Answer: ASIA
ASIA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 951 times.
- One of seven big things
- It has a Minor part
- Bhutan's locale
- Where India is
- Populous place
- The East
- ___ Minor
- Globe part
- Polo grounds?
- China setting
- Largest of seven
- Daughter of Oceanus
- Where China is
- Pacific Rim region
- Marco Polo crossed it
- Pacific Rim locale
- Part of SEATO
- The Kara Sea is on its north
- Atlas section
- Area east of the Bosporus
- Southeast ___
- Where Myanmar is
- Where the Gobi is
- Home of 3.5 billion
- Three oceans touch it
- Source of much West Coast trade
- Concern for 90's investors
- The biggest of seven
- The Urals are west of it
- Home to some elephants
- Where 62-Across is
- It's east of the Urals
- SEATO part
- Flu source
- The Kara Sea touches it
- One of the Oceanides, in Greek myth
- See 23-Down
- 17 1/2 million square miles
- One flu source
- Where Japan is
- Where Indians live
- About 30% of the earth's land
- Nepal's locale
- What one of the five Olympic rings stands for
- Java is in it
- Siberia's locale
- Where Marco Polo traveled
- Where Alexander the Great conquered
- Polo field?
- Home to most Turks
- Land east of the Urals
- Where 37-Down is
- Home to billions
- Korea's home
- Indian's home
- 32-Across is part of it
- *Eastern ... vast ... Marco Polo
- Where Korea is
- Where Sikkim is
- Spanner of 11 time zones
- China's continent
- Tibet's environs
- Home of ancient Chaldea
- Where the Ob and Indus flow
- Sri Lanka's locale
- Large section in an atlas
- Where pomelos grow
- Where SARS originated
- Where many Indians live
- One side of the Bering Strait
- Where most of Turkey is
- Laos's locale
- One side of the Urals
- Where Nepal is
- Where the Himalayas are
- See 45-Across
- Fertile Crescent's place
- India's locale
- A big chunk of an atlas
- See 6-Down
- Where Tibet is
- "Prometheus Unbound" character
- Locale for two Summer Olympics to date
- Big atlas section
- Toucher of the Pacific Rim
- Largest continent
- Continent explored by 9-Across
- Where tigers roam
- Newspaper foreign news desk
- Western edge of the Pacific Rim
- Part of the Old World
- It touches three oceans
- Where 6-Down is
- Where Marco Polo explored
- Home to most of Turkey
- Korea's continent
- Silk Road locale
- Mongolia's home
- Part of a famous septet
- Minor area?
- Where most of Russia is
- Largest of a septet
- Home to more than half the world's population
- Everest setting
- ___-Pacific
- Vietnam's continent
- 1980s hit-makers with a geographical name
- One edition of the Wall Street Journal
- It's east of Europe
- Gobi's continent
- Where Georgia and Jordan are
- China setting?
- Brunei's home
- "Heat of the Moment" band
- Lebanon locale
- Where part of Turkey is
- Most populous continent
- Where to visit the Indus
- Himalayan continent
- Home to three billion
- Global giant
- Land of the obi and the Gobi
- Himalayas continent
- Where most people live
- Georgia's locale
- Where most religions began
- Where Bangkok is
- World's largest continent
- Cambodia's continent
- Where Indonesia is
- Singapore setting
- Laos setting
- Where to find most people
- Indonesia's location
- Where Buddhism arose
- Continent where Korea is located
- Where most Indians live
- Colossal continent
- Home of most people
- World map dominator
- Home of Earth's highest and lowest land points
- Globe-dominating continent
- "Bamboo curtain" locale
- Continent touching three oceans
- One of seven
- Myanmar's continent
- Home to Israelis, Iranis, Indians and Iraqis
- East of the Urals
- Where to find Siberia and the Gobi Desert
- The Orient
- Gobi Desert locale
- Area of about 16 million square miles
- 30% of the world
- Brunei locale
- Tibet's continent
- Nepal's continent
- Where most Indians are from
- Continent crossed by Polo
- China setting (10)
- Laos locale
- Area east of the Urals
- Where 60% of earth's population lives
- Jordan River's continent
- Europe's neighbor
- Home of the Himalayas
- Turkey locale, in part
- One of the five Olympic rings
- Home to the Himalayas
- Georgia's continent
- Big globe section
- Gobi Desert setting
- Shortest-named continent
- Bangladesh's location
- Home to many Indians
- Pacific Rim side
- Marco Polo's destination
- Malaysia's location
- It's bounded by three oceans
- One of seven continents
- Silk Road location
- Minor location?
- Rock band named for a continent
- Bhutan locale
- Where to find Indians
- Home of most Indians
- Home to more than four billion
- Where billions live
- About 30% of Earth's land area
- Home of the highest and lowest points on earth
- K2 setting
- Where the Brahmaputra flows
- Risk region
- 1982 self-titled debut album
- Mongolia's continent
- Setting of the Gobi Desert
- Pakistan's continent
- Big land mass
- Vast spice trade region of yore
- It's west of the Sea of Okhotsk
- Big holding in Risk
- It's not Occidental
- Thailand's continent
- Where Bhutan is
- Kazakh's home
- Pangaea section
- Actress Argento
- Where over half the world lives
- Tiger's habitat
- Land bounded by three oceans
- Korean's home
- Locale of Occidental tourists?
- Green countries on a Risk board
- Everest's continent
- Gobi Desert container?
- Its longest river is the Yangtze
- Prog rock band with two former Yes members
- It has a "Minor" part
- Calcutta's continent
- Borat's home continent
- Thai's home
- Risk area
- Where the world's highest mountains are found
- "Don't Cry" supergroup
- Kamchatka's setting
- "Heat of the Moment" rock group
- What one of the five Olympic rings represents
- Part of APEC
- Indians can be found there
- Home to zero World Cup winners
- See 33-Across
- Argento of "XXX"
- Home for most people
- Self-titled #1 album of 1982
- Uzbek's home
- Home to over three billion
- Most of Turkey is in it
- Site of a Polo crossing
- Nepal is part of it
- It has 12 territories on a Risk board
- Land of plenty?
- Nearly 9% of the Earth
- Polo crossed it
- Taklamakan Desert site
- Gobi setting
- Where billions are
- Pacific Rim continent
- Kamchatka Peninsula site
- Major land mass
- Tibet site
- Large land mass
- Korea's locale
- Amu Darya setting
- Gobi Desert continent
- Where Borneo is
- Water buffalo's home
- Where to find Java
- Where Brunei is
- Home to most
- __ Minor (Turkey's region)
- Where Mongolia is
- __ Minor
- 3 Down's locale
- It's west of Alaska
- Home to most Indians
- Most populous place
- Home to four billion
- Mount Everest's continent
- Region in Risk
- Where Laos is
- Where Siberia is
- Tiger's turf
- Hong Kong's location
- Locale of Laos
- Gobi's place
- Kashmir locale
- About nine percent of the land
- Where K2 is
- Marco Polo destination
- Recent Olympics site
- Where Sri Lanka is
- Fusion cuisine influence
- Lots of land
- India's continent
- Pakistan's place
- Where the Mekong flows
- Where to find China
- Myanmar's locale
- Where Kashmir is
- Where Thailand is
- Borneo's locale
- Bamboo Curtain locale
- It has Java in it
- The Maldives are part of it
- Vast continent
- Great Wall locale
- Where the Himalayas rise
- Minor in geography
- European connection?
- Bhutan setting
- Its lowest point is the Dead Sea
- Where to find most of us
- About a third of the world's land mass
- Major market for U.S. exports
- Alaska's neighbor
- Gobi's location
- It covers plenty of ground
- Home to most humans
- Laos, Tibet, etc.
- An Olympic ring
- In part, it's minor
- Cantonese is spoken here
- About a third of Earth's land mass
- It touches the Pacific Rim
- Large part of Earth
- Indonesia locale
- Area in "Risk"
- Part of Istanbul is in it
- Where Polo traveled
- It has about 60 percent of the earth's population
- Notably populous place
- Biggest of a big seven
- Major target in Risk
- An Alexander the Great conquest
- Borneo setting
- Map mass
- Babylon's continent
- Where most people eat and sleep
- One market for U.S. exports
- Laos location
- It's continental
- Minor land?
- Minor start?
- China placement
- Minor area
- It's about 17,000,000 sq. miles
- "The Travels of Marco Polo" subject
- Myanmar locale
- About a third of Earth's landmass
- Vast land mass
- One of a global septet
- Large chunk of Earth
- Largest of a certain seven
- Vast expanse
- Ob River's locale
- Minor leader?
- Where most of us live
- Large portion of habitable Earth
- Where China is set
- It lies east of 60-Across
- World piece
- One of seven big things in the world
- Continent with twelve territories, in Risk
- Continent crossed by Marco Polo
- Polo setting
- Home to over half of humans
- Land east of the Suez
- Much of the Old World
- Tibet's location
- It's about 17 million square miles
- Where Hong Kong is
- Where Honshu is
- Province of ancient Rome
- Home to Iran, Iraq, India, and Israel
- Silk Road continent
- Home of the Salt Range
- It's home to billions
- About 30%25 of all land
- Turkey's locale, in part
- Home of the highest point on Earth
- Java setting
- One of the continents
- Mongols' home
- Home to milions
- Large part of a world atlas
- Part of Istanbul is here
- Home to most people
- Where most of us are?
- Tian Shan locale
- One of the seven continents
- Where Laotians live
- Largest of the seven
- About one-third of the world's land mass
- Gobi Desert site
- Land west of the Pacific
- Land bounded by three seas
- Continent that Marco Polo explored
- Where most humans reside
- Minor in geography?
- Where tigers come from
- Band whose self-titled 1982 album was #1 for nine weeks
- Populous global area
- Singapore's location
- Well-populated place
- Land shared by Iraq and Iran
- Polo explored it
- Gobi Desert's locale
- About 30%25 of the world's land
- Kolkata's continent
- Much of the Pacific Rim
- Bhutan's continent
- About 30% of all land
- About 30% of the world's land
- The greatest place on earth?
- Java locale
- Where Mongolians barbecue?
- ___ Minor (Turkey's region)
- Minor leader
- Part of it is Minor
- Nearly 30% of Earth's land
- One of a well-known septet
- Turkey's place, partly
- Region with heavy monsoons
- They didn't sing "Africa" - that was Toto
- Big territory in Risk
- Band that's from England, actually
- Far east
- Continent
- Altai Mountains' continent
- Azerbaijan's locale, in part
- Where Bhutan and Bangladesh are
- China's place
- Himalayas' home
- See 96-Down
- Israel's locale
- Aral Sea locale
- Old World continent
- Home of the Kara Kum
- Java's place
- Home to lots of yaks
- Minor intro?
- Where Iran is
- 2-Down's location
- Large continent
- Large continent
- Maldives locale
- India's in it
- It's north of the Indian Ocean
- Forbidden City setting
- Polo ground?
- Much of a world atlas
- Polo's destination
- Altogether it's worth the most bonus troops in Risk
- Part of Georgia is in it
- Turkey site
- Part of Istanbul is there
- See 35-Down
- Continent prone to typhoons
- The "A" in SEATO
- Nearly a third of Earth's land
- China's locale
- Kunlun Mountains locale
- World-atlas section
- Singapore site
- Tibet setting
- Nepal setting
- Seoul setting
- Globe area
- Polo destination
- Himalayas setting
- Much of the globe
- 5-Down's continent
- Tibet's place
- Mongolia setting
- A third of all land
- With 33-Down, most of Turkey is in it
- Laos' home
- Thai's land
- Tibet locale
- Iran's home
- Japan locale
- 18-Down's continent
- India's home
- Iraq's home
- China locale
- Nepal locale
- Korea locale
- Iran locale
- Iraq locale
- Himalayan locale
- Gobi's locale
- Almost a third of all land
- Brunei's locale
- Home to about four billion
- Home to many Indians, but few cowboys
- It includes India and Israel
- Where most live
- Forbidden City location
- Sri Lanka locale
- Everest locale
- Band with the albums "Alpha," "Astra," "Aqua"... (you get the point)
- Big chunk of a world atlas
- Iran and Iraq are in it
- ___ Minor (Turkish region)
- "The Travels of Marco Polo" land
- Home of over four billion
- Tibetan Plateau's locale
- Part of Turkey is in it
- Roughly a third of Earth's land area
- Turkey's place, for the most part
- Giant panda's continent
- It's touched by three oceans
- Hong Kong home
- See 67-Across
- Great Wall continent
- Where most Georgians live
- One of six World Cup qualifying zones
- Huns' home
- Iran's continent
- Europe neighbor
- 80"s rock group
- Major manufacturing continent
- Iran's local
- Turkey's continent, partly
- Home for a 123-Across
- Where 62 Across is
- Major chunk of Earth's surface
- Wall Street Journal ___
- 21-Down's continent
- Region east of Europe
- Kolkata's locale
- Site of the world's tallest mountains
- Continent east of Russia
- 40+-country region
- Major region with a minor part?
- Thirty percent of the earth's land surface
- Great land mass
- Minor place?
- Kuala Lumpur locale
- Vast landmass
- It has a lot of Turkey in it
- Part of 39-Down
- '70s supergroup
- Oman locale
- Massive landmass
- Polo's itinerary
- Saudi Arabia's continent
- Where 36-Down is
- It's west of the International Date Line
- 30% of the world's land
- Large atlas section
- Where 17 Across is
- Fertile Crescent locale
- Java can be found in it
- Where the world's 100 tallest mountains are found
- Polo played there?
- Pakistan's locale
- Land mass in Risk
- Siberia's site
- Where woolly mammoths once roamed
- Where Izmir is
- Sri Lanka setting
- Shortest-named of Earth's seven
- About 17 million square miles
- Place for tiger woods?
- Iraq and Iran are in it
- Land bordered by three oceans
- Orient
- Continent with about twenty cities larger than New York
- World atlas section
- Home to most people?
- Where to find most humans
- Major landmass
- Market for U.S. exports
- One continent
- Minor continent?
- Locale of three Summer Olympics
- East Timor's location
- Cambodia setting
- The largest continent
- Where Kyrgyzstan is
- Home to most 11-Down
- One of a very large seven
- Eastern continent
- Vast land expanse
- Continent that sounds like a Steely Dan album title
- Qatar locale
- Turkmenistan setting
- Where the water buffalo roam
- Two-sevenths of the territories on a Risk board
- Region crossed by Marco Polo
- Panda's home
- About nine percent of Earth's surface
- Cambodia's location
- Mount Everest setting
- The land of 35-Across
- Continent with the world's two most populous countries
- Largest of a global septet
- It has billions
- A continent
- Where Vietnam is
- Turkey's spot
- Green region on a Risk board
- Kubla Khan's continent
- Great place for Chinese or Russian cuisine
- Largest on the seven
- Himalayan setting
- Where the World Cup has been held only once
- Home to many earthlings
- Continent bounded by three oceans
- Populous continent
- Turkey's place, in large part
- Several oceans touch it
- Home of Mongolia
- Where China and India are
- Cyprus locale
- Mount Everest locale
- The Romans' name for Turkey
- A chunk of the globe
- China is there
- It covers about 17.2 million square miles
- Where the "tiger cub economies" are
- The Far East
- Bay of Bengal setting
- It's about 17.2 million square miles
- Minor
- Shanghai locale
- Japan's locale
- Chennai's continent
- Tibet's locale
- Home of India and Indonesia
- Great landmass
- "China Beach" continent
- Sinai is in it
- Land east of the Suez Canal
- Where Georgia is
- About 95% of Turkey
- Large part of an atlas
- Place for polo, once
- One of a geographical septet
- Japan's continent
- Tagore was the first Nobelist from there
- Sinai's continent
- Home of about 60% of the world's population
- Singapore's continent
- 27-Across' continent
- Where many emerging markets can be found
- Large section of an atlas
- See 35-Across
- Continent with 11 time zones
- Locale of many emerging markets
- It's west of the Pacific
- 48-country continent
- "Heat of the Moment" group
- Yemen locale
- 50-Across' locale
- Setting for Singapore
- Egypt's locale, in part
- ___ Society (Pacific Cities Sustainability sponsor)
- Mongolia's place
- Region of a Risk board
- Georgia's locale, in part
- See 68-Down
- Katmandu's place
- Massive land mass
- Big chunk of an atlas
- Could be major or minor
- Much Arctic Ocean coastline
- Where the 27-Down is
- Home to most of Russia
- Zagros Mountains locale
- One side of the Bosporus strait
- Kazakhstan's locale
- Flying dragon's habitat
- About 77% of Russia
- Large part of a world map
- Singapore's locale
- Group with the albums "Aqua" and "Aria"
- Mongols' turf
- Great Wall setting
- Seato's sphere
- Burma's locale
- Green area on a Risk board
- Self-titled debut album of 1982
- Home to some Egyptians
- Where Israel is
- Home to part of Azerbaijan
- Tigers' habitat
- Roughly 30% of Earth's land area
- Much of an atlas
- Major continent
- Where Java may be found
- Destination for Marco Polo
- One side of the Pacific
- Home to many Russians
- 48-nation region
- Tajikistan's locale
- It's on one side of the Urals
- Section of Disney's Animal Kingdom park
- Land mass with the most masses?
- Locale of most of Turkey
- Home to most of us
- About 3/4 of Russia
- It spans 11 time zones
- About 1/11 of the globe
- Massive continent
- Siberia setting
- Massive landmass inhabited by masses
- Section in Disney's Animal Kingdom
- Large section of a Risk board
- Where Laos lies
- Home to part of Egypt
- Area worth the most bonus troops in the game Risk
- Home to all wild tigers
- One side of the Turkish Straits
- Where the Indus flows
- Large section of a 44-Across board
- Lebanon's locale
- Where Vladivostok is
- 17+ million square miles of the earth
- It has Earth's highest and lowest points
- Jordan's locale
- 22-Down's locale
- Laos' land
- It borders three oceans
- Much of the Silk Road is in it
- Landmass bounded by a mountain chain and three oceans
- Kurdistan's locale
- Where most Buddhists reside
- Where water buffalo roam
- Large part of planet Earth
- Home to 4+ billion
- Area traversed by Marco Polo
- "The Travels of Marco Polo" setting
- ___-Pacific (geopolitical region)
- Home to over 4 billion
- Origin of most mainstream religions
- Locale of both the 2018 and 2020 Olympics
- Huge landmass
- Irrawaddy River locale
- About 1/3 of Earth's land
- Mongolia locale
- The Jordan Valley is its low point
- Home to 48 countries
- Where the world's lowest land is
- One of the Olympic rings
- It has 11 time zones
- English rock group
- Where the Bactrian camel is native
- About 25% of the UN
- Java's home
- Birthplace of the largest religions
- Hindu Kush's locale
- Big atlas part
- A sister of Europa
- Home to the majority of earthlings
- Green part of a Risk board
- World Cup qualifying zone
- Continent explored by Marco Polo
- Region east of the Urals
- It's quite continental
- Neighbour of Europe
- Himalayas locale
- Home to about 4.5 billion
- About 30 percent of Earth's land area
- ___ Kate Dillon of "Billions"
- Home to many Pacific Rim nations
- Egypt, in part
- Gobi container
- Where the Olympics were held for the first time in 1964
- Japan is in it
- Fertile Crescent's continent
- Land east of Europe
- Section of The Economist
- Home to much of Azerbaijan
- About one-third of Earth's land area
- Gobi Desert's continent
- Sinai's locale
- ____-Pacific
- 45-Down's continent
- Siberia's continent
- Home to K2
- Home to much of the Silk Road
- Continent within Australia?
- Home to the Gobi
- Kamchatka's Risk continent
- Where Buddhism and Taoism originated
- Only continent larger than Africa
- Kyrgyzstan's locale
- 17+-million square-mile region
- Thailand setting
- Home of the world's five tallest buildings
- Where the Amur flows
- India joined it about 50 million years ago
- Home of about 25% of U.N. member states
- "Only Time Will Tell" rock band
- Where most Indians were born
- Home to Laos
- Gobi locale
- Home of yaks and zebus
- Home to more than 4.5 billion
- Continent that's also a name
- Its smallest country is Maldives
- Nearly 9% of Earth's surface area
- One Olympic ring, symbolically
- Bangkok's locale
- Continent where Malala Yousafzai was born
- Continent with the longest coastline
- Large section of a world atlas
- About 30% of the Earth's land mass
- Taiwan's continent
- Home to seven "-stan" countries
- Southeast ___ (region home to Laos)
- Java Sea setting
- Home to most of the Silk Road
- Home to Afghanistan
- Continent with nearly 50 countries
- Yellow River's continent
- Home to Bahrain and Bhutan
- Locale of the 2018, 2020 and 2022 Olympics
- Singapore's setting
- Where dogs are believed to have been domesticated 10,000+ years ago
- Giant pandas' continent
- Continent that awards seven bonus armies in Risk
- Where the four most widely practiced religions all originated
- Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, ...
- Tian Shan's continent
- The Bosporus borders it
- Continent home to every country ending in "stan"
- Home to zero winners of the FIFA World Cup, surprisingly
- Home of the world's six tallest buildings
- About 6% of Egypt
- Where Tet and Spring Festival are celebrated
- Where Jordan is
- The East, to the West
- Big part of a Risk board
- Singapore's region
- Home of Sri Lanka
- Where South Korea is
- Its southeast contains Laos
- Shanghai's continent
- Continent where Buddhism originated
- Source of a big percentage of U.S. auto imports
- Tajikistan's continent
- Tiger's natural habitat
- Guangzhou's continent
- It has 12 territories in Risk
- Home of 60% of the world's people
- Where the world's tallest building is
- Most of Russia
- Jordan's continent
- Continent with 49 U.N. member states
- Major section of a world atlas
- Xinjiang's continent
- K2 locale
- Taj Mahal location
- Home to about 60% of humans
- Ipoh's continent
- Actor ___ Kate Dillon
- Bangkok locale
- Home to Malaysia and Mongolia
- Continent with the shortest name
- Angkor Wat's continent
- China's location
- Locale of both the highest and lowest points on the earth's surface
- Home of Baikal, the world's deepest lake
- Home to Lebanon and Laos
- Difficult area to maintain control of in the game Risk
- About 30% of Earth's land
- Home to the biggest city and the highest mountain
- Himalayas' continent
- #MagandangMorenx creator Jackson
- Himalayas' setting
- Uzbekistan's continent
- Where Kobe and Kolkata are
- Guangxi's continent
- Home to Doha, Jakarta and Manila
- Andong's continent
- Great Wall's continent
- Home to 41-Down
- Taj Mahal's continent
- Jakarta's continent
- Hanoi's home
- Where the seven "-stan" countries are
- China holder?
- Continent that's 9% of Earth's surface
- Where about one-third of Istanbul residents live
- Home to the world's tallest building
- Red panda's continent
- Region traveled by 63-Across
- 17.2-million-square-mile area
- Kazakhstan's continent
- Laos' continent
- Actor ___ Kate Dillon of "Billions"
- Home of seven -stans
- Continent where sun bears live
- Home to the Hang Seng and Nikkei 225 indexes
- Home for the Himalayas
- Its largest island is Borneo
- Home to more than 2,300 languages
- Ba Be Lake's continent
- Mt. Fuji setting
- Continent with most of the world's people
- The Philippines' continent
- Home to about 60% of the world's population
- Maldives' continent
- Home of 66-Across
- Manila's continent
- Most populated continent
- Ulaanbaatar's continent
- Borneo's continent
- Honshu's continent
- "RuPaul's Drag Race Live!" regular O'Hara
- Can Tho's continent
- Continent with the highest and lowest points on Earth
- Udaipur's continent
- Bali's continent
- Home to Japan and Vietnam
- Brunei's continent
- Location of Laos
- 39- and 59-Across locale
- Bangladesh's continent
- Biggest continent
- Malaysia's continent
- Uzbekistan's location
- Section of an atlas
- Home of Mongolia and Myanmar
- Iraq's continent
- Tianjin's continent
- What the silk road crossed
- Home to more than half of the world's population
- Qatar's continent
- Home to seven countries whose names end in "-stan"
- Where the five most widely practiced religions originated
- Afghan's place
- Continent that's about 30% of Earth's land area
- Chandigarh's continent
- Native continent for the slow loris
- Where Mandarin and Malay are spoken
- Turkmenistan's continent
- Continent with nine island nations
- Home to billions of people
- Sri Lanka's continent
- Drag queen O'Hara
- Continent that uses 11 time zones
- Kyrgyzstan's continent
- Fuzhou's continent
- "Never get involved in a land war in ___" (advice in "The Princess Bride")
- Petra's continent
- Java spot
- Potala Palace's continent
- Mangyshlak Peninsula's continent
- Cho Oyu's continent
- Setting for the FIFA World Cups of 2002 and 2022
- Wat Mahathat's continent
- Roughly 75% of Russia is in it
- Setting for Best Picture winners "The Last Emperor" and "Parasite"
- Ulaanbaatar's locale
- Location of the world's highest and lowest points on land
- Home of the highest and lowest points on the earth's surface
- Where most of the world's rice and tea is grown
- Home of most of Turkey