Answer: COSMO
COSMO is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 108 times.
- Popular women's mag
- Kramer of "Seinfeld"
- Kramer or Topper
- Women's magazine, for short
- Popular Hearst mag
- ___ Girl
- Mag famous for sex quizzes
- Redbook rival
- George Jetson's boss
- Hearst magazine, familiarly
- Jerry Seinfeld friend __ Kramer
- Jerry's sitcom neighbor
- Hearst mag
- ___ Kramer ("Seinfeld" role)
- Friend of Jerry, George, and Elaine
- "Sex and the City" cocktail, for short
- Friend of Jerry, Elaine and George
- Kramer, on "Seinfeld"
- Fruity vodka cocktail, for short
- Gurley mag?
- Popular mixed drink, for short
- Vodka cocktail, for short
- Glamour shelfmate, familiarly
- "Seinfeld" first name
- Mag with an online "Guy Gallery"
- "Seinfeld" name
- Mag with a "Guy Confessions" feature
- Mag with a "Carnal Counselor" column
- Seinfeld friend Kramer
- Women's mag
- ''Seinfeld'' character
- Topper's first name
- Jerry and George's buddy
- Mag with a "Bachelor of the Year" contest
- Red cocktail, for short
- Quiz mag
- Mag transformed by Helen Gurley Brown
- Popular Hearst mag.
- "Seinfeld" character
- Jerry and George's TV buddy
- Kramer's first name
- Women's mag with a Bachelor of the Year award
- Mag known for sex quizzes
- Vodka drink, informally
- Women's mag, for short
- Kramer of 'Seinfeld'
- Kramer of sitcomdom
- 'Seinfeld' first name
- Kramer on 'Seinfeld'
- George Jetson's boss ___ G. Spacely
- Mag with an award for Fun Fearless Female of the Year
- Vodka cocktail
- Friend of Jerry or George
- Vogue competitor, for short
- Vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and lime juice, informally
- Distinguished Canadian service club
- Women's mag, or man's name
- Pink drink, briefly
- Pink drink , briefly
- "Seinfeld" character Kramer
- Certain cocktail, informally
- Mag with relationship quizzes
- Topper or Kramer
- Kramer's first name on "Seinfeld"
- Mag with popular quizzes
- Fruity cocktail, familiarly
- Cocktail with vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and lime juice
- Vodka drink, for short
- Mag crowning a "Bachelor of the Year"
- Drink akin to a Cape Codder
- Intimate quiz purveyor
- Friend of Jerry and George
- Pink cocktail, informally
- Kramer on TV
- Pink cocktail, for short
- Mag featuring "Fun Fearless Females"
- Beauty tutorial mag
- Pink drink, for short
- Fashion mag
- "Bachelor of the Year" co-awarder
- Jerry's neighbor
- Jerry's neighbor on "Seinfeld"
- Hearst mag founded in 1886
- Pink alcoholic drink, familiarly
- Fashion mag since 1886
- Cocktail with cranberry juice, informally
- Pink cocktail, familiarly
- Pink alcoholic drink, for short
- Short bar order
- Vodka drink, briefly
- Cocktail favored by Carrie Bradshaw on "Sex and the City"
- First name of Kramer on "Seinfeld"
- Classic pink cocktail
- Drink similar to a Cape Codder
- Fashion magazine
- Pink cocktail … or a fashion mag
- Sweet-and-sour vodka drink
- Mag that began endorsing political candidates in 2014
- Pink quaff, informally
- Vodka cran alternative
- short name for a cocktail or magazine
- ___ Kramer, Jerry's neighbor on "Seinfeld"
- Classically pink cocktail
- Mag offering style advice
- Pink cocktail, casually
- Cran cocktail
- Vodka cocktail, familiarly
- Pink vodka drink