Answer: LIT
LIT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 256 times.
- On, as a lamp
- English ___
- Plastered
- Stewed
- On
- Potted
- Ignited
- Tanked
- Afire
- Burning
- Torched
- Smashed
- Soused
- Turned on
- Inebriated
- Berated, with "into"
- Beyond tipsy
- Put a match to
- Blotto
- Kiddie ___
- Three sheets to the wind
- Good books, briefly
- Under the table
- Torched.
- On, in a way
- Boozy
- See 116-Down
- Half seas over
- Wasted
- Bombed
- Fired up
- Squiffed
- Intoxicated
- Books, for short
- Fried
- Shining
- On fire
- Stiff
- Like a sizzling fuse
- Flicked one's Bic
- Drunk as a skunk
- Full of 51-Down
- Short stories and such, for short
- Set on fire
- Polluted
- Touched off
- Like cherries jubilee
- 30-Across course
- Set afire
- Feeling no pain?
- Kindled
- Touched a match to
- Illuminated
- Snockered
- Got blazing
- High as a kite
- Sozzled
- Chick __: light women's fiction
- Pie-eyed
- Flambé, say
- College course, for short
- Departed in a hurry, with "out"
- Set aflame
- All fired up?
- Drunk
- Class with a lot of reading, for short
- Blitzed
- Pickled
- Trashed
- Oiled
- Besotted
- English __
- More than tipsy
- Glowing
- Set a match to
- Struck, as a match
- Started burning
- Set fire to
- Set off
- Books, briefly
- On, as a kerosene lamp
- Ablaze
- Wd. with ''English'' or ''kiddie''
- Stewed to the gills
- Like some jack-o'-lanterns
- Inflamed
- Illumined
- Started a torch job
- Brightened
- In flames
- Luminous
- Word with "English" or "kiddie"
- "English" course
- High on highballs
- Like burning candles
- Sloshed
- Fiction course, for short
- Wd. with "English" or "kiddie"
- Chick ___: light women's fiction
- Where Henri hits the hay
- English Dept. subj.
- Eng. subj.
- Coll. course
- Tipsy
- English class, for short
- Started a fire
- Landed
- Having had way too many
- Started, as a cigarette
- High on highballs, e.g.
- Having had way too many
- Brief reading?
- Loaded
- Turned on, as a bulb
- Eng. course
- Set ablaze
- Turned on, as a lamp
- A bit sloshed
- A bit tipsy
- Brightened up
- Reading course, for short
- Iluminated
- Enkindled
- Tipsy and then some
- Aflame
- American ___ (univ. course)
- English course, for short
- American ___
- Aglow
- Eng. class
- Glowing, perhaps
- Reading matter, for short
- Humanities course, for short
- Took a match to
- Put a beam on
- Opposite of "extinguished"
- In one's cups
- Way past tipsy
- Lighted
- Ignited, as a match
- See 43-Across
- Active, as a match
- Shit-faced
- Afire, as a candle
- Ignited, as a bottle rocket
- Really tipsy
- Blazing
- Set burning
- Starting to burn
- Brightened, with "up"
- Inebriated, in slang
- Match up
- Showed happiness, with "up"
- On fire, as a match
- Seeable at night, say
- Ignited, as a fire
- Started, as a fire
- University course, for short
- Like a hearth
- Fired
- Turned the lamp on
- Not in the dark
- On, as an old lamp
- Started a match
- Hammered
- Berated (with "into")
- Body of writings, for short
- Flicked a Bic
- Like a burning candle
- Eng. subject
- Touched down
- Sauced
- On, as a candle
- Pierre's bed
- Found a perch
- On, as a Victorian lamp
- Activated, as a fuse
- Drunk as a candle?
- Now bright
- Like an active candle
- Brit ___ (Hardy category)
- Like a shining candle
- Flaming
- Book course
- Ignited with a match
- In a blaze
- On like a lantern
- All fired up
- Matched?
- Burning, as a candle
- Like many a tree at Christmas
- Like a happening party, in slang
- Like a fire
- Like an active match
- Activated, as a Christmas tree
- Short stories?
- Like a ready grill
- Like a busy match?
- Like a working candle
- Activated, as a fire
- Hopping, as a party
- Eng. ___
- Word with "kiddie"
- Put to the torch
- Like many matches
- Like a glowing candle
- Exciting, in modern lingo
- "Comp" follower, at college
- Like an awesome party
- Kid ___: reading genre
- 135 Ignited
- English major's subj.
- Extremely fun, as a party
- Like a glowing jack-o'-lantern
- Fiction, for short
- Extremely fun
- Blasted
- Like a hoppin' party
- Like a rager, perhaps
- "Let's get ___!" (party cry)
- Like candles before singing "Happy Birthday"
- Happening, in slang
- Settled (on)
- Hoppin', in modern lingo
- Word following English or green
- Awesome, in slang
- Awesome, slangily
- Like a rager
- Wildly fun
- Kid ___
- Happenin', modernly
- Poppin', as a party
- Hoppin'
- Descriptor for a candle or a party
- Buzzing … or, in a different sense, buzzed
- Like a happenin' party
- On, say
- Class in which books are studied, for short
- Switched on
- Like a wild party or a burning candle
- Hoppin', as a party
- Held a match to
- Fun, as a party
- A.P. subj.
- Deserving of a fire emoji, as a party
- Happening, in modern parlance
- Not dark
- Exciting slangily
- Super fun
- Happenin', like a party
- Sloshed, in slang
- Like a birthday candle prior to your making a wish
- Hoppin', in slang
- Course with a long reading list, for short
- Like an epic rager
- Like an amazing party, slangily