Crossword Heaven
Answer: ELATE
ELATE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 209 times.
Fill with joy
Lift up
Tickle pink
Opposite of deject
More than brighten
Make jubilant
Cause to beam
Carry away, in a way
Make merry?
Thrill to death
Make giddy with delight
Make merry
Make beam
Make joyful
Make happy
Send, in a way
Bring joy to
Puff up
Carry away
Lift the spirits of
Thrill to pieces
Make up?
Really turn on
More than tickle
Give a lift
Put on cloud nine
Make joyous
Cheer greatly
Make rhapsodic
Please no end
Make rapturous
Send to cloud nine
Make one's heart sing
Bring rapture to
More than perk up
Send one's spirits soaring
Induce high spirits in
Fill with optimism
Send to seventh heaven
Really gladden
Cheer up
Fill with high spirits
Send a thrill through
Raise one's spirits
Make very happy
Make giddy
Put in seventh heaven
Please a bunch
Give a thrill
Buck up
Make bubbly
Make overjoyed
Thrill no end
Send, so to speak
Tickle to pieces
Get happy
Put in seventh heaven or on cloud nine
Cause to walk on air
Lift up a lot
Make ecstatic
Really delight
Please plenty
Cheer up to the max
More than just cheer up
Cheer to the max
More than delight
Cheer and then some
Please to the max
Gladden to the max
Delight to the max
Buck up to the max
More than lift
Send sky-high
Send flying
Make smile
Make cheery
Raise the spirits of
Buoy up
Fill with glee
Inspire ecstasy in
Bring cheer to
Send into ecstasy
Make wildly happy
Buoy the spirits of
Cause rhapsody
Give great pleasure to
Give a lift, in a way
Spread a little joy, e.g.
Buoy one's spirits
Cause euphoria
Cheer up and then some
Spread sunshine
Make proud
Make one's day and more
Bring up?
Make the morose merry
Spread joy
Lift spirits
Send spirits soaring
Bring up
Fill with gladness
More than please
Please greatly
Make happier
Send over the moon
Light up
Get up?
Raise spirits
Make euphoric
Infuse with glee
Really pick up
Fill with rapture
Lift one's spirits
Tickle pink
Bring good news to
Make thrilled
Tickle a lot
Really tickle
Buoy up
Buoy up
Tickle a ton
Fill with delight
Bring delight to
Be heart-pleasing
Gladden considerably
Cheer immensely
Make glad
Put in high spirits
Brighten the spirits of
Don't just please
Give a big lift
Make giddy with glee
Fill with exhilaration
Fill with enthusiasm
Make one's heart sing and dance
Raise sprits
Make one's day
Bring jubilation
Give cheer to
Bring great joy
Lift up in spirit
Give a lift to
Please to no end
Make really happy
Thrill to no end
Bring happiness to
Cause high spirits
Fill with happiness
Make more than merry
Totally thrill
Bring great joy to
Do more than please
More than gratify
Get high
Make blissful
Cause one's spirits to rise
Buoy, as one's hopes
Render gleeful
Inspire joy in
Give a kick?
Bring jubilation to
Bring a thrill to
Bring amusement to
Bring smiles to
Bring 42-Across to
Make extremely happy
Buoy, as spirits
Please mightily
Give a major lift
Make very proud
Gladden greatly
Cause to smile
Induce euphoria in
Really excite
Much more than please
Get a big grin out of
Really lift
Fill with great joy
Send to heaven
Lift a lot
Give joy
Transport to cloud nine
Synonym found after deleting half the letters of EXHILARATE
Absolutely delight
Thrill to bits
Put over the moon