Answer: COW
COW is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 163 times.
- Bully
- Bossy
- Milk dispenser
- Unnerve
- Daunt
- Lower in the field
- Milk supplier
- It's sacred to some
- It's no bull
- Calf's mother
- It may be put out to pasture
- Intimidate
- "Moo" maker
- __ pat (rural source of fuel)
- Mooer
- Overawe
- Female whale
- See 1-Down
- Lower on the lea
- Mooing ma
- Holy animal?
- She's got milk
- Mother Goose moon jumper
- Moon jumper of rhyme
- Word with poke or puncher
- Dairy farm animal
- "Have I got moos for you!" utterer
- Animal on Wisconsin's quarter
- Creamery supplier?
- Milk maid?
- Lower in the country?
- Creature in many a "Far Side" cartoon
- Make chicken
- Who's got milk
- Lead-in for catcher or puncher
- Milk source
- It's got milk
- Dairy dweller
- Dairy animal
- Dairy unit
- Female seal
- Bearer of good moos
- Bull's beloved
- Milk maker
- Word with "bell" or "boy"
- "Hey Diddle Diddle" creature
- Whale mom
- Jersey, e.g.
- Milk producer
- Leather source
- Alleged Chicago Fire starter
- Tipping target, so it's said
- "The Far Side" character, often
- Lower in the meadow
- Farm mooer
- Dairy sight
- ___ town
- Animal on many a dairy council logo
- Range rover
- Stock unit
- Creature in Chick-fil-A commercials
- Calf's mama
- Farm grazer
- Pasture grazer
- Calf's mom
- Elsie, for one
- Heifer's mom
- Mrs. O'Leary's troublemaker
- Farm female
- Barn occupant
- Heifer, e.g.
- Warhol animal
- *Bully
- Dairy creature
- Push around
- Jersey, for one
- Herd cattle
- Pasture grazer 41. Busy place on 13-Across
- Bovine
- Udder woman?
- Container of fresh milk?
- Intro to bell or boy
- Dismay
- Bossy, for one
- Chick-fil-A spokescritter
- Bovine bell
- Female elephant
- Holstein or Jersey
- Bulldoze
- Word with holy or sacred
- Mooing critter
- ____ town (Calgary jokingly)
- Intimidate, in a way
- *See 29-Across
- Farm animal
- Ranch sight
- Cud chewer
- Disney's Clarabelle, for one
- "Rawhide" extra
- Moon jumper
- Calf, e.g.
- Herd member
- Common animal in "The Far Side" comics
- Mother whale
- Dairy beast
- Milk provider
- Common farm animal
- Cattle-raising district
- Picture on many milk bottles
- Target of a bull's eye
- Female moose
- Mooing mama
- Bovine beast
- Image on a Wisconsin state quarter
- Dairy producer
- Whale of a mom
- Meadow grazer
- Browbeat
- Animal that can precede the starts of 20-, 30-, 36-, 46- and 52-Across
- Brown Swiss
- Image on every carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream
- Advertising icon Elsie, e.g.
- Farm producer
- Milked animal
- Bull's mate
- Moon hurdler of rhyme
- One seen on most 46-Down
- Many a seal and elephant
- "Eat Mor Chikin" sign holder in Chick-fil-A ads
- Female walrus
- Animal that grazes
- "Don't have a ___, man!"
- Moo's source
- Calf minder
- Stout
- Legendary lunar leaper
- Dairy farm mooer
- Female 36-Across
- Animal at a dairy
- Word with cash or holy
- Lower?
- Sacred animal to Hindus
- Legendary fire starter
- Sacred symbol of life
- Yoga pose done on hands and knees
- Female Angus
- Animal associated with the Egyptian goddess Hathor
- Dairy grazer
- Sacred mammal
- Strong-arm
- Bearer of good moos?
- Animal with an udder
- Bully … but not a bull
- Ranch grazer
- Sacred animal in Hinduism
- National animal of Nepal
- Mooing creature
- One might be spotted on a farm
- Animal on Ben & Jerry's packaging
- Slow moo-ver
- Rhyme of 19-Across, but not a homophone of 46-Across
- Angus animal
- Interrupting animal in a classic knock-knock joke