Answer: IDOL
IDOL is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 675 times.
- Teen Beat cover subject
- 1948 film "The Fallen ___"
- Elvis, for one
- What's all the screaming about?
- Teen ___
- Elvis Presley, in the 50's and 60's
- Joss
- Pop star, say
- Second Commandment taboo
- Someone who's looked up to
- Pop star
- Person with fans
- One on a pedestal
- Movie star
- False god
- Hero
- Matinee hero
- Favorite one
- Object of devotion
- Part of a temple's décor, maybe
- Teen fave
- Revered object
- Role model, maybe
- Teen magazine profilee
- 1-Across, e.g.
- Screen fave
- Elvis or Fabian, once
- Baal, e.g.
- Darling
- Hollywood favorite
- Pedestal topper
- Golden calf
- One who’s swooned over
- Britney Spears, to some
- It might be surrounded by bows
- Ricky Martin, for one
- Object of blind devotion
- Pagoda sight
- One getting bags of fan mail
- Fetishist's object
- Not just a star
- Favorite
- Graven image
- Poster boy?
- Teen ___ (heartthrob)
- Fawned-over figure
- Object of incense burning, maybe
- Second commandment no-no
- Elvis, once
- Revered figure
- Britney Spears, to teen girls
- Screen favorite
- One who's looked up to
- One often asked for an autograph
- "American ___"
- Loved one
- Fawning target
- Subject of adoration
- The golden calf was one
- Fan club's honoree
- Pedestal figure
- Elvis or Madonna, e.g.
- Hit Fox show, in headlines
- Any of the Beatles, once
- TV's "American ___"
- Matinee ___
- Person on a poster
- Temple figure
- Teen People cover subject
- One doing commercial endorsements, maybe
- Role model
- Hero-type
- Temple image
- Any Beatle, once
- Superstar
- Big star, say
- Fan mail recipient
- Immunity item on "Survivor"
- "American __"
- Hero type
- Object of worship
- Fan fave
- Provider of immunity on "Survivor"
- One with adoring fans
- British rocker Billy
- Rolling Stone cover subject
- Kelly Clarkson or Taylor Hicks
- False
- Taylor Hicks, e.g.
- Fox TV's "American ___"
- Massive star
- Rock star, e.g.
- Wannabe's model
- Object of many screams
- Fox hit "American ___"
- It may be false
- Hero to many
- Golden deity, say
- Fox's "American ___"
- Immunity ___ on "Survivor"
- Fan favorite
- Very hot star
- Miley Cyrus, to teens
- Rock star, say
- Elvis Presley or Marilyn Monroe
- Tiger Beat cover subject
- Word after matinee or teen
- Object of fan adoration
- Rocker Billy
- Golden calf, for instance
- Heartthrob
- "Raiders of the Lost Ark" treasure
- Matinee star
- Fan club's focus
- Hollywood heartthrob
- "Rebel Yell" rocker Billy
- Elvis, to many
- Sacred cow
- Fanzine focus
- Golden calf, e.g.
- "White Wedding" singer Billy
- Elvis, notably
- Sinatra, to a bobbysoxer
- Autograph hunters' target, maybe
- James Dean, for one
- Fabian, once
- "American ___" (TV show)
- Golden calf, for one
- Iconoclast's target
- Baal, for one
- Deity representation
- Teen Beat subject
- Adored figure
- Fanzine topic, often
- Object of pagan worship
- Person on a pedestal
- Adored one
- Heathen's figurine
- Word after American
- "Cradle of Love" singer Billy
- Athletic hero, say
- Admired one
- Adored person
- Worshiped object
- Matinée heartthrob
- Fox hit, to fans
- Inspirational figure
- Jordin Sparks or Carrie Underwood, familiarly
- Image receiving homage
- The golden calf, for one
- "Rebel Yell" singer Billy
- Tinseltown favorite
- Frank Sinatra, for one
- Seacrest show, familiarly
- Pedestal percher
- Worshiped one
- Matinee follower?
- Object of adoration
- Person loved by lots
- "Cradle of Love" singer
- Teen ___ (Tiger Beat subject)
- Megastar
- Kelly Clarkson, once
- Simon Cowell's show, for short
- See 41-Across
- Immunity ___ ("Survivor" prop)
- Moorish ___ (kind of fish that Willem Dafoe's Gill is, in "Finding Nemo")
- Simon Cowell's TV show, familiarly
- "Canadian ___"
- Groupie target
- Show with Sanjaya Malakar, familiarly
- Show won by Jordin Sparks in 2007, familiarly
- Hit show on Fox, familiarly
- "Vital ___" (hit rock album of 1987)
- Fox franchise, familiarly
- Revered one
- Fox juggernaut since 2002, familiarly
- Fan letter recipient
- Fox reality show, popularly
- Stargazer's focus?
- Worshiped carving
- Popular reality show, familiarly
- "The Search for a Superstar" show, familiarly
- Star watched by many
- Star with a big following
- Object of a Fox hunt
- Worshiped celeb
- Tabloid subject
- Adored star
- Fan-club favorite
- ''American __'' (Fox show)
- Fan-mail recipient
- Admired person
- Big favorite
- Adored celebrity
- Object of admiration
- Fan-club focus
- Object of adulation
- One who's worshipped
- Many a pop star
- Fan-mag subject
- Object of veneration
- Screen sensation
- One who's admired
- Lionized one
- ''American __'' (performer's TV showcase)
- ''American __''
- Admired celeb
- Admired celebrity
- Mega-celebrity
- Religious image
- Teen favorite
- Folk hero
- Pagan's figurine
- Autograph requestee
- Figure in a pagoda, perhaps
- Worshipped thing
- Commandment taboo
- Worshipped celeb
- What a wannabe wants to be
- Golden calf, for example
- Subject of a commandment
- Fox favorite, for short
- Aaron's calf, for one
- ''American ___''
- ''Teenage ___'' (Ricky Nelson)
- Word associated with Abdul
- Show that once featured Jordin Sparks, familiarly
- Word with ''screen'' or ''teen''
- Worshipped one
- False deity
- Any Beatle, e.g.
- Fan club focus
- Elvis, to some
- Unholy figurine
- Person or object of devotion
- Target of fawning
- Teenage heartthrob
- Prop for a movie set in a jungle
- Revered celebrity
- Matinee, for one
- Simon Cowell show
- Megacelebrity
- One with a following
- Word with "American" or "teen"
- Fanzine subject
- "Eyes Without a Face" singer Billy
- "The Fallen ___" (1948)
- Star to look up to
- Word associated with Cowell
- Hicks or Underwood
- Whom fans adore
- Ten Commandments taboo
- Cowell's show, familiarly
- Word with "American" or false
- More than a star
- Matinee subject
- Matinee follower
- Temple outcast, perhaps
- Word with false or teen
- Word with teen or American
- Teen fixation
- Joss house figure
- Fox hit, in headlines
- Object of desire
- Ruben Studdard, for one
- Fox show, in headlines
- Fantasia, for one
- British punker Billy
- Pagan's figure
- Joss, e.g.
- Fox hunt winner?
- Reality show, for short
- "Survivor" immunity emblem
- Fan-club hero
- Much-admired celebrity
- Long-running reality show, familiarly
- Elvis Presley was one
- TV's "American __"
- Worshipped carving
- "American ___" (hit TV show)
- Fan club favorite
- Worshipped object
- "Eyes Without a Face" singer
- Show that launched Kelly Clarkson's career, familiarly
- Symbol of a deity
- One with many fans
- English rocker Billy
- Word with "teen" or "matinee"
- Awe inspirer
- Star with a following
- Admiration recipient
- Worshipped item
- False thing to worship
- People magazine focus
- Poster person
- Fox hit since 2002, informally
- Seacrest vehicle, briefly
- Simon's old show, familiarly
- Word once associated with Abdul and Cowell
- Artifact
- Golden calf, infamously
- Sacred statue
- Immunity __: "Survivor" prop
- One whos swooned over
- "Teenage ___" (Ricky Nelson)
- Word with "screen" or "teen"
- Fan's focus
- Cult figure
- Niche figure
- "Rebel Yell" rocker
- Screen or teen sensation
- "American ___" (Fox show)
- "American ___" (performer's TV showcase)
- "American ___" (talent show)
- Immunity ___: "Survivor" prop
- J. Lo's show, for short
- Pinup subject
- Shrine item
- Paragon
- Sokyrka or Malcolm
- Icon
- Fox series, for short
- Billy who sang "Rebel Yell"
- Much-loved celebrity
- Person on a poster, perhaps
- 1-Across, usually
- Hugely popular celeb
- Michael Jordan, e.g.
- Hot star
- Much-admired person
- Archeologist find
- Reality show, familiarly
- Celeb with a large following
- J. Lo show
- One who's worshiped
- Tabloid figure
- Goddess's statue
- Word once associated with Simon Cowell
- Pagan god
- Graven god
- Rock star, to teens
- Fan's fixation
- Archaeologist's find
- Reality TV juggernaut, casually
- Winner of a Fox talent show beginning in 2002
- 'American ___'
- Pedestal occupant
- Fan's favorite
- One with a huge fan base
- 'Ameri-can ___'
- 'Survivor' immunity emblem
- Major celeb
- Huge star
- Childhood hero
- Sacred image of a God
- Worshipped figurine
- TV contest with a blue neon sign logo, for short
- Poster person, perhaps
- "American ___"
- Fan club's following
- Word no longer associated with Simon Cowell
- Pop star, to some
- Teen mag cover subject
- Pop hero
- Pagan statue
- Poster subject, maybe
- Person or thing with a following
- See 9-Down
- Sacred carving, perhaps
- Target of a Fox hunt?
- Justin Bieber e.g.
- Justin Bieber, e.g.
- Carrie Underwood or Taylor Hicks
- Hollywood VIP
- Teen dreamboat
- More-than-admired one
- One put on a pedestal
- Giant star
- Commandment no-no
- Where Kelly Clarkson got her big break, familiarly
- Star frequently gazed at
- Fox talent show, for short
- First treasure found in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
- Center of attention
- Justin Bieber or the golden calf
- Kalan Porter, for one
- A future one is judged on TV
- "The Voice" alternative, briefly
- Hollywood celeb
- Superstar search show, to fans
- It might be false
- Something smashed by Abraham, in Jewish tradition
- Admired figure
- Fox talent contest, to fans
- Revered individual
- One with millions of followers
- Ultra-favorite
- Matinee is one kind
- Pop favorite
- Popular singing show, familiarly
- Recipient of bags of fan mail
- Reality TV winner
- Teen Vogue subject
- The golden calf, infamously
- Billy of rock music
- TV talent show, for short
- Kelly Clarkson was the first "American" one
- Some worship it
- Fan club honoree
- Many a Rolling Stone cover subject
- Big screen superstar
- Star of the silver screen
- Sinatra, to bobby soxers
- Statue of Vishnu, e.g.
- One who can do no wrong, perhaps
- Revered entertainer
- Mega celebrity
- Venerated one
- Word with false or matinee
- Simon Cowell's old show, familiarly
- "Survivor" immunity token
- Aaron made one
- Frequent autograph signer
- Malcolm or Avila
- Baal of wax, e.g.
- Matinee ___ (old film star)
- "Matinee" or "Billy" follower
- Fawned-over star
- Rocker Billy ___
- Pop star, perhaps
- Fans' favorite
- Sacred cow, for one
- Golden god, say
- One looked up to
- Graven image, e.g.
- False concept
- "Tiger Beat" subject
- *Entertainment phenomenon since 2002
- False ___
- "Tiger Beat" cover subject
- Bedroom poster subject
- Immunity symbol on "Survivor"
- "White Wedding" rocker Billy
- Winner of a popular TV talent show
- Something false in the Bible?
- "Teen age ___" (Rick Nelson)
- Subject of a Fox hunt
- 'American '
- Much-admired one
- Pop ___
- Fan fixation
- Matinee favorite
- Revered star
- Seacrest's show, to fans
- Fan’s fixation
- Revered person
- More than a celebrity
- Word with "false" or "matinee"
- Questionable thing to worship
- See 95-Across
- American ___
- Recipient of 11-Down
- Taylor Swift, for one
- Personal hero
- One with devotees
- False or golden thing
- American TV show?
- Screen VIP
- Big screen star
- Aaron made a false one
- Celeb with a big fan base
- Fox hit since 2002, familiarly
- "False" thing of worship
- An object of worship
- Star with tons of fans
- One with loyal followers
- Pagan figurine
- Tabloid perennial
- Hot star, e.g.
- "People" person
- Teenage dream?
- TV's discontinued "American ___"
- Adored one of groupies
- Subject of hero worship
- Star often gazed at
- Fifteen-season Fox show, for short
- Elvis Presley, to many
- Fan mail receiver
- Teen hero
- Bieber, to a "Belieber"
- Statue that's sacred to some
- One with star power
- Treasure hunter's loot, maybe
- Carrie Underwood, for one
- Paparazzi's quarry
- Luminary
- Much-loved star
- Kelly Clarkson was one
- An image of worship
- Divine image
- Archaeological treasure
- Star adored by many
- Heroic person, to some
- "American ___" (TV program)
- Entertainment Weekly interviewee
- Kelly Clarkson was the first one, informally
- Former Fox talent show, for short
- Object some revere
- Big star
- Word after teen or matinee
- False or graven object
- Much-followed star
- Joss house figurine
- Awesome one
- Fan club fave
- More than a hero
- Symbol of immunity, on "Survivor"
- Golden acquisition for Indiana Jones
- Thing that can be worshiped falsely
- Item swiped by Indiana Jones at the start of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
- Symbol of immunity on "Survivor"
- Bieber, to "Beliebers"
- Adored object
- Tribal fetish
- "American ___" (singing competition)
- Immunity ___ ("Survivor" object)
- Venerated person
- One to 2-Down
- Beloved star
- ___ worship
- One with many fan clubs
- Rock's Billy
- Tiki or Baal
- ___ chatter (gossip mag fodder?)
- Celebrated star
- Kelly Clarkson was the first, briefly
- Rock star Billy ___
- One with fawning fans
- Ten Commandments no-no
- Word with "false"
- Talent show that returned in 2018, for short
- Fanzine favorite
- One admired
- Joss or tiki
- Singing competition that returned in 2018, familiarly
- Indiana Jones pursuit
- One with millions of Instagram followers, say
- Fan's fave
- ABC took it over last March
- Pedestal object
- Subject of devotion
- Presley was one for some
- Target of adoration
- Stargazing subject?
- Longtime singing talent show, familiarly
- Worshiped star
- Buddha statue, e.g.
- Graven image
- Fanzine fave
- Not very busy-sounding celeb
- Well-worshiped one
- Tribal figurine
- Teen heartthrob
- Fan club's hero
- Seacrest's show, for short
- Singular sensation
- Teen's wall poster figure
- "American ___" (singing show)
- Beyonce, to the Beyhive
- Talent show that jumped networks, familiarly
- Teen's heartthrob
- Aspirational figure
- Word following teen or matinee
- Rocker, perhaps
- Heathen's deity
- Much-adored celebrity
- Much-gawked-at one
- Darling of many
- ABC talent show, informally
- Person with many followers
- "Survivor" immunity item
- Object of much reverence
- One with a fan club
- Worldwide singing franchise, to fans
- Worshipped figure
- Person you look up to
- Celebrated figure
- Worshipper's subject
- One getting much fan email
- Much-worshipped celebrity
- Show that launched Clay Aiken's singing career, familiarly
- Taylor Swift, for Swifties
- Person put on a pedestal
- Person who's looked up to
- Revered role model
- Deeply admired person
- Whom a fan club follows
- Exemplar
- Object of infatuation
- Word after fallen or false
- Fawned-over celebrity
- TV talent show winner
- Selena Gomez, for Selenators
- Celebrity with many fans
- Winner of a TV talent show
- 2018 BTS hit
- Beloved celebrity
- Celebrity who's worshipped
- Adored singer, say
- Venerated figure
- Person you worship
- Pop sensation
- Looked-up-to person
- Golden god
- One with tens of millions of Instagram followers, maybe
- Singing competition series, for short
- Fetishized one
- Worshipped image
- Much-admired figure
- Teen sensation
- Revered pop star, say
- Fan site focus
- "American ___" (singing competition show)
- Worshipped celebrity
- Word after "false" or "fallen"
- Celebrity with a huge following
- Bedroom poster figure, say
- One with many followers
- Larger-than-life figure
- Person you admire
- Statue of Ganesha, e.g.
- Person who's worshipped
- Childhood hero, perhaps
- Celeb with many adoring fans
- Some people bow to it
- "You can call me artist, you can call me ___" (BTS lyric)
- One on a fan site
- TV competition, familiarly
- Worshiped figure
- Celebrity who's adored
- TV competition "American ___"
- Major role model
- Person who's admired
- Word with false or fallen
- Worshiped person
- K-pop star
- Beloved celeb
- "American ___" (competition show)
- Big celebrity
- K-pop star, e.g.
- Beloved superstar
- Effigy
- Token of immunity in "Survivor"
- "Pop ___," British show that launched Simon Cowell's TV career
- One inundated with fan mail
- Singing competition, familiarly
- More than a favorite
- K-pop star, say
- Word after teen or American
- Seacrest vehicle, familiarly
- Longtime TV singing series, to fans
- Survivor item bestowing immunity
- Person you might follow in the footsteps of
- Ariana Grande, to Arianators, e.g.
- Immunity ___ (valuable "Survivor" item)
- Star with lots of fans
- Pedestal dweller
- Reality show winner since 2002
- Celebrated one
- Queequeg's figurine in "Moby-Dick," e.g.
- Swift, to Swifties
- Word after "Immunity" or "American"
- Any member of 34-Down, e.g.
- "Survivor" game-changer