Crossword Heaven
Answer: GALE
GALE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 131 times.
Apt family name in "The Wizard of Oz"
Battering wind
Severe blow
Beaufort scale category
Heavy blow
Easter, e.g., at sea
Oz visitor Dorothy
Big blow
Kind of force
Strong draft
Forceful wind
Strong wind
Noisy outburst
Storm wind
Fast-moving wind
Air force?
It might make waves
Loud outburst
Storm of "My Little Margie"
Dorothy ___ of "The Wizard of Oz"
"The Wizard of Oz" surname
Big wind
Stiff wind
Dorothy from Kansas
Walloping wind
Outburst of laughter, e.g.
#8 on the Beaufort scale
8 on the Beaufort scale
It's not quite a hurricane
"The Wizard of Oz" family name
Near-hurricane-force wind
Football Hall of Famer Sayers
Big blow?
Less than a hurricane
Lots of laughs
Nor'easter feature
High wind
Freighter hazard
Term in meteorology
Hard wind
Beaufort-scale level
Sayers of football
Flag flapper
Fierce wind
It might have an effect
It's over 32 miles per hour
Burst of laughter
Dorothy of Kansas
Very strong wind
Strong gust
Chicago Bears Hall of Famer Sayers
Mighty wind
One might make waves
Peril at sea
Powerful wind
Strong blow
Perilous wind
Powerful blow
Beaufort Scale biggie
Longtime Lucille Ball foil Gordon
Beaufort's 8
Destructive wind
Heavy wind
Fighter in "The Hunger Games"
Reason to warn boaters
It makes a flag flap
Actor Gordon
Big burst
___ warning
Dorothy's last name, in 'The Wizard of Oz'
Wild wind
Big windstorm
Sayers of football lore
Wind blast
Windy blast
Air force
Small craft concern
Sayers portrayed in "Brian's Song"
Wind of 32 to 63 mph, on the Beaufort scale
It's a blast
Weather Channel warning
Big-time blow
Reason for a warning
Way beyond a breeze
Major blow
Brisk wind
Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz"
50-mile-an-hour wind, e.g.
Beaufort scale word
It's quite a blow
Wind storm
Dangerous wind for small boats
Baum's Dorothy
Strong burst
Al's producer on "Lateline"
See 96 Down
Meteorological howler
Wind warning indicated by two red flags
Forceful blow
Dorothy who visited Oz
Snow blower, perhaps
It's a big blow
Gordon of "The Lucy Show"
Peal of laughter
Big gust
More than a breeze
Wind of 34-47 knots
Wind worth a warning
Reason for a small craft advisory
Wind speed category
Navigation hazard
"The Wizard of Oz" surname (or wind!)
Branch-breaking wind
Wind that's worth a warning
8 on the Beaufort wind force scale
___-force winds
It really blows
Sailing hazard
Serious blow
Eight or nine on the Beaufort scale
This really blows
Quite a blast?
Big gust of wind
This blows!
Howling wind
Beaufort scale rating