
- Low number
- E's value, in Scrabble
- From day ___ (since the start)
- Another preceder?
- Word after square or loved
- Queen's "Another ___ Bites the Dust"
- Any number to the zeroth power
- The same partner
- Showstopper in "A Chorus Line"
- Day or square follower
- I, for Claudius
- Complete
- Final B.C. year
- Last word before "Liftoff!"
- Only companion
- Score for an ace
- "___ Touch of Venus" (Mary Martin musical)
- "Out of many, ___" (e pluribus unum)
- Small dining party
- Dollar digit
- Word before person and vote
- Impossible quantity of Lay's potato chips to eat?
- Number that's its own square
- Last number of a countdown
- E's value in Scrabble
- ___-two punch
- Leading figure?
- "Blastoff" preceder
- Formula ___ racing
- Number in "A Chorus Line" that's actually a number
- Commonest Scrabble tile subscript
- Three Dog Night's first Top Ten hit
- I can mean this
- Word on a penny and a dime
- Metallica's first hit
- Number for the books?
- A third of 111?
- Jackson Pollock masterpiece in the MoMA
- With 125-Across, words before customer
- Ace's value, at times
- "The loneliest number," in a 1969 hit
- Letterless phone button
- Pee Wee Reese, for the Dodgers
- Cyclops eye count
- Upper-left button on a phone
- I might stand for it
- Driver's number
- First or second number in the Fibonacci sequence
- With 27-Down, a game similar to baseball
- "Blastoff" precursor
- Loonie's denomination
- Where the needle is when the gas light is lit
- Top 10 U2 hit of 1992
- Any nonzero number times its reciprocal
- Number that's its own square root
- Snake eyes half
- With 51-Down, like Las Vegas bandits
- Signal for a fastball
- Googol's starter
- With 64-Across, words on an arrow
- With 39-Down, a boxing combo
- Marine ___ (U.S. president's helicopter)
- i squared, then squared again
- Start of a googolplex
- Its root is itself
- Pitcher, in baseball scoring shorthand
- Square or day follower
- Shout at 11:59:59 P.M. on December 31
- Twelve follower
- The slope of y = x + 2
- "Hickory Dickory Dock" time
- Countdown finale
- Jefferson coin
- Any nonzero number raised to the zeroth power
- It's its own multiplicative inverse
- Tangent of 45°
- Air Force ___ (U.S. president's plane)
- Halfway between seven and seven
- Billy Martin's retired Yankees number
- Lowest sudoku number
- Valedictorian's rank
- Only positive integer that's neither prime nor composite
- It's at the top of Pascal's triangle
- ___-armed bandit
- Yellow solid
- Downbeat in a bar of music
- Number of states whose last two letters are its own postal abbreviation
- Number of protons by which the elements in the four longest puzzle answers have been enhanced
- The same partner?
- Word with day or way
- Word before "Blastoff!"
- Pepsi brand that's also its calorie count
- Fused
- Number on a driver
- Three Dog Night hit written by Nilsson
- Self starter?
- Unit circle radius
- Starting point?
- Four fourths
- "... the two shall be as __": "The Wedding Song"
- Solo number
- "__ for the money ..."
- Prime number factor
- Latish lunch hour
- Common tip jar item
- Sugar-free Pepsi product
- Free-throw score
- "__ Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
- Afternoon hour
- Word before "Happy New Year!"?
- Loneliest number
- Partner of all
- Barely any
- X to the zero power
- What 119 Across means
- Countdown word
- A person
- ''A Chorus Line'' tune
- Five percent of a score
- An individual
- Dollar bill
- List opener
- An hour after noon
- ''A Chorus Line'' song
- ''A Chorus Line'' finale
- Die's lowest
- Low end of many scales
- Consolidated
- Hour after midnight
- ''A Chorus Line'' number
- A single
- Score on an aced hole
- Ace value, at times
- White bill in Monopoly
- Hydrogen's number
- Beatles' compilation
- Snake eye?
- A quarter of four?
- ''Take ___''
- ''God bless us, every ___!''
- Impossible number in a football score
- ___-track mind
- What I is?
- Gender-neutral pronoun
- Number for the road?
- The loneliest number
- Where to find a portrait of George Washington
- Word with "square" or "loved"
- Common tip jar bill
- Change machine insert
- ___-man band
- Single entity
- Divisor for any number
- ''Night stand'' start
- Number in the Pledge of Allegiance
- Number in a million?
- Word with ''square'' or ''loved''
- End of a break, often
- Word before ''Blast off!''
- Pre-blastoff number
- What I might be?
- Penultimate countdown word, often
- ''By the time I count to three'' follower
- Greenback
- Bill in the till, perhaps
- It's next to nothing?
- Small cardinal
- Letterless phone number
- It's better than none
- Slender figure?
- Beatles collection
- It has no letters on a phone
- Something for the road
- ''___ if by land ...''
- Beatles compilation
- The loneliest number, in song
- ''___ of these days, Alice ...''
- Small cardinal?
- ___ for the books
- "God bless us, every ___!"
- Low die roll
- Three Dog Night's first gold record
- "___ if by land" (part of Revere's signal)
- Difference between a baker's dozen and a dozen
- Single thing
- Only partner?
- Three Dog Night number
- What two heads are better than
- Individual
- Fifth single digit, alphabetically
- Solitaire quorum
- Brando's "The Wild ___"
- Solid yellow billiard ball
- It's for the money?
- What I can be?
- It is its own root
- Eight bits
- A third of 100?
- "A Chorus Line" number?
- "___ singular sensation . . ."
- Bill in a till, perhaps
- Numerator for this puzzle's theme answers
- It contains four quarters
- Ireland's 2004 Olympic medal count
- It's the loneliest number
- Till bill, perhaps
- Part of a New Year's Eve countdown
- Clue that started this all
- I, to Claudius
- Divided by itself, the result is the same
- Indefinite pronoun
- Penultimate word in a countdown
- "___ if by land ..."
- ". . . there remained not ___" (Ex. 8:31)
- With 59-Down, type of punch
- Opening number?
- Something for the books
- The first cardinal?
- Traditional fastball sign
- Wallet bill
- Something to grow on?
- It's "for the money"
- End of a countdown
- "___ Life to Live"
- "By the time I count to three" follower
- Singular digit
- "Pick a number from __ ..."
- Unspecified person
- ___ for the road
- Number of even prime numbers
- Start of a long-odds phrase
- "___ for the money ..."
- List beginning, often
- ___ -horse town
- Beginning of most New York ZIP codes
- Number of F's in this puzzle's answer grid
- Cather's "___ of Ours"
- End of lunch time, maybe
- Top-of-the-charts number
- It's its own square
- Diet-drink calorie count
- Square ___
- Sum of all parts
- Hour past noon
- With 42-Across, bogey?
- With 42-Across, birdie?
- Small number
- Loneliest number, it's said
- Less than a couple
- Count's start
- ___-eyed jack
- Bill featuring Washington
- Bit of bread
- Tenth of a sawbuck
- Sixty minutes past 12
- Vending machine insert
- "__ size fits all"
- Number whose square equals its square root
- "___ of these days, Alice ..."
- Early afternoon time
- Countdown's penultimate number, perhaps
- 67.5 degrees to a mariner
- White Monopoly item
- Mike-tester's word
- Typical studio apartment room count
- Lowest sudoku digit
- Number of tiles per Scrabble set for the letter at the end of the answer to each starred clue
- Word before "... liftoff!"
- "The loneliest number," in a song
- Homophone for "won"
- Number of consonants in this answer
- What every number is divisible by
- Sawbuck tenth
- Hardly any?
- *As a package
- Top spot
- The loneliest number of song
- Top 10 hit from U2's "Achtung Baby" album
- Unanimous
- Square to go back to?
- Admit ___
- With 39-Across, soapbox racer, e.g.
- Smallest dining party
- See 59 Down
- Washington bill
- Admit___
- Impossible score in football
- ___ -two punch
- -
- "Night stand" start
- Word before "Blast off!"
- "... the two shall be as ___": "The Wedding Song"
- "___ Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
- "Pick a number from ___ ..."
- "___ size fits all"
- It shares a key with !
- "Imagine"'s last word
- Free-throw value
- It's green and tender
- Number before liftoff
- Bottom of a scale
- An example
- "___ singular sensation ..."
- "A Chorus Line" tune
- "... there remained not ___" (Ex. 8:31)
- Loneliest number?
- Air Force ___ (U.S. presidents plane)
- Biggest word on a buck
- Pepsi diet drink
- Single from "...And Justice for All"
- Bill that's quite easy to change
- Word before a lot of shouting and kissing, this Friday night
- Binary code number
- Bill below five
- End of the quip
- "Let the Right ___ In"
- "Good ___!"
- George's bill
- Snake eye (as this completed puzzle depicts)
- United States, our # ____ trader
- Small integer
- ______ for the money
- Ace
- Une
- Finish on top
- Part that starts
- Minimal order
- Lunchtime for some
- Not divided
- Five before six?
- Unspecified individual
- It's its own reciprocal
- Sharer of an exclamation point on a keyboard
- Score for a hockey goal
- 50-Down, casually
- It has four quarters?
- Any number divided by itself
- Quindlen's "- true thing"
- Alternative to I, you, he or she
- Number in the "Pledge of Allegiance"
- Word that appears eight times on a dollar bill
- Lunch hour for some
- Addition to 18-, 23-, 40-, 54- and 60-Across
- Small digit
- Change-machine insert
- I might signify this?
- ___-horse town
- Number
- "Just the ___"
- Next to nothing
- 'A Chorus Line' showstopper
- Math unity
- Count start
- Early hour
- Count starter
- Low bill
- Counting start
- Common bill
- Half of two
- Die face
- Area-code preceder
- 'A Chorus Line' song
- Unity
- Start of a count
- Area code preceder for some
- Die roll
- Low digit
- Countdown end
- Area code preceder
- Unit
- 'The loneliest number'
- Joined at the hip
- Dollar
- With 41-Across, boxing ploy
- Three minus two
- In agreement
- With 36-Across, minimal change
- ... for this
- With 30-Down, combination punch
- Lunch hour, for some
- Counter's start
- Little bill
- With 27-Across, combination punch
- With 34-Down, kayo combination
- Wallet bill
- A certain
- Billfold bill
- See 60-Down
- With 100-Down, quick jokes
- Tip jar bill
- Bill in a till
- With 94-Across, gets the better of
- With 3-Down, short film
- See 108-Down
- Not broken
- Bill in a tip jar
- Any nonzero number divided by itself
- Twenty-first word of the Pledge of Allegiance
- With 84 Down, a competitive urge
- 2000 Beatles album or its peak chart position
- Mike-testing word, often
- Vague pronoun
- Top-of-the-leaderboard number
- Half of "snake eyes"
- Core of opponents?
- Impersonal pronoun
- Probability indicating certainty
- Number of even primes
- "... ___ nation under God ..."
- Telephone key with no letters
- Uno
- "___ Fine Day": 1963 hit
- Withdrawn Canadian currency bill
- Number to the left of this answer
- In dire need of gas
- Upright figure?
- January, on some checks
- Number of hits that ruins a perfect game
- ... of a 1968 Jefferson stamp
- Hole-in-___ (duffer's dream)
- Tangent of 45º
- Bonded
- Word before "Liftoff!"
- Tip jar addition
- Wallet item
- It was retired by the Yankees in 1986
- Only
- "There's ___ in every crowd"
- ___-in-a-million
- Pepsi ___
- The loneliest number, in a song
- "You da ___" (2011 Rihanna number)
- With 60-Across, length of a New York Times crossword difficulty sequence
- See 82-Across
- Letterless phone key
- See 66 Down
- Unlettered phone number
- Word surrounding "on" and "by"
- Divisor of a prime number
- Nightstand start
- Coveted "Billboard" position
- With 55-Across, 365 days
- Derivative with respect to "x" in f(x) = x + 10
- A bill in the till
- "___ for the money, two for ..."
- Maître d's "Are you by yourself?"
- "For No ___" (Beatles song)
- With 24-Across, like Edward Albee's "The Zoo Story"
- Solid-yellow billiard ball
- Leaner's point value
- Goalie's jersey number, often
- Big word on a buck
- With 122-Down, like a Cyclops
- Famous square?
- 20/20
- '91 U2 hit
- Possible lunch hour
- Late lunch hour
- Pepsi ___, sugar-free cola
- Last word of "A Christmas Carol"
- Alternative to another?
- Needing a fill-up
- Number dialed before an area code
- ___ more time!
- Unique
- Newly colonized
- "___ moment, please"
- You, generically
- Single for Metallica in 1989 and U2 in 1992
- "OK, first of all"
- Three thirds
- Noon follower
- With 12-Down, sign with an arrow
- See 29-Across
- Total "for the road"
- "First off ..."
- "___ nation, under God ..."
- Pitcher, in baseball-scoring shorthand
- A "Hickory Dickory Dock" time
- First digit a toddler is taught, often
- Warren Moon's jersey number
- Bill often passed?
- Number on a foam finger
- Single unit
- Pat value
- Capital ___ (credit card company)
- God bless us ___ and all
- I, at times
- Pepsi brand
- Point value of an A in Scrabble
- Bono's NGO
- x ÷ x
- First number dialed when calling long distance
- Impossible point total in American pro football
- "___ more time!"
- Partner of only
- Number of Beethoven operas
- Single in a wallet
- 50/50
- Prime number divisor
- Square to go back to
- Opposite of six, on a die
- Late night hour
- Best-selling number?
- Tangent of 45 degrees
- A number ...
- 1992 U2 song
- Champion's number
- Xbox ___
- Area code lead-in
- Minimum attendance figure
- Number of gods in a monotheistic faith
- Half of eleven?
- "Story of My Life" band ___ Direction
- With 10-Down, certain punch
- Coney midway?
- Champ's number
- ___-hit wonder
- 45-Across, in America
- 1300 hours, to a civilian
- What I can be
- Bob Marley's "___ Love"
- 21st word of the Pledge of Allegiance
- In dire need of gas, say
- Ozzie Smith's number
- Last word of Lennon's "Imagine"
- 20 percent of a fin
- Most-passed bill
- Exclamation point's key-mate
- Number of gods in monotheism
- Word on a buck
- See 46-Down
- Start of almost every ZIP code in New York
- "Strike ___" (ump's call)
- Word on a dollar bill
- Result of dividing any number by itself
- January, briefly
- "___ of the boys"
- Number on 68 of the 100 Scrabble tiles
- Common odds ending
- Digit besides zero allowed in binary code
- "mobile ___"
- Most common Scrabble tile value
- Liftoff preceder?
- There's a guy named George on it
- Lone
- Half a pair
- Single person
- Pee Wee Reese's number
- "It Happened ___ Night" (1934 film)
- Bill in the till
- Number of single-syllable U.S. states
- "___ alone"
- "___ minute" ("hold on")
- Chart position reached by all the albums seen in the starred clues in this puzzle
- Solitary figure?
- Word before "Happy New Year!"
- Scrabble value of every letter in RELATIONS
- First number
- Word with man or horse
- Factor of every prime number
- Unrealistic potato chip portion
- Twelve fifty-nine? Wait a minute!
- Half a couple
- Singular number
- Acting as a group
- Easy number to learn
- Billfold item
- (5 x 3) - (7 x 2) = ?
- Word just before "blastoff"
- Tail-end of a countdown
- Follower of Formula or Air Force
- Largest word on a buck
- Last ___
- It has four quarters
- Bill that wasn't redesigned
- Little bit of dough
- Free-throw point value
- Score for a post-touchdown kick
- Self starter
- "Chopper ___"
- Common lunch hour
- "You're the ___ That I Want": "Grease" song
- Word before and after "to," "on" or "for"
- Blast-off preceder
- Horse population of a small town?
- Easy number to add
- It's the same when squared
- First grade
- First in a series
- Number of monosyllabic U.S. state names
- Beginning "square"
- A single entity
- Penultimate countdown word
- What 57 Down means
- The downbeat
- Five fifths
- Scarcely any
- ___ day at a time
- Points for a free throw
- Maximum value of sine
- Word on a Susan B. Anthony coin
- You, impersonally
- It lacks letters on a telephone keypad
- Teen's opening number?
- Late-night hour
- What the unified are
- Top chart spot
- Vowel's value in Scrabble
- "All for ___ and ..."
- With 48-Down, kind of street
- Light air, on the Beaufort scale
- Individual in question
- Canadian Loonie's denomination
- First of all
- Result of dividing any nonzero number by itself
- See 8 Down
- Brian of ambient music
- A soul
- Chart-topping number
- See 39-Across
- With 53-Down, like some rural roads
- Ace, on a golf scorecard
- Word on pennies
- Valedictorian's number
- Many a numerator
- It shows George's face
- Bill often passed
- Extra-point score
- "Army of ___" (recruiting slogan)
- Ironically, the last song in "A Chorus Line"
- Opening number
- What might replace you?
- Impossible score in American football
- ___ World Trade Center
- Out of gas, informally
- Tip jar denomination
- With 37-Down, very poor rating
- Bill with Washington's face
- With 42 Down, geologist's billion years
- Not you specifically
- Mississauga's Square ____
- Word with "moment" or "sec"
- Impossible NFL score
- Three Dog Night's "loneliest number"
- ______ dollar bills
- 'Liftoff!' preceder
- Word repeated in "It takes ___ to know ___"
- No power can change it
- "Out of many, ___"
- Number of one-syllable U.S. state names
- I, perhaps
- A single item
- You, more formally
- Phone number with no letters
- Part of 63 Across' meaning
- 35-Across, translated
- Number of fingers to signal a fastball
- Scrabble's lowest point value
- A single unit
- Number of emails sent by Warren Buffett in his entire life
- The "loneliest number"
- U2 song
- It doesn't change when squared
- Job ___ (priority)
- Back to square ___
- With 96-Down, 'Hang on a minute!'
- "Just ___ moment"
- Cardinal Ozzie Smith's retired uniform number
- Bill with an Eye of Providence
- Starting number, often
- Vowel's point value in Scrabble
- "... and all for ___"
- It's the same squared or not
- U2 hit
- "Single" digit
- How you might be referred to
- Foam finger number
- Winner's number
- What may replace you?
- Pee Wee Reese's retired number
- Low integer
- Bill with a bright eye
- "Won" homophone
- With 18-Down, distribution limitation, informally
- Beginning square?
- No Clue
- Tip-jar insert, often
- It comes after 12 daily
- Pi's first digit after the decimal
- See 64 Down
- "Loneliest number" of song
- Impossible score in U.S. football
- Number for the best
- Most common Scrabble tile point value
- Number of states bordered by Maine
- "Rogue ___"
- Pepsi product that's also its calorie count
- Some person
- Cones center?
- Unseparated
- Table for ___
- Hole in ___
- No longer apart
- Number equal to its square
- Small square
- Square ___ (starting point)
- Number in many odds figures
- "The loneliest number," in song
- Number that shares a key with "!"
- First in an infinite line
- With 33-Down, like solitaire
- ___ size fits all
- I of old Rome
- Only
- Romantic ideal, with "the"
- With 29 Down, sight below some Lincoln Memorials
- First character in this clue
- I, to Caesar
- Figure on a foam finger
- Initial number?
- Integer that's its own square
- 35-Across halved
- With 22-Across, certain way to make 60-Across
- Lowest Scrabble tile value
- Joined ... or a continuation of 36-Across
- It stands for January
- Final word shouted before "Happy New Year!"
- Number in many odds
- Like no other
- Coveted charts position
- Super Bowl wins for Joe Flacco
- Integer after zero
- Free throw's point value
- What two who wed become
- A bit more than zero
- Half of 11?
- Noon or midnight follower
- Romberg's "___ Alone"
- Binary code basic
- Tip jar bill, often
- Impersonal "you"
- With 32-Across, what the answers to the starred clues each have
- This puzzle's theme
- "Just ___ of those things"
- Number of solidarity
- It's single
- Discontinued Canadian bill
- I of Roman numerals
- ___ of these days (eventually)
- "___ Tree Hill"
- Lowest sudoku digit, usually
- Top 40 title for Metallica or U2
- Scrabble vowel value
- Start of every ZIP code in Pennsylvania
- ___ in a million (rare)
- United in purpose
- Lowly digit
- BBC ___
- Bill bearing George
- What a solo is for
- ___ Direction (boy band)
- Rare entry on a golf scorecard
- Pitcher's number, in baseball shorthand
- Digit on a foam finger
- "... ___, blastoff!"
- I can stand for it
- Back to work time, for many
- Lowest die roll
- What "I" can mean
- Lunch returnee's time
- Unnamed individual
- Word surrounding "by"
- RBIs on a solo homer
- Alternative to hup
- Durango demonstrative
- ___-in-a-million (rare)
- "She's the ___"
- "The loneliest number" of song
- Each "O" of BOGO
- Of ___ mind
- What I may stand for
- Moss Hart's "Act ___"
- It's its own square root
- Presidential coin denomination
- Number of Q's in this diagram
- Number replaced by "hup" by a drill sergeant
- Liar's poker bill, usually
- x's positive value in the equation 2x = 4x^2 - 2
- Ticket request
- Number that's a square of itself
- Pitcher's number, on a scorecard
- Minimal quantity
- "___ moment please ..."
- Day preceder or follower
- Cosine of 0
- Amalgamated
- "___, please": box office request from a single patron
- "___ day at a time"
- Uno, in English
- ____Time ( Bieber hit )
- Formula ___: auto racing class
- Number of gods worshipped in Zoroastrianism
- With 95-Across, what often seems to disappear in a dryer
- Young toddler's age
- "He still the ___" (lyric in Beyoncé's "Countdown")
- Meaning of a raised index finger
- Number of Q's in Scrabble
- Value of any Scrabble vowel
- Word before "blastoff"
- Worst Yelp review
- Close ___
- Number on most Scrabble tiles
- Not in fragments
- Bill that's not big
- Any nonzero number to the zeroth power
- ___-stop shopping
- With 45-Across, low draw in soccer
- "That's ___ way to do it"
- See 23-Across
- Half and a half
- See 6-Down
- Number of stars on Texas' flag
- A quarter to four?
- Tip jar insert
- Number of candles on a cupcake, often
- {See Notepad}
- "That's ___ small step ..."
- With 42-Across, usual result of a leadoff batter getting three strikes
- Point value of most Scrabble tiles
- Its square equals its square root
- Susie B. denomination
- "Two" follower, to NASA
- When a lunch break often ends
- Number in a sound check
- "Still the ___" (Orleans hit)
- x/x
- Nonspecific person
- I, on a clock
- Number that's also a pronoun
- Formula ___ auto racing
- Number of U.S. states with three-word capitals
- Wallet single
- Common Scrabble tile value
- "You da ___" (Rihanna song)
- Cry before "Blastoff!"
- With 44-Down, "Wait your turn"
- Telephone button that doesn't have letters
- Smallest till bill
- "You're a fine ___ to talk"
- "___ moment, please ..."
- Lowest roll on a die
- Number of K tiles in Scrabble
- Prime factor
- "Rogue ___: A Star Wars Story"
- Number of states with three-word capitals
- What two halves make
- Any nonzero number raised to the power of zero
- Soul mate, with "the"
- With 17-Across, quantity for a small omelet
- Phone button that lacks letters
- George Washington's bill
- Number of syllables in this answer
- Point value of a free throw
- Sudoku digit
- Number of beers that fall off the wall in each round of the song
- Very low number
- Number of lanterns "if by land"
- Bill featuring a pyramid
- Aptly monosyllabic number
- Ariana Grande's "___ Last Time"
- Under ___ roof
- Yellow ball in pool
- Extreme IMDb rating
- "___ of Us": Joan Osborne hit
- Free throw value
- Lowest denomination paper currency
- 2020 - 2019
- Number of Eagles' Super Bowl wins
- Number said just before "Liftoff!"
- 2000 Beatles album ... or its peak position on Billboard
- Number of monosyllabic Teletubbies
- Mike tester's word
- Odd number that's not prime
- Three Musketeers' word
- Smallest possible party
- Half of snake eyes
- Number of Astros' World Series titles
- Ciara/Missy Elliott collab "___, Two Step"
- Number of capital letters in this clue
- Number of seasons played by baseball's Seattle Pilots
- With 1-Down, the smallest amount
- "___ Night in Miami" (Regina King's directorial debut)
- What a raised index finger may stand for
- Number of Q tiles in Scrabble
- "I'm Not the Only ___" (Sam Smith song)
- Number within "loneliest"
- Zero's counterpart in binary
- Capital ___
- "(No ___ Knows Me) Like the Piano" (Sampha song)
- Number of World Series wins for the Astros
- Vending machine bill
- "___ From the Vaults" (trans history podcast)
- Score for a leaner
- Eight divided by eight
- Number aptly found in "loner"
- What I may represent?
- Aaliyah album "___ in a Million"
- Only Fibonacci number that appears twice in the sequence
- Word before "More Night," "More Try" and "More Chance" in Billboard hits
- Number of countries bordering South Korea
- Phone button with no letters
- Gastric acid, on the pH scale
- Number of time zones used by China
- *It's next to nothing
- Common typo for an exclamation point
- Eight bits bill
- It's represented by a dot in the top-left corner, in Braille
- It appears twice in the Fibonacci sequence
- With 124-Down, feature of van Gogh
- Number of states bordering Maine
- "Firstly ..."
- Number on Alyssa Naeher's jersey
- With 83-Down, puzzle solver's starting point
- Number of single-syllable U.S. state names
- Single-digit perfect square
- What the tangent of 45° is equal to
- "___ ring to rule them all ..."
- "Uno" in English
- Word after square or plus
- "Two Girls ___ Crossword" (podcast)
- With 39-Down, "Wait!"
- Only's partner
- This clue number minus 30
- "You had ___ job"
- Phrase aptly found in "hormone"
- Something it's good to get a hole in?
- Number of stars on Ghana's flag
- Taking estrogen, for short
- "___ of Us" (ABBA single)
- "___ at a time"
- Marine ___
- Runs scored on a solo homer
- "Are You the ___?" (MTV reality show)
- 1/2 1/2
- "___ Last Stop" (Casey McQuiston novel)
- Number of World Series wins for the Nationals
- "___ Sweet Day"
- The Chiffons' "___ Fine Day"
- Small amount
- Pull a fast ___
- Number of raised dots in a Braille "a"
- Poor rating out of 10
- Small sample
- Number that Ozzie Smith wore
- Pacific Coast Highway's route number
- 1
- It shares a key with "!"
- What a raised index finger might represent
- See 34-Down
- Number that's "moja" in Swahili
- "Got food poisoning. ___ star since I can't give zero"
- What a pointer finger can represent
- "!" keymate
- Number of players needed to play solitaire
- Yi, in English
- Number of official time zones in China
- Number of strokes for an ace, in golf
- It shares a computer key with an exclamation point
- See 21-Down
- First digit in a googol
- Only repeat in the Fibonacci sequence
- "Six of ___, half a dozen of the other"
- Number worn by many hockey goalies
- "___ Night Only" (song from "Dreamgirls")
- Word before and after "on," "to" or "by"
- Number of consonants in audio
- Translation of 17-Across
- Not yet two years old
- This clue's number minus eight
- What I might be
- Lowest score on some scales
- Solid yellow ball
- Number of players needed to play Klondike
- Word after square or formula
- Number that sounds like a past-tense verb
- Taking feminizing HRT
- Number of K's in this puzzle's completed grid
- Tip jar item
- "___ Small Girl" ("Once on This Island" song)
- Number of times Rose tells Jack she loves him, in "Titanic"
- Lowest digit in classic sudoku
- "First of all ..."
- Beatles compilation album made up entirely of their No. ___ hits
- 63 - 62
- –
- Radius of a unit circle
- Common uniform number for a soccer goalkeeper
- "___ step at a time"
- More than zero, less than two
- Fee, in dollars, to run the inaugural N.Y.C. marathon in 1970
- Small cube
- Second number in the Fibonacci sequence
- What 0! equals
- Number of U.S. states without any straight borders
- ___-way street
- With 57-Down, lacking in variety
- End of a countdown, typically
- Last word before "Blast off!"
- Group for alkali metals on the periodic table
- "Wow, look at her moving, baby, she's the ___" (Chappell Roan lyric)
- "I think she's the ___"
- "Best Song Ever" singers ___ Direction
- Lone index finger, symbolically
- Protozoan cell count
- Wordle score that elicits the message "Genius"
- Age indicated by a single finger
- Singular
- 0.07 + 0.93
- Horizontal line, in Chinese writing
- Number of jurors who originally vote "Not guilty" in "12 Angry Men"
- With 43-Across, something never to be repeated ... or a hint to the answers to the italicized clues