Crossword Heaven
Answer: COB
COB is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 114 times.
Part of the ear
Inner ear
Male swan
Part of an ear
It's corny
Inner ear?
Corn holder
Ear part
Part that's not eaten
Kernel holder
Corn core
Short-legged, thick-set horse
Bit of autumn decoration
Kernel-covered core
Pipe bowl source, perhaps
Corn unit
Potential pipe
Ear interior
Web preceder
Cygnet's father
Pen's mate
Middle ear?
Corn discard
Corn piece
Ear piece?
Core with kernels
Cookout throwaway
Picnic discard
Corn on the __
Corn site
Rustic pipe material
Corn throwaway
Corn-eater's throwaway
Swan's pop
Cookout disposable
Picnicker's throwaway
Pipe-bowl material
Corn eater's discard
Corn on the ___
Picnic throwaway
Cookout discard
Side-dish center
Ear of corn
Cheap pipe material
Cygnet's sire
Discarded part of a 13-Down
What corn kernels attach to
Core of an ear
Harness horse
Corn part
Black-backed gull
Black and white gull
Corny place
Central part of an ear
Corn eater's throwaway
Stocky horse
Pipe material
Corn eater's castoff
Cygnet's dad
Stocky steed
Pipemaker's material
Corn kernels grow on it
Corn base
Barbecue discard
Kernel quarters
Inner part of a corn ear
Uneaten ear part
Post-picnic trash, maybe
Kernel keeper
Corn center
Inner part of an ear of corn
Corn plant part
Corn castoff
Prepared, as apples for baking
Graceful male swimmer
Picnic refuse
Stocky, short-legged horse
Inner part of a 10-Down
Pipe source
Holder of corn kernels
Frosty's pipe
Male 43 Across
Part of a harvest festival decoration
Corn eater's leftover
Picnic discard, sometimes
Crib unit
Corn feature
Corny refuse
What do you call a male swan?
Husk's contents
Pipe in a song
Corn's core
Corny creation
It gets corny
Ingredient in eco-friendly scrubbers
See 14-Down
Corny remnant
Corn remains
Picnicker's discard
Gander : goose :: ___ : swan
Organic pot scrubber
Pen's partner
Center of an ear
Cygnet's parent
Stripped barbecue discard
Center piece at some dinners
Parent of a cygnet
Center of an ear of corn
That's corny!
It's totally corny
Bit of detritus from a Thanksgiving meal
It holds kernels
Woody part of an ear of corn