Crossword Heaven
Answer: MOPE
MOPE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 73 times.
Look dejected
Wear a long face
Gloomy Gus
Have a long face
Act gloomy
Have the blues
Be listless
Be a gloomy Gus
Be down
Put on an unhappy face
Put on a long face
Be down in the dumps
Be sulky
Behave like Gloomy Gus
Brooding type
Look down
Have a case of the blahs
Pouty person
Be depressed
Turn blue?
Long-faced one
Act listlessly
Sing the blues
Wear a long puss
Act dejected
Wear a frown
Be a drag
Engage in self-pity
Act like Eeyore
Suffer from self-pity
Be visibly dispirited
Sulk aimlessly
Brood about
Be in a funk
Indulge a pet?
Wallow in a stew
Act sullen
Be glum
Look sullen
Look glum
Wear a long face
Act crestfallen
Betray dejection
Be blue
Act the gloomy Gus
Be resentful
Sulk sadly
Languish dejectedly
Show gloominess
Display dejection
Emulate Eeyore
Act listless
Be a Debbie Downer
Sullen sort
Wear a puss
Wallow in dejection
Fritter away time
Act sulky
Feel sorry for oneself
Something one might do after an embarrassing loss
"Straight" details
Act down
Be a sad sack
Wear a hangdog expression
Act moody
Wallow in sadness
Display apathy
Have a pity party