Answer: EAST
EAST is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 528 times.
- Daybreak direction
- 90 degrees
- How the Amazon flows
- Part of SEATO
- N.F.C. division
- It may be Far or Near
- N.F.C. ___
- Orioles' division, with "the"
- Bridge seat
- It's right in the atlas
- Atlantic Coast states, with "the"
- White House's ___ Room
- ___ Orange, N.J.
- 90 degrees, on a compass
- Sunrise direction
- Atlantic Seaboard, with "the"
- Whence the Magi, with "the"
- Big ___ Conference
- Near ___
- Down ___ (Maine)
- Bridge position
- New England's locale
- All-star game side, often
- New York's fashionable Upper __ Side
- Atlantic states, with "the"
- It may be due
- Right on the map
- New York's ___ River
- Certain all-star team
- Like Nod, to Eden
- Orient
- National League division
- Toward sunup
- Sun spot?
- Magi origin
- N.L. ___
- It's right on the map
- How Phileas Fogg traveled
- N.C.A.A. tournament division
- Opponent of 28-Across
- Needle point?
- Toward sunrise
- Magi's origin
- League division
- "It is the ___, and Juliet is the sun!"
- One end of London
- Far or down follower
- Right on a map
- "___ of Eden"
- How the Lincoln Memorial faces
- See 115-Down
- Near __ (Turkey's region)
- Point to the right?
- Sun's spot, in the morning
- ___ River (what the Brooklyn Bridge spans)
- New York City's ___ River
- With 22-Down, Korea's location
- All-star game side
- Biblical star locale, with "the"
- What the Lincoln Memorial faces
- 3:00
- Down ___
- Whence daybreak
- Point to the right
- Toward dawn
- All-Star team, with "the"
- Bridge hand
- Point in the right direction?
- 90° from north
- Marco Polo's heading
- Atlantic Coast area, with "the"
- Steinbeck title starter
- Big ___
- Toward the rising sun
- Far __ (China's locale)
- Magi's origin, with "the"
- "__ of Eden" (Jo Van Fleet movie)
- ___ St. Louis, Ill.
- Wicked witch's home in "The Wizard of Oz"
- Direction of sunup
- Rightmost bridge position
- "Yonder window," according to Romeo
- The right point?
- American League division
- The Lincoln Memorial faces in this direction
- Division in many leagues
- It's right in an atlas
- ___ Orange, New Jersey
- Whence the Magi
- Location of Nod vis-à-vis Eden
- Spiritual direction for some
- All-star team, maybe
- Toward the sunrise
- Word that used to precede Germany
- Sunup direction
- All-star game side, maybe
- Domain of the witch crushed by Dorothy's house
- Way to go, sometimes
- It's got the sun in the morning
- Canadian Football League division
- West's bridge partner
- Right, on the map
- Big NCAA conference
- Right, on many a map
- Sunup point
- Right, on a map
- Compass point
- Cold War bloc
- Dawn direction
- Big ___ (Rutgers's conference)
- First compass point, alphabetically
- Right way?
- Bridge chair
- Dawn's direction
- Asia and thereabouts
- River separating Queens from the Bronx
- ___ River (what the Brooklyn Bridge crosses over)
- The Jets' division in the AFC
- Polo goal
- Direction of dawn
- Cheyenne-to-Omaha direction
- Home of the witch buried under a fallen house
- Eden-to-Nod direction
- Right direction?
- Atlantic Seaboard states, with "the"
- NBA All-Star Game team
- Only cardinal point not in a U.S. state name
- Defender in a diagrammed bridge hand
- "It is the ___, and Juliet is the sun"
- See 43-Down
- It's often right
- Big ___ (Villanova's conference)
- Whence one wicked witch
- Direction traveled in "Around the World in Eighty Days"
- With 50-Across, home for Cockneys
- With 34-Down, Korea's setting
- At dawn?
- Lyme or Orange preceder
- Odessa-to-Waco direction
- From Buffalo to Boston
- Japan is in it, with "the"
- Cardinal point
- Squished witch's domain
- Rising point
- Middle __
- Right on the map?
- "__ of Eden"
- "It is the __, and Juliet is the sun"
- Los Angeles-to-San Bernardino direction
- Nod, vis-à-vis Eden
- New York City's __ River
- Near or Far follower
- Like some winds
- Seattle-to-Spokane direction
- Captain's heading
- Far __
- Word after Near, Middle or Far
- All-star team, perhaps
- Big __ (NCAA division)
- Toward the right, on a map
- London's __ End
- Steinbeck title direction
- Toward the dawn
- Toward 52 Across
- Sun spot, sometimes
- Vane reading
- Montana-to-Maine direction
- Toward Europe
- Toward the Orient
- ''__ of Eden''
- Sunrise spot
- Big Apple river
- Steinbeck's ''___ of Eden''
- Former division of Germany
- 90 degrees from north
- Direction of Earth's rotation
- Asia's locale
- Where the sun comes up
- Word that used to precede ''Germany''
- It may be Near, Middle or Far
- It's right on your map
- ''... ___, and Juliet is the sun''
- Marco Polo's original heading
- The wise men came from this direction
- It may be due, get the point?
- Brooklyn Bridge's river
- Far or Middle
- Geographic area
- Manhattan border river
- Part of SSE
- Jet stream's heading
- It's right on a map
- River beneath the Brooklyn Bridge
- Direction the Lincoln Memorial faces
- Word that once preceded "Germany"
- Whence the Magi came
- A cardinal point
- A Wicked Witch's home
- Vane direction
- Map section
- Word with Near, Middle or Far
- Cardinal direction
- Toward China
- It might be Near or Far
- Due follower
- River in New York
- ___ Timor
- Direction from Lake Charles to Baton Rouge
- Harvard, vis-a-vis Stanford
- Orioles division
- Day breaks here
- Bridge table seat
- Direction Phileas Fogg took
- It once preceded Germany
- Goren sat here, at times
- Bridge defender, maybe
- Word with Near or Far
- Dayspring direction
- River beneath the Brooklyn
- ". . . land of Nod, on the ___ of Eden"
- It's 90 degrees from north
- Where the Atlantic is, relative to North America
- Right way to go?
- Where the sun rises
- China is in it, with "the"
- A.L. or N.L. division
- Direction of the moon's orbit
- Sunrise site
- Seat at a bridge game
- Asia's direction, on many maps
- Earth's rotational direction
- Right on most maps
- Ninety degrees right of north
- Bridge bidder
- Direction of the dawn
- The "E" in N.L.E.
- Word that used to precede "Germany"
- "... ___, and Juliet is the sun"
- Steinbeck's "___ of Eden"
- Far ___
- Middle ___
- The right direction?
- Rising setting
- Big ___ (NCAA division)
- London's ___ End
- "... land of Nod, on the ___ of Eden"
- The E in ESE
- Far or near follower
- Where it dawns on one?
- Direction after Near, Middle or Far
- It's right on the map, usually
- ___ Indies
- Direction not in any state names
- 270 degrees from south
- Rose point
- ___ haven, ct
- One of the four directions
- Player across from West
- Jet stream heading
- Defender in a bridge column
- Oil source
- New York City river
- Houston-to-Tampa direction
- Sunup site
- Sunup spot
- Sunrise setting
- Into the sunrise
- Part of NNE
- Dawnward
- Part of SE
- E, on a map
- Part of 65-Across
- Part of 83-Across
- Big ___ (NCAA conference)
- Geographical region
- It's right on a map?
- Part of NE
- Opposite of 11-Down
- Jet streams heading
- Theme of the puzzle
- New York's Upper ___ Side
- All-Star side
- Direction of the earth's rotation
- Where dawn arises
- Near, Far or Middle follower
- Compass heading
- Compass pt
- Opposite of 8-Across
- The White House's ___ Room
- River across Manhattan from the Hudson
- Part of the U.S. that's usually first with election returns
- ___ Room (largest room in the White House)
- Nod's direction from Eden
- Vane point
- Geographic direction
- Vocal
- Oregon-to-New York direction
- It's right on the map?
- SSE part
- Big ___ (sports conference)
- Ninety degrees from north
- Asian region, with "the"
- Prefix with bound
- NBA All-Star team
- It's usually right
- Direction of 1-Down on many maps
- Buffalo-to-Schenectady heading
- Where the Magi came from
- A word with Germany, once
- River of NYC
- Word with Side or End
- Mahjong starter
- Port side when sailing south
- Down ___: Maine region
- One team in the N.B.A. All-Star Game, with "the"
- Seat in the 3 p.m. position in a bridge column
- It's right on an atlas?
- ___ Carolina University
- Manhattan Bridge river
- "___ End boys and West End girls" (Pet Shop Boys lyric)
- Port, when sailing south
- Division for Orioles
- It's right in your atlas
- Sunrise side
- Right in an atlas
- 3:00, on a compass
- Direction after Near, Far or Middle
- '___ of Eden'
- New York river
- One way to go
- Toward the Atlantic, in America
- It might be due
- Back ___ (NYC, vis-à-vis LA, say)
- One N.B.A. All-Star Game team
- Roosevelt island's river
- Fort Worth-to-Dallas direction
- Word with Anglia or Beirut
- See 64-Across
- River under the Brooklyn Bridge
- Baltimore-to-Dover direction
- Part of 28-Across
- Opposite of 60-Down
- Right in the atlas?
- An NFC division
- See 29-Across
- Eau Claire-to-Green Bay direction
- Sports division
- First word of the chorus of "The Sidewalks of New York"
- It can be near or far
- Austin-to-Baton Rouge direction
- Toward the sun
- To the right, on the map
- Sunrise location
- ___ Chicago
- Los Angeles-to-Atlanta direction
- One of the coasts
- One side in the annual Shrine Game
- Los Angeles-to-Phoenix direction
- South's right-hand man
- Bridge column word
- Steinbeck title word
- From Liverpool to Manchester
- NCAA's Big ___ Conference
- China and environs, with "the"
- Direction
- A 90-degree direction
- West's opposite
- With 41-Down, town near New London, Connecticut
- With 34-Across, China's locale
- Bridge player's position
- From Chicago to Boston
- End in London
- Toward Turkey
- Opposite of west
- ___ Ham, London suburb
- Part of 44-Down
- A.L. division for the Yankees
- Toward Portugal
- Right on an atlas
- Where Carson's Carnac was from
- NBA All-Star Game side
- Whence came the Magi
- All-star game side, perhaps
- Toward Spain
- Harlem's river
- Heading for Marco Polo
- "It is the ___, and Juliet is the sun": Romeo
- Toward Mecca
- Occasional needle point?
- Vane heading
- Major direction
- Compass direction
- Far ___, Orient
- ___ St. Louis
- Three o'clock, in directions
- Towards the altar
- Jet stream direction
- Manhattan's ___ Village
- Direction of Phileas Fogg's trip
- A major direction
- Wind tile in mah-jongg
- ___ China Sea
- Three, in directions
- How prograde orbits proceed
- "River" spanned by the Brooklyn Bridge
- Lindbergh flight direction
- ___ Los Angeles
- Locale of Shakespeare's "Fiery Portal"
- ___ Coast
- NCAA regional
- Even-number Interstate heading
- Wrong Way Corrigan's wrong way
- 3:00 direction
- Shrine bowl team
- Asia, with "the"
- From Denver to Topeka
- 3:00, in directions
- Far ___ (China setting)
- NYC river
- Maryland vis-a-vis Arizona
- Three o'clock, so to speak
- Around 90°
- With 63-Across, nation since 2002
- Only direction not in a state name
- ___ Haven (city)
- "Witches of ___ End"
- Far direction?
- One of Manhattan's rivers
- Part of 43 Across
- Lindbergh's heading
- Eliot's "Coker"
- One direction
- ___ Germany
- Heading in the right direction?
- That's right!
- ___ Village (Manhattan neighborhood)
- NCAA's Big ___
- Amazon's direction of flow
- "Far" or "Middle" region
- Near ___ (Turkey's region)
- ___ St. Louis, IL
- Whence the Three Wise Men, with "the"
- 90° on a compass
- California-to-Missouri direction
- Down ___: Maine nickname
- Part of 21-Across
- Where Lady Liberty looks
- It's right there on the map!
- "Born in ___ L.A."
- By the dawn's early light?
- Daybreak's direction
- Either "E" in ESE
- ___ St. Louis, Illinois
- Kansas-to-Missouri direction
- Dorothy's first victim hails from this direction
- Arizona-to-New Mexico direction
- Only cardinal direction that isn't in a U.S. state name
- Turkey-to-China direction
- Colorado-to-Missouri direction
- The right way?
- Side in some all-star games
- Rightward, on a map
- Oregon-to-Idaho direction
- Big ___ (40-Across conference)
- Rightmost compass point
- From Eden to the land of Nod, e.g.
- First or last part of 40-Down
- Word after "Big" or "Middle"
- E, on a compass
- Polo course?
- This directon: ___>
- Rochester-to-Syracuse direction
- Indiana-to-Ohio direction
- 3:00 on a compass
- ___ Asia (China, Japan and environs)
- Towards sunrise
- Direction from Arizona to New Mexico
- With 27-Down, island nation near Indonesia
- ___ New York (Brooklyn neighborhood)
- Nepal-to-Bhutan direction
- Oklahoma-to-Arkansas direction
- Direction of sunrise
- One wicked witch's home in "The Wizard of Oz"
- NYC's ___ River
- NBA conference
- Twin Falls-to-Sioux Falls direction
- Direction from L.A. to LA
- Direction of the morning light
- 90°
- Sunrise locale
- Gwangju-to-Busan direction
- Big ___ (athletic conference)
- Michigan-to-Vermont direction
- Either "E" of ESE
- Chengdu-to-Wuhan direction
- Mississippi-to-Alabama direction
- Texas-to-Louisiana direction
- E on a compass
- Chile-to-Argentina direction
- How a jet stream typically flows
- Riyadh-to-Abu Dhabi direction
- Like Iran vis-à-vis Iraq
- Lhasa-to-Wuhan direction
- Sunrise's direction
- Only cardinal direction not in a state name
- Direction from Ethiopia to Somalia
- Like Zambia relative to Angola
- Appropriate answer for this place in the grid
- Mapmaker's right
- Starting player in mah-jongg
- 90°, on a compass
- ___ Timor (nation near Indonesia)
- From Perth to Sydney
- West's opponent, in some All-Star games
- Where runway 9 is always oriented at an airport
- Middle ___ (Oman's region)
- Moonrise direction
- Direction of the sunrise
- What "Eat" stands for in the mnemonic "Never Eat Soggy Waffles"
- Oslo to Stockholm direction
- 90 degrees, say
- "Three o'clock"
- From Los Angeles to San Bernadino
- Kazakhstan-to-Mongolia direction
- Direction from North Dakota to Minnesota
- Big ___ (Seton Hall's conference)
- Direction of the wind that brought Mary Poppins
- Namibia-to-Botswana direction