Crossword Heaven
Answer: MSS
MSS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 108 times.
What eds. edit
Submissions to S. & S.
Env. contents, sometimes
Things to be edited: Abbr.
Texts for eds.
Post-B.A. degrees
Submissions to eds.
Ed.'s pile
Much of an ed.'s in-box
Work for eds.
Ed.'s in-box filler
Items in an ed.'s in-box
Authors' offerings: Abbr.
Works for an ed.
Archive docs.
Typesetters' needs: Abbr.
Editor's backlog: Abbr.
Workload for eds.
Publisher's pile: Abbr.
Editor's work: Abbr.
Eds. read them
What eds. read
Papers (abbr.)
SASE enclosures (abbr.)
Slush pile items (abbr.)
They're read by eds.
Bks., at first
Orig. texts
Editors' perusals (abbr.)
Editors edit them (abbr.)
Editor's piles (abbr.)
Mag. submissions
Envelope enclosures (abbr.)
13-Down piles: Abbr.
Slush pile contents: Abbr.
They might be unsolicited: Abbr.
Submissions to literary agents: Abbr.
Deskful for an ed.
Money pile?: Abbr.
Auth.'s submissions
Ed.'s work pile
Ed.'s trayful
Submissions to an ed.
Ed.'s pile for review
Ed.'s inbox filler
Workloads for eds.
Brief author's submissions
Items on an ed.'s desk, perhaps
In-box stock: Abbr.
Ed.'s workload
Freelance output: Abbr.
Things read by 41-Down
Ed.'s submissions
Ed.'s reading material
Writer's writings, in brief
Ed.'s workload items
Eds.' workload
Pre-publication wks.
Modern titles
Eds.' in-box filler
Authors' offerings (abbr.)
Editors' mail (abbr.)
Stacks for eds.
Authors' submissions (abbr.)
Ed.'s inbox fillers
Stack on an ed.'s desk
Drafts (Abbr.)
Original texts: Abbr.
Orig. copies
Stack in a mag. office
Ed.'s stack
Future bks
Bks. in progress
Slush-pile pile: Abbr.
Works for an editor: Abbr.
Handwritten wds.
They may be returned with regrets: Abbr.
Much mail to mags
Writer's in brief
Ed.'s concern
Some advanced degs.
Author's submissions: Abbr.
Pub. submissions
Some mail for a mag
Writers' output
Slush for eds. to wade through
Rejects, usually: Abbr.
Eds.' piles
Potential mag. articles, maybe
Writer's submissions (Abbr.)
Editor's workload (Abbr.)
Some submissions: Abbr.
Things eds. edit
Books-to-be: Abbr.
Ed.'s backlog
Pile at a publisher: Abbr.
Ed.'s review pile
Ed.'s acquisitions
Submitted texts: Abbr.
What novels begin as (Abbr.)
Bks. before publication
Author's offerings: abbr.
Prospects read by eds.
Articles-in-the-rough: Abbr.
Archivist's treasures: Abbr.
Pile on an ed.'s desk
Authors' submissions: Abbr.