Answer: ERUPT
ERUPT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 109 times.
- Blow one's top
- Appear suddenly
- Break out
- Explode
- Go off
- Blow up
- Blow
- Burst
- Fly off the handle
- Blow one's lid
- Lose one's cool
- Completely lose it
- Go off like Mount St. Helens
- Blow one's stack
- Make like Mount St. Helens
- Go off like Vesuvius
- Vent, like Vesuvius
- Give vent to anger
- Blow a fuse, say
- Emulate Etna
- Spew lava
- Go ballistic
- Burst forth
- Let lava loose
- Eject lava
- Unleash pent-up emotions
- Lose one's temper
- Boil over
- Show one's rage
- Blow, volcano-style
- Blow a fuse, so to speak
- Spew
- Emulate 18 Down
- Gush, as a volcano
- Emulate a volcano
- Act like a volcano
- Emulate Vesuvius
- Go berserk
- Flare up
- Hit the roof
- Burst out
- Really lose one's temper
- Blow a gasket
- Lose it
- Become active, as a volcano
- Brings out
- Spout, as Vesuvius
- Emulate a geyser
- Blow like Mauna Loa
- Break out, as violence
- Go boom
- Hit the ceiling
- Spew forth
- Go nuts, as a crowd
- Emulate Dante's Peak
- Throw lava
- Spew ash
- Gush forth
- Let out lava
- Go off, as a volcano
- Go off violently
- What an active volcano may do
- Overflow with lava, say
- Burst, volcano-style
- Blow, as a volcano
- Release magma
- Go off like a volcano
- Make like Stromboli
- Blow, like Dante's Peak
- Loose one's cool
- Become violently active
- Break out
- What Etna can do
- Emulate Mauna Loa
- Emulate Kilauea
- Explode like Pinatubo
- Cease being dormant
- Raise the roof
- Make like Etna
- Become active volcanically
- Let out the lava
- Emulate an active volcano
- Blow like Vesuvius
- Vent one's anger
- Spout lava
- Violently release lava
- Throw a tantrum
- Blow volcanically
- Shoot lava
- Lose one's grip
- Spew lava and ash
- Spew 10 Down
- Blow one's fuse
- Vesuviate
- What Mauna Loa can do
- Blow to a geologist
- Go from dormant to active
- Release violently
- Blow like a volcano
- Blow like Eyjafjallajokull
- Spew like a volcano
- Express anger
- Not hold back fury
- Explode in rage
- Explode like a volcano
- Go boom, volcano-style
- Eject lava and ash
- Blow your top
- Eject ash and lava