Crossword Heaven
Answer: NOAH
NOAH is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 326 times.
Beery of 20's-40's films
Ark builder
Flood avoider
One noted for bringing couples together
First name in lexicography
Ancient mariner
Grandson of Methuselah
Ham's father
"Take two" was his motto
Biblical captain
Wordsmith Webster
Ark architect
Biblical skipper
First name in dictionaries
Shipbuilder of note
He should have swatted those two flies
Early skipper
"Two by Two" role
Preparer for a flood
One with a rain check?
Wordwise Webster
Man famous for doing a double take?
Man with an ark
Lexicographer Webster
Genesis skipper
Japheth's father
Vessel maker of old
Biblical ark builder
Wyle of "ER"
Flood survivor
Boat builder
Biblical boatwright
Webster who had a way with words
Captain for 40 days and nights
One issued a flood warning
Ancient mariner?
Manager of a two-party system?
Actor Wyle
He released a dove in Genesis
First name in a dictionary
Collector of couples
Master of the double take?
Longtime "All Things Considered" host Adams
See 29-Down
Biblical flood survivor
Biblical captain for 40 days and 40 nights
NPR newsman Adams
He lived on a 45-Across for forty days and forty nights
Captain of a gopher wood ship
Ancient ark builder
Ham's father in the Bible
Biblical boat builder
Father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth
His boat was measured in cubits
He gathered animals in twos
Genesis shipwright
Genesis builder
Genesis boatwright
Pair preserver
Genesis mariner
Webster of words
First animal conservationist
"Yachtsman" of the Bible
Ark wielder
Ham raiser
Ararat lander
Couples matchmaker of Genesis?
Biblical builder
His ark was triumphant
Genesis shipmaster
Early animal conservationist
Shipbuilder who measured in cubits
Biblical boatbuilder
Ham's pop
Floating zookeeper
Wordy Webster
Pioneering pair preserver
Builder of a biblical boat
Father of Shem
Early matchmaker
Biblical helmsman
Early boat builder
Grandfather of Magog
1983 French Open winner Yannick ___
"Casino Royale" villain Dr. ___
He filled his boat with pairs
Biblical boatman
Spelling reformer Webster
Skipper who landed on Ararat
Role in the musical "Two By Two"
Noted pairs guardian
He saved many an animal
Ham source?
Noted couples protector
Noted pair picker
Ham creator, of sorts
Shem's father
Man responsible for many mates
Early animal handler
Biblical character known for double takes?
Biblical shipbuilder
Transporter of seven chickens, turkeys, etc.
Wyle of ''ER''
Webster of dictionaries
Ham's dad
Noted matchmaker
First zookeeper
Legendary ark builder
Biblical matchmaker?
Saver of an endangered species?
Notable shipwright
Shipmate of ship mates?
Father of Shem and Japheth
He put two and two together?
Hebrew patriarch
One famous for saving couples
Rider of the lost ark
Old Testament name
He put two and two together
Genesis matchmaker
He did a double-take?
Beery or Webster
Life preserver?
Famous ark-itect
Biblical vessel maker
His work with couples is legendary
Captain of a famous cruise for couples
Early mariner
Early zookeeper
Pair traffic controller?
Boat-builder of Genesis
Flood figure
Genesis boat captain
One who brought together many couples
Webster with a way with words
Father of Shem, Ham and Japheth
Biblical boat man
Webster of Webster's dictionary
Genesis patriarch
Word man Webster
Ancient cruise director?
Sailor who sent forth a dove
Man responsible for many pairs
Biblical mariner
Biblical patriarch "righteous in this generation"
Man known for double takes?
Beery or Yannick
Rider of the lost ark?
Big name in animal rescue
Early animal rescue activist
Father of Ham
He planned for heavy precipitation
Biblical sea captain
Early sailor
Life saver?
Biblical woodworker
First matchmaker?
Ark rider
Genesis 6-9 VIP
Righteous boatbuilder in the Koran
Rainy day planner?
Ark captain
Bible boater
Ham's old man
Ark skipper
Builder of 13-Across
Japheth's dad
Early boatbuilder
Father of Japheth
Ark craftsman
Captain of the love boat?
Methuselah's grandson
Daniel Webster's cousin
21-Down builder
Builder of a 2x2 vessel?
Name associated with animal rescue
Early boatwright
Actor Beery
Tennis player Yannick whose son Joakim plays in the NBA
Saver of pairs
First skipper?
Shipbuilder in Genesis
Flood notable
Textbook pioneer Webster
Builder of 42-Down
Patriarch who died at age 950
Genesis 7 VIP
Central figure in the Koran
Genesis hero
Wordster Webster
Ham kin
Ham's saver
Patriarch who lived 950 years
Bibical boat builder
Rain man?
Biblical sailor
Early visitor to Mt. Ararat
Ship captain whose passengers were mostly beastly
Joakim of the Chicago Bulls
Ark helmsman
Conductor of the first rescue mission
Wordsman Webster
Man responsible for many couples
2014 Russell Crowe role
Memorable anticipator of 39-Across
2014 biblical title role for Russell Crowe
2014 Crowe role
Russell Crowe film
Russell Crowe epic of 2014
Russell Crowe flick
Webster's first?
One in charge of many couples
He worked with pairs
2014 Russell Crowe title role
Role for Russell Crowe
Animal-rescue figure
Genesis shipbuilder
Famed deluge survivor
Ark's captain
2013-'14 N.B.A. All-Star Joakim ___
Trevor of "The Daily Show"
Genesis sailor
2014 Russell Crowe film
Wyle of 'ER'
His story is in Genesis
"Daily Show" host
One preparing for a coming flood
Noted boat builder
Stewart's "Daily Show" successor
"The Daily Show" host Trevor
Title biblical character played by Russell Crowe
Famed flood survivor
Big name in animal preservation
Stewart's Comedy Central successor
"The Daily Show" host Trevor ___
Russell Crowe title role
He worked with couples
He measured in cubits
2014 Russell Crowe epic
Virtuous skipper
Skipper of scripture
Noted mariner
With 52 Across, big name in dictionaries
Ark builder of the bible
Bible patriarch
Ark figure
Famous shipbuilder
Ham sirer
Ark crafter
'The Daily Show' host Trevor
First captain?
Famous boat builder
Biblical role for Crowe
"The Daily Show" host
Noted shipbuilder
Ark guy
Noted flood survivor
First name in Websters
Biblical visitor to Ararat
Flood engineer?
One releasing a dove in the Bible
Boatwright of scripture
Biblical voyager
Genesis ark-maker
Webster of dictionary fame
A beery
Flood VIP
Boat builder of Genesis
Biblical patriarch-turned-sailor
Son of Lamech
World-famous mariner
He planned for a rainy day
114-Across builder
Genesis voyager
TV host with the autobiography "Born a Crime"
Joakim of the 22-Down
Animal pair rescuer
40-day captain
Genesis 7 guy
Early vintner, in the Bible
Joakim of the NBA
Biblical ark-builder
Actor Centineo
Biblical boat captain
One famous for seeing double?
Great Flood figure
Biblical boat maker
Singer Cyrus
TV host with the memoir "Born a Crime"
Builder who lived to be 950
Witness to the first rainbow in the Bible
Very early boat builder
Builder concerned with pairs
Man with two dogs?
Organizer of a couples cruise?
Bible character similar to Nu'u
Biblical boater
Miley Cyrus' musical sister
Legendary wildlife conservationist
TV host who was the subject of the documentary "You Laugh but It's True"
One arranging for flood insurance?
Trevor who hosts "The Daily Show"
Creator of an animal shelter
Organizer of a couples getaway?
"Born a Crime" memoirist Trevor
"Falling Skies" actor Wyle
Stewart's "The Daily Show" successor
Comedian Trevor
Trevor who hosted the "The Daily Show" from 2015 to 2022
"ER" actor Wyle
"Marriage Story" writer/director Baumbach
Great flood protagonist
"Stranger Things" star Schnapp
"Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood" comedian Trevor
Sprinter Lyles
"Black Adam" actor Centineo
Biblical figure with an ark
Book of Genesis shipbuilder
"Barbie" co-writer Baumbach
Stewart's successor on "The Daily Show"
TV host Trevor with the memoir "Born a Crime"
Head of a noted animal rescue project