Crossword Heaven
Answer: HIHO
HIHO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 73 times.
Popular snack cracker
Ritz rival
Joyous cry
Sunshine Biscuits brand
Words repeated before "it's off to work we go"
"Farmer in the Dell" syllables
Jaunty greeting
Ritz shelfmate
"The Farmer in the Dell" syllables
Happy cry in song
Bygone cracker brand
Old cracker brand
Exclamation in "The Farmer in the Dell"
Onetime Ritz rival
Brand of Sunshine
Ritz alternative
Ritzy cracker?
Start of the Seven Dwarfs' song
Seven Dwarfs' refrain
Cracker brand
Discontinued Sunshine cracker
Former Sunshine cracker
Old Sunshine Biscuits cracker brand
Ritz lookalike
Sunshine cracker
Sunshine product
Informal greeting
Greeting to Steverino
Snack brand in a red box
Greeting from Kermit the Frog
Snack food that once used the slogan "Taste the difference!"
Keebler cracker
''Farmer in the Dell'' syllables
Film dwarfs' refrain
Start of a Sleepy refrain?
Dwarf's refrain words
Brand discontinued by Keebler
Bygone Ritz rival
Erstwhile Ritz-like Sunshine cracker
Seven Dwarfs' song syllables
Old brand of crackers
Greeting of a sort
Lively greeting
Onetime Ritz competitor
Old snack cracker brand
Former Ritz rival
Ritz look-alike of old
Longtime Ritz competitor
Greeting from Kermit
Brand of crackers
Slangy greeting
Song syllables before "It's off to work we go"
Word from the seven dwarfs marching song
Old Ritz rival
Chirpy greeting
Cry in "The Farmer in the Dell"
"___! Cherry-o" (kids' board game)
Kermit's greeting
Kermit greeting
Ritz cracker look-alike
Syllables in a children's refrain
Chipper greeting
Kermit the Frog's greeting
Cheery cry
Kermit the Frog's salutation
Cheery greeting
Crackers once sold in a red box
Cheerful greeting
___! Cherry-O (board game)
Upbeat greeting
Syllables sung in "The Farmer in the Dell"
Sunny greeting
___! Cherry-O (counting game)