Answer: GOO
GOO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 154 times.
- Sentimentality
- Early baby word
- Mud
- Sentimental stuff
- Infantile remark
- Baby syllable
- Schmaltz
- Sticky stuff
- First word?
- Melted caramel, e.g.
- Gloppy stuff
- Bit of baby talk
- Moo ___ gai pan
- Baby's first word
- Comment from a high chair
- Baby's first word, maybe
- Muck
- Word from the crib
- "Ick!" evoker
- Exudation, maybe
- Sentimental drivel
- Melted tar, e.g.
- Fake blood, maybe
- Baby's word or baby's food
- Mush
- Comment from a babe
- Slime
- Bit of baby babble
- Slimy stuff
- Sentimental tripe
- Sticky substance
- Thick, messy substance
- Highchair syllable
- Extreme sentimentality
- It's gross
- Viscous substance
- Oobleck, e.g.
- Gunk
- Icky, sticky stuff
- Icky stuff
- Baby talk word
- Stickum
- Sludgy stuff
- Sludgy substance
- It's icky and sticky
- Sludge
- Moo __ gai pan
- Crib comment
- Hair gel, e.g.
- Glop
- Yucky stuff
- Glutinous stuff
- Guck relative
- Crib talk
- Nursery word
- Slimy gunk
- Infantile syllable
- Mawkish drivel
- Saccharine sentiment
- Infantile statement
- Hot tar, for instance
- Baby babble
- Hot tar, e.g.
- Melted chocolate, e.g.
- Melted ice cream, e.g.
- Liquid tar, e.g.
- Sticky matter
- The Blob, essentially
- Oozing stuff
- Oozing crud
- Molten tar, e.g.
- Baby word
- Wet tar, for example
- Hot tar, for example
- Baby's word
- Baby-talk syllable
- Gunky stuff
- Oozy stuff
- Sticky gunk
- Oozing gunk
- Oozy gunk
- Wet tar, for instance
- Baby's first and second word?
- Melted ice cream, for instance
- Slimy substance
- Excess epoxy
- Sticky, yucky stuff
- Hair gel, for example
- Nursery sound
- Baby's first word?
- Comment from the cradle
- Melted Popsicle, e.g.
- Liquidy gunk
- Viscous stuff
- When repeated, early baby sounds
- Surfeit of sentiment
- Crude oil, e.g.
- Baby's sound
- Moo gai pan
- Word from an infant
- Sentimentality, to some
- Ooze
- ___ Goo dolls
- S'mores marshmallow, after roasting
- Baby's first word, sometimes
- Wet gunk
- Axle grease, e.g.
- Fake blood, e.g.
- Baby talk
- Sickly sweet sentiment
- Oil or honey
- Apt rhyme for "glue"
- Melted peanut butter, e.g.
- Baby's syllable
- Crib sound
- Hot 17-Across, e.g.
- Hair gel, for instance
- Baby's first syllable, sometimes
- Foolish sentimentality
- Too-sweet sentiment
- Infantile word
- Thick, slimy substance
- Smoldering tar, e.g.
- Result of nuking a Nestlé
- Melted mess
- Melted marshmallows, e.g.
- When repeated, baby's utterance
- ___ Gone: gunk-cleaning product
- Hot chocolate, e.g.
- Unappealing viscous material
- Stuff like syrup
- Halloween "blood," e.g.
- Slime relative
- 37-Across, e.g.
- Result of a meltdown?
- Excessive sentimentality
- Half a musical doll?
- Slime, e.g.
- Sticky icky stuff
- When repeated, infant's sound
- Sticky, wet stuff
- Glue ... or a rhyme for "glue"
- Hair gel or wet tar
- Baby's stereotypical first syllable
- Hair gel, essentially
- Caramel or hot fudge, basically
- Mucky stuff
- Failed fudge, maybe
- Infant's interjection
- Baby talk syllable
- Mousse, e.g.
- Gluey stuff
- Possible result of over-reduction
- Gel or tar