Answer: DEER
DEER is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 405 times.
- A couple of bucks?
- Bambi and others
- Does and bucks
- Natty Bumppo's quarry
- Lots of bucks
- Bambi and kin
- Forest denizen
- Stags and does
- A lot of bucks
- Many bucks
- Bucks and does
- Stag party?
- Indian prey
- Puller of a pulka
- Stag or hart
- Santa's team, e.g.
- Fawn's parent
- Forest denizens
- Animal that furnished Indians with buckskin
- They're associated with licks and ticks
- Fast bucks
- Bucks
- "In the headlights" animal
- Veal : calf :: venison : ___
- Big game
- Bambi, for one
- Shy creature
- Buck, say
- Hind, e.g.
- Howl : wolf :: bell : ___
- Animals with fawns
- Huckleberry eaters
- Ones that may get ticked?
- A couple of bucks, say
- XING sign animal
- Rudolph and team
- Animal at a salt lick
- Whitetail, e.g.
- Timid creature
- Forest animals
- They're game
- Sleigh pullers
- This puzzle's theme
- Rural road sign image
- ___ Xing (sign)
- Skittish wildlife
- Some game
- Antelope's playmate
- Bucks, e.g.
- Skittish herd
- Pullers of the chariot of Artemis
- Kentucky __ Classic (hunting expo)
- A fawn is a young one
- Animal that may be caught in the headlights
- Carriers of Lyme ticks
- Animal on XING signs
- Bambi, for example
- Doe or roe
- "Home on the Range" player?
- Animal that may be "XING"
- Rural road sign picture
- Animal on an "XING" sign
- A few bucks?
- Forest creature
- Animal that may be ticked?
- Word before XING
- "In the headlights" critter
- "The Yearling" animal
- Crossing sign silhouette
- Salt lick visitor
- Some does
- Royal fauna, often
- Does and more
- Forest inhabitants
- Silhouette on a crossing sign
- Antlered animal
- Buck or doe
- Whitetail buck
- Roadside grazer
- Lick visitor
- Bambi's family
- Road sign ruminant
- Antelope's playmates
- Forest forager
- Antelope's playmate, in song
- Expensive sounding animal?
- Bambi's kin
- Preserve denizen
- Moose or caribou
- Joined with 47-Down, Holmes' hat
- Forest foragers
- Taxidermy subject
- Woodland animal
- Does in general?
- Forest creatures
- Animal on a diamond-shaped road sign
- Road sign silhouette
- Hinds, e.g.
- See 36-Across
- Tick's host, maybe
- Does as well as others?
- Animal that might be caught in the headlights
- Leather source
- Antlered ungulate
- Faline, e.g.
- A buck or two?
- Source of venison
- Fantail, for one
- Critter "in the headlights"
- Does, perhaps
- Forest bounders
- Whitetail or blacktail
- Forest grazer
- Animal in the song "Do-Re-Mi"
- Does, e.g.
- Bucks, maybe
- Stag party attendee?
- A lot of bucks?
- XING sign silhouette
- Bambi, e.g,
- Stag or doe
- Caribou kin
- Roebuck, e.g.
- Moose relative
- Bucks, for example
- Stag, say
- Doe or does
- Bucks or does
- Doe, for example
- Woodland animals
- ''Home on the Range'' beast
- Buck or stag
- Popular game
- Doe or fawn
- Doe or stag
- Some bucks
- Elk kin
- Animal that may be XING
- The yearling in "The Yearling"
- Sika, e.g.
- A few bucks
- Woodland creature
- Fall game
- Animal in the headlights?
- Animal that may be ''XING''
- Moose, for one
- Cervine creature
- White-tailed animals
- Highway crosser on signs
- Tick carrier
- Venison source
- Animal caught in the headlights
- Antelope's companion, in song
- Bucks, perhaps
- White-tailed creature
- It's home on the range
- You may see its white tail in your yard
- Two or three bucks
- Antelope playmate
- White-tailed ruminant
- Critter with a scut
- Woodland ruminant
- Big bucks?
- The yearling, for one
- Woodland critter
- Forest ruminant
- Rural road crossers
- ___ in the headlights
- One or two bucks
- Bambi, et al.
- Fawn or stag
- Mature fawn
- ___ Xing
- Petting-zoo animal
- Wapiti
- "Caught in the headlights" animal
- Forest rangers?
- Couple of bucks
- White-tailed ___
- Headlights starer
- A bunch of bucks
- Elk relative
- Brocket
- A couple of bucks
- "Home on the Range" beast
- A few bucks, e.g.
- A buck or two
- "Doe, a ___ ..."
- Bambi and Ena
- Animal on road signs
- Backyard foragers, in places
- Jumper
- Red ____ , Alberta
- Mule, for one
- Messengers to the gods, in Shinto
- Fawns and stags
- Does and stags
- Antlered ruminant
- "Home on the Range" critters
- One of them does?
- "Home on the Range" critter
- Three or four bucks
- Headlights confuse them
- Bucks and bucks
- Rural road sign
- Buck or hind
- See 22-Down
- Forest beauty
- Fast bucks?
- Harts and hinds
- One caught in the headlights
- Animal silhouetted on highway signs
- Word after fallow and before tracks
- Silhouette on a country road sign
- Forest grazers
- Woodland grazer
- Doe or buck
- Glade grazer
- Bambi, e.g.
- 'The Yearling' subject
- Antelope's partner
- Highway crosser, maybe
- Bambi's ilk
- One startled by headlights
- Woodland resident
- Elk's relative
- Stag, e.g.
- Doe, e.g.
- Elk's cousin
- Silhouette on a highway sign
- Hunter's prey
- Hunter's prey
- Rudolph and kin
- A hundred bucks, maybe
- Some ruminants
- Silhouette on many a yellow sign
- Sylvan bounders
- Fawn, e.g.
- ___ Valley, 2002 Winter Olympics venue
- Bambi, and relatives
- Muntjac,for one
- Animal silhouetted on road signs
- Does or bucks
- See 37-Across
- Cougar's prey
- Woodland creatures
- A herd of ______
- Big bucks
- Some forest creatures
- Whitetail or roebuck
- Elk, moose or caribou
- Game with points
- Ruminants with racks
- "Do Re Mi" beast
- Does and roes
- Alberta's Red ____
- Elk's kin
- One may be white-tailed
- Forest fauna
- Creature in the woods
- Woodland wanderer
- Forest game
- Dancer or Prancer
- Does as well as their mates
- They play with antelopes
- Antlered mammal
- Whitetail
- Ten bucks?
- Cervus
- White-tailed quadruped
- Moose, e.g.
- Tick's host, often
- Bambi kin
- Forest critters
- Lots of bucks?
- Mule or fallow
- Traditional meat in a humble pie
- XING sign critter
- Animal with hoofs
- 75-Down, e.g.
- Roebuck, but not Sears
- Rural road sign silhouette
- "Crossing" sign illustration
- Antlered beast
- White-tailed, for one
- "doe, a ___..."
- Gentle animal
- Country gardener's bane
- Stag
- Stag or buck
- Buck
- A million bucks?
- Gentle creature
- ___ Xing (road sign)
- Ruminant
- Newfoundland's ______ Pond
- One "in the headlights"
- Animal that's sometimes frozen in the headlights
- ___ Valley (Utah ski resort)
- "Do Re Mi" animal
- Road sign image
- Another antler sporter
- Rob or Bambi
- Stag or fawn
- A buck, or many
- Elk cousin
- Antelope playmates of song
- Animal in "Home on the Range"
- ___ season
- Donner and Blitzen
- Antelope's playmate in song
- 13 Down cousin
- Moose cousin
- Caribou, e.g.
- Even-toed ungulate
- Several bucks
- Ovine : sheep :: cervine : ___
- Puma prey
- Stag, for one
- Visitor to a salt lick
- Mowat's People of The____
- Bucks scattered throughout the forest
- Sambar
- Fawn or doe
- A ruminant
- "Home on the Range" animals
- Playmates of antelopes, in song
- Prey for a 62-Across
- Fawn or buck
- Fleet-of-foot forest creature
- Whitetail critter
- Sambar, e.g.
- One in the headlights?
- Critter on XING signs
- Subject of road "Xing" signs
- Player in an old song
- Antelope playmates
- "In the headlights" beast
- Stags and fawns
- Leaping critter on road signs
- Does, say
- Road sign animal
- "wild america" animal
- Animal with antlers
- Fawns and does
- Animal on a XING sign
- Certain animals playing in "Home on the Range"
- Antelope's playmate of song
- Start of a letter in the form of a rebus
- Bucks, does and fawns
- A couple of bucks, say?
- Pullers of Artemis's chariot
- ___ in the headlights look
- Forest ranger
- White-tailed grazer
- Animal in "Do-Re-Mi"
- Does, bucks and fawns
- Silhouetted road sign animal
- Leaper in a tractor company logo
- Runners of two-minute miles
- Animal on a road sign
- Doe, for instance
- Bucks in the woods
- Cousin of an elk
- Gardener's four-legged bane
- Animal that's a plant backward
- Animal on a yellow road sign
- Wapiti and caribou
- Elk, e.g.
- Woodland grazers
- "Do-Re-Mi" critter
- Adult fawns
- Forest jumpers
- Fawning parents?
- Stags and bucks
- Bucks in a forest
- Venison
- Animals on some crossing signs
- Forest animal with hooves
- Animals drawn in the Lascaux caves
- "Dear ___: A Book of Homophones"
- "___ XING" (rural road sign)
- Garden eater with hooves
- Unwelcome garden grazers
- Bucks and fawns
- Does in the forest
- Some of the wildlife in the 20,000-year-old paintings in Lascaux Cave
- "White-tailed" animal
- "Bambi" characters
- Animal in many cave paintings
- Forest animal with antlers
- Antelope's playmate on the range, in song
- Animal that becomes a plant if spelled backward
- Does
- The "Do" in "Do-Re-Mi"
- The yearling in the 1939 Pulitzer winner "The Yearling," e.g.
- Stag or doe ... or both
- Animal such as Bambi
- The___ Hunter
- Free-roaming residents of Japan's Nara Park
- Forest dweller
- Fawning parents
- "Now she's smilin' ear to ear / She's the headlights, I'm the ___"
- Animal on "XING" signs
- State animal of Illinois