Answer: ENT
ENT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 279 times.
- Suffix with superintend
- Fangorn Forest dweller
- "The Lord of the Rings" creature
- Suffix with absorb
- Suffix with respond
- Tolkien forest giant
- Tolkien creature
- Tolkien tree-man
- Suffix with consist
- Suffix with insist
- M.D.'s specialty
- Insect study: Abbr.
- Suffix with persist
- Med. specialty
- Suffix with exist
- Suffix with differ
- Tolkien tree creature
- Characterized by: Suffix
- Suffix with despond
- Treebeard in "The Lord of the Rings," e.g.
- Sinus specialist, briefly
- Kind of Dr.
- Dr. who handles otitis cases: Abbr.
- Med. focus
- Specialist M.D.
- "Say 'ah'" doc
- Ending with insist
- Creature in "The Two Towers"
- Otoscope user, for short
- M.D. specialty
- Sinusitis studier's specialty: Abbr.
- Treebeard, e.g.
- Apnea specialist, for short
- Doc with a tongue depressor, maybe
- Specialized M.D.
- Apnea specialist: Abbr.
- Fangorn in "The Lord of the Rings," e.g.
- Suffix with insist or persist
- Ending with absorb
- Otorhinolaryngology abbr.
- Tolkien's Treebeard, for one
- Multipurpose doc, for short
- Sinus specialist, for short
- "Lord of the Rings" tree creature
- "Lord of the Rings" creature
- Tolkien tree being
- Med. specialist
- Depend end
- Differ or depend ending
- MD's specialty
- Vertigo specialist, for short
- "The Lord of the Rings" being
- Tolkien tree-creature
- M.D. who treats sinusitis
- Tolkien's Skinbark, for one
- Otolaryngologist's specialty (abbr.)
- Specialty of some MDs
- Tonsillitis MD
- Head doctor, for short?
- Talking tree of Middle-earth
- Member of a treelike race in Tolkien fiction
- Suffix with differ and correspond
- Suffix with depend and descend
- Tolkien's Treebeard, e.g.
- Suffix with string
- MD who treats sinusitis
- Tolkien woodland creature
- Rhinitis diagnoser, for short
- Tonsillitis-treating MD
- Ending for absorb
- Adjective suffix
- Suffix for consist
- Conclusion for consist
- ''Lord of the Rings'' creature
- Treebeard in ''The Lord of the Rings''
- Suffix with ''differ'' or ''insist''
- Fictional tree creature
- Treebeard in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Creature created by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Fangorn figure
- Tolkien character
- Tolkien forest creature
- End for depend
- Medical specialty
- "The Lord of the Rings" tree being
- Suffix with "respond"
- Tolkien's Beechbone, for one
- Tolkien's Treebeard is one
- Fictional tree shepherd
- Apnea diagnoser, briefly
- Three-in-one M.D.
- Tolkien creature that's not an orc or an elf
- Stud attachment?
- Creature in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Ending for differ
- Tonsillitis M.D.
- Head M.D.?
- Suffix with "differ" or "insist"
- Specialist who might treat otitis interna
- Sinus infection treater: Abbr.
- Ending with absorb or differ
- Sinusitis studier, briefly
- Port or cog ender
- Tolkien tree people
- Tolkien tree person
- One who's often looking down in the mouth, for short?
- Fictional tree person
- Adjective ending
- MD specialty
- Sinusitis doc
- Suffix with "absorb"
- Fictional creature whose name is Old English for "giant"
- Respond add-on
- Certain M.D.
- M.D. concerned with tonsils
- Sinus M.D.
- M.D. who may examine the sinuses
- Treebeard for one
- Otolaryngologist, briefly
- Tolkien tree herder
- Doc with an otoscope
- Kind of M.D.
- Rhinology expert, for short
- "The Lord of the Rings" tree creature
- Otoscope-wielding doc
- Suffix for transcend or depend
- Cog attachment?
- Where sinusitis is a subspecialty
- Sinusitis-treating MD
- Tolkien tree dweller
- Adenoidectomy specialist, for short
- Sinus specialist: Abbr.
- Rhinitis doc
- Penlight-wielding doc
- Otitis doc
- Strep treater, for short
- One who might write an Rx for drops
- Tolkien creature with branches
- Foe of Saruman, in Tolkien
- Frodo friend
- Snoring specialist
- Sinus doc
- Student of Elves, in Tolkien
- Tolkien creation
- Tolkien's tree
- Treelike creature in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Dr. who treats snorers
- Med. speciality
- Defer ending
- Forest creature in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Dr.'s specialty
- Fangorn Forest inhabitant
- Dr. for the neck up
- Way in, in brief
- Tolkien's tree creature
- Tolkien's talking tree
- Way in, briefly
- One of a race in Middle-earth
- Tinnitus treater: Abbr.
- Tonsillectomy MD
- Tree creature in "The Lord of the Rings"
- Suffix with exist or insist
- Doc who treats snorers
- Tolkien giant
- Strep treater: Abbr.
- Forest friend of Frodo
- Fangorn Forest denizen
- Otitis-treating MD
- Fangorn Forest creature
- Doc treating tinnitus
- Sinus specialist, succinctly
- Doc for the neck up
- Tonsil doc
- Otolaryngology doc
- Head doc?
- Fictional giant
- Otorhinolaryngology, familiarly
- Suffix with "depend"
- Suffix with "consist"
- Upper-level doc?
- Endoscope user, briefly
- Par and pot ender
- "The Two Towers" denizen
- Battle of Isengard participant
- Ending for exist
- Tolkien critter
- A doctor who treat strep
- Suffix with subsist
- Suffix for persist
- Suffix for differ
- Sylvan Tolkien creature
- It may be added to port
- Sentient tree
- Uvula doc
- Leafy Tolkien creature
- Specialist in three of the five senses, for short
- Differ ending
- Respond conclusion
- Treelike creature of Middle-earth
- Apnea-treating doc
- Ending for "absorb"
- M.D. type
- Tolkien tree critter
- Doc who might perform laryngologic surgery
- MD treating canals
- Specialty including rhinology
- Tolkien forest shepherd
- Doc who might treat sleep apnea
- Ending for differ or insist
- Sinus dr.
- "Depend" end
- Middle-earth denizen
- Certain med. specialist
- -
- Sinusitis treater, for short
- Tonsillitis-treating doc
- Denizen of Fangorn Forest
- Rhinitis-treating MD
- Congestion doc
- Otolaryngologist, for short
- Sinusitis-treating doc
- Treater of a deviated septum, for short
- Sinusitis treater (Abbr.)
- Otolaryngologist, familiarly
- Authority on MSG allergies
- Creature such as Treebeard
- Fighter in the fictional Battle of Isengard
- Sleep apnea doc
- Forest of Fangorn resident, in fiction
- Tolkien talking tree
- Pipes specialist
- Fantasy creature from the Old English for "giant"
- Tolkien talking plant
- Laryngitis doc
- Doc performing tympanostomies
- Doc using an otoscope
- Specialist in balance issues
- Suffix for "differ"
- Balance specialist
- Doc treating sinus infections
- Sinusitis expert, for short
- Strep-treating doc
- Doc treating laryngitis
- Towering figure in "The Two Towers"
- Doctor with an otoscope
- Rhinitis treater, in brief
- MD treating rhinitis
- Tree creature of Middle-earth
- Tonsillectomy doc
- Otoscope-using M.D.
- Sinusitis treater
- Thyroid specialist, for short
- Doc that might treat 5-Across
- Doc who treats sinusitis
- Doc who might collaborate with an allergist
- Battle of Isengard fighter
- Sinus expert
- Tolkien's Leaflock, for one
- Sinus-treating doctor
- Doc who might treat tinnitus
- Larynx-examining doc
- Lumbering creature of fantasy
- Doc who treats tonsillitis
- Hearing monitor, for short
- Isengard attacker
- One with many stuffy clients, for short?
- Doc who might treat tonsillitis
- Doc with a tongue depressor
- Tonsillitis doc
- Tympanostomy performer, for short
- Head physician, briefly?
- Suffix that turns a verb into an adjective
- Audiologist's colleague, in brief
- Tonsils-checking doc
- Treebeard or Beechbone, in Middle-earth
- Sinus MD
- Doc who treats laryngitis
- Tree creature of fiction
- Treelike Tolkien race