Answer: EGAD
EGAD is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 277 times.
- "Holy moly!"
- "Yikes!"
- "Holy cow!"
- Cousin of "Omigod!"
- "Heavens to Betsy!"
- "Holy mackerel!"
- "Yipes!"
- "Holy Toledo!"
- "Omigosh!"
- "My word!"
- "By gar!"
- "My stars!"
- Antiquated euphemism
- Old-time oath
- Cry of mock horror
- "Horrors!"
- Major Hoople's outburst, in old comics
- "Holy smokes!"
- "Zounds!"
- Major Hoople's holler
- "Our Boarding House" oath
- Antiquated outburst
- Quaint outburst
- Cry of shock
- "Good heavens!"
- Dated expletive
- "Goodness gracious!"
- Old oath
- Relative of "Oh, no!"
- "Yipe!"
- Quaint cry of horror
- Old-fashioned outburst
- "Holy smoke!"
- Quaint cry of shock
- Old-time exclamation
- "Good grief!"
- Victorian outburst
- "Oh, golly!"
- Melodramatic outburst
- "Wow!"
- "Good gracious!"
- "Heavens!"
- Quaint exclamation
- "Great Scott!"
- "Glorioski!"
- Old expletive
- Oath from a renegade
- Old-time "Holy smoke!"
- Mild epithet
- "Oh my!"
- "I say!"
- Euphemistic sound of shock
- Mild oath
- Quaint oath
- "Crikey!"
- "Godfrey Daniels!"
- "Gracious!"
- Word of mock horror
- "Criminy!"
- "Gee whiz!"
- "Good gravy!"
- Edwardian oath
- Old expression of surprise
- Edwardian outburst
- Exclamation from Dr. Watson
- G-rated oath
- "My gosh!"
- "Gosh!"
- "Heavens to murgatroid!"
- "Holy jumping catfish!"
- "Heavens to Murgatroyd!"
- Quaint "Heavens!"
- "Tarnation!"
- Mock-dismayed cry
- Old-school "OMG!"
- "Bejabbers!"
- A four-letter exclamation that wouldn't get bleeped
- Antiquated exclamation
- "Goodness me!"
- Surprised reaction
- Cousin of "Nerts!"
- "Zounds!" alternative
- Old-fashioned exclamation
- Cry of surprise
- Gramps's exclamation
- Victorian oath
- Victorian-era "My!"
- "My goodness!"
- "OMG," long before IMs
- Dated oath
- Antiquated oath
- Quaint "Holy moly!"
- Quaint "Yipe!"
- Mild expletive
- "By Jove!"
- "Oh, my!"
- "Holy guacamole!"
- Quaint "Holy cow!"
- Old-style "Holy cow!"
- Old-style exclamation
- ''Omigosh!''
- ''Good grief!''
- Relative of ''Yikes!''
- Old-style ''Yikes!''
- ''By Jove!''
- ''Zounds!''
- Conan Doyle exclamation
- ''Great Caesar's ghost!"
- ''Goodness gracious!''
- Mild exclamation
- ''Good gracious!''
- ''Heavens to Betsy!''
- Old-style oath
- ''Yikes!''
- ''My word!''
- Old-school outburst
- "Zounds!" cousin
- Euphemistic oath
- ''Good golly!''
- ''Good heavens!''
- ''Gosh!''
- ''Zooks!''
- "Jumping catfish!"
- Stereotypically Victorian outburst
- "Great Caesar's ghost!"
- Antiquated interjection
- "Gadzooks!"
- Jeepers!
- Cousin of "zounds!"
- "Darn!"
- Cousin of forsooth!
- Relative of "Zounds!"
- Yipes!
- "By gosh!"
- Kin of "By Jove!"
- Minced oath
- Quaint "Yowza!"
- "How shocking!"
- Old "Oh my gosh!"
- "Oh dear!"
- Old expression of alarm
- Days-of-yore oath
- Oath of old
- "Zooks!"
- "Good golly!"
- Relative of "Yikes!"
- Old-style "Yikes!"
- Antiquated curse
- Quaint (but once quite offensive) exclamation
- Quaint interjection
- Mild profanity
- Mild curse
- Zounds
- Gosh
- Oh God, var.
- Edwardian expletive
- "My heavens!"
- Maj. Hoople's word
- "Yipes"
- "Gosh almighty!"
- Quaint "Yikes!"
- I say!
- Quaint curse
- 'Zounds!'
- 'Holy cow!'
- 'Yikes!'
- 'Holy mackerel!'
- 'Heavens!'
- 'Yipes!'
- 'Bejabbers!'
- 'Oh dear!'
- 'Horrors!'
- 'Holy moly!'
- Quaint euphemism
- "Say it ain't so!"
- "My stars and garters!"
- My stars and garters
- Old-timey oath
- Relative of "My word!"
- "Oh, my stars and garters!"
- "Lordy!"
- Kin of "zounds!"
- "Holy cats!"
- "OMG!" of yore
- Often-affected outburst
- Quaint shout
- Ancient expletive
- "OMG!" ancestor
- Victorian expletive
- Whimsical outburst
- Old-fashoned oath
- "Great balls of fire!"
- "Holy smokes!" of yore
- 'Dear me!'
- Victorian "Yikes!"
- "OMG!," old-style
- "Oh, snap!" of old
- Quaint plaint
- Mild exclamation of surprise
- Archaic exclamation
- "Zoinks!"
- Cry from Sesame Street's Sherlock Hemlock
- Old cousin of "Heck!"
- Oh God!
- English exclamation
- "That was unexpected!"
- Zounds!
- Quaint expression of surprise
- "Golly!"
- "Ods bodkins!"
- "Great scot"
- Old-fashioned "Oh, my!"
- Knight's oath
- Victorian exclamation
- 'Crikey!'
- 'My stars!'
- "Land sakes!"
- "Goodness!"
- "consarn it!"
- Old "Heck!"
- Brit's cry of astonishment
- "SpongeBob SquarePants" exclamation
- Hoople's oath
- "Goodness gracious!" of yore
- "Yikes!" of yore
- 'Goodness!'
- Old-fashioned "Goodness!"
- Old-style "Good grief!"
- A mild expletive
- Last century's "Oh, my!"
- Quaint complaint
- "Thunderation!" kin
- 'Criminy!'
- "Holy moly!" relative
- "Bejabbers!" kin
- "bejabberes!" kin
- Hoople exclamation
- "Bejabbers!" relative
- "Good gravy!" kin
- Old "What!"
- "Gadzooks!" relative
- Major Hoople's word
- "Yikes!" kin
- Relative of "What?!"
- Drat!
- Mild rejoinder
- Old-style "Wow!"
- "Jeepers"
- Quaint "Oh my!"
- "Good lord!"
- Old-timey "Yikes!"
- "Jiminy Christmas!"
- "You're kidding!"
- Old-style "Holy moly!"
- Quaint "Golly!"
- "Jiminy cricket!"
- Old-style "Holy smokes!"
- "My, my!"
- I say
- Old-fashioned oath
- "Wow!," quaintly
- "Wow," quaintly
- "Mercy!"
- Quaint word of surprise
- Word of surprise
- Quaint cry
- Old-school "Yikes!"
- "OMG!," quaintly
- My word!
- Old-timey "OMG!"
- "Gracious me!"
- Holy toledo
- Goodness gracious!
- Holy smokes
- Mercy me
- Gee whiz?
- Old-timey "Holy moly!"