Answer: ARTS
ARTS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 488 times.
- Humanities
- Part of B.A.
- Song and dance, e.g.
- Fine or liberal follower
- Fine things?
- Lincoln Center subject
- These may be fine
- Kennedy Center focus
- The Muses' domain
- Partner of crafts
- Theater, opera, etc.
- Fine things
- Sciences' partner
- Liberal follower
- Graphic ___
- Some are liberal
- 37-Down's partner
- Fine subjects
- Performing ___
- The "A" of N.E.A.
- See 57-Across
- ___ and crafts
- Kind of center
- Liberal pursuits
- The "A" in N.E.A.
- Music and painting, for two
- Martial ___
- Stratagems
- The "A" in B.A.
- PBS matters
- They're black for witches
- ___ and sciences
- Song and dance
- They're sometimes fine
- Muses' field
- Some are performing
- Dilettantes' passions
- Partner of letters
- They might be fine
- Foundations may support them
- Letters' partner
- Bachelor's area
- Music, ballet, sculpture, etc.
- Cultural doings
- Some are fine
- Newspaper section, with "the"
- Conservatory's focus
- Painting and sculpting, e.g.
- Fine ___
- Word with fine or visual
- Word with liberal or martial
- Newspaper section
- Song and dance?
- Culture
- Crafts' partner
- Cultural stuff
- See 51-Across
- Kennedy Center focus, with "the"
- See 52-Down
- The "A" of A&E
- In which aesthetes star
- Beaux-___
- Cultural interests
- Louisville's Kentucky Center for the Performing __
- Lively group?
- Dance and drama
- The Santa Fe Spring __ Festival
- They may be patronized
- Big area of philanthropy, with "the"
- Wiles
- Liberal ___
- Crafts' companion
- They may be martial or liberal
- Crafts' counterparts
- Part of NEA or A&E
- Part of AMPAS
- Linkletter and Carney
- Partner of sciences
- They may be liberal or fine
- They may be fine or liberal
- They may be fine or industrial
- They may be liberal
- Part of A&E
- Some are fine and some are lively
- They may be martial
- Aesthetic practices
- Martial follower
- Liberal pursuits?
- A&E segment?
- Part of NEA
- They can be liberal
- Painting and sculpture
- They may be fine or performing
- Painting and etching, e.g.
- Companion of crafts
- They may be fine
- Word after martial or industrial
- Sculpture and painting, e.g.
- Painting and sculpting
- The A in A&E
- Word with fine or black
- Part of N.E.A.
- Part of BA or MA
- They're often liberal in college
- Creative endeavors
- Fine endeavors?
- Companion of sciences
- B.A. part
- Industrial ___ (school subject)
- Liberal group?
- Martial __
- Performing __
- Creative fields
- Entertainment partner?
- Some liberal studies
- They might be graphic
- Performing ___ (singing, dancing, etc.)
- They might be liberal
- Paper section
- Word with graphic and language
- Lofty pursuits
- Word with industrial and martial
- Part of BAFTA
- Bachelor of ___
- M.A. part
- Part of BFA
- Love and war, to some
- They may be graphic
- Fine pursuits
- They can be fine or liberal
- A&E part
- College offerings
- Letters' partners
- Crafts partner
- Healing __
- Liberal group
- Theater __
- Part of 26-Across
- Liberal follower?
- Literature, philosophy, etc.
- Skills
- Cultural pursuits
- Language __
- "Fine" studies
- They may be lively or liberal
- Music and the dance
- __ and sciences
- __ and crafts
- Creative pursuits
- Crafts' mate
- Word after fine or graphic
- Painting and such
- They may be lively or fine
- Bonsai and ikebana
- Muses' passions
- ''Lively'' subjects
- Part of BA
- Music and literature
- ''Liberal'' studies
- ''Fine'' studies
- ''Fine'' subjects
- Popular newspaper section
- Dance, drama, etc.
- Fine things to study?
- "Fine" follower
- They're dark for witches
- Bachelor's concern?
- Word with ''fine'' and ''performing''
- ''Fine'' follower
- Could be fine, could be graphic
- Sciences partner
- Word with ''fine'' or ''liberal''
- They're often liberal
- They may be fine or graphic
- Fine follower
- Some are martial
- Song and dance, for two
- Word with "martial" or "industrial"
- Word with "fine" or "black"
- The "A" in BA
- Crafts complement
- Specialties of some colleges
- Fine finish?
- Word with "liberal" or "martial"
- They may be fine and liberal
- They may be fine and you may support them
- Fine finish
- A&E word
- Music and dance, e.g.
- Word with fine or graphic
- They're liberal and fine
- The humanities
- Entertainment partner
- Word with liberal or fine
- Word with fine or liberal
- Endowments support them
- Sciences' counterpart
- Fine ___ (course of study)
- Patron's pet project, perhaps
- Carney and Buchwald
- Sciences' counterparts
- Cultural concerns
- Word in many degree names
- "Fine" or "liberal" followers
- Crafts' colleague
- Carney and Garfunkel
- Music, dance and drama, e.g.
- Liberal subject
- Word with "fine" or "visual"
- Liberal or fine follower
- Fine and liberal
- Painting, sculpting, etc.
- Part of the eye
- Word with "graphic" and "language"
- Painting and dance, e.g.
- Foundations support them
- Creative disciplines
- Word with "fine" or "liberal"
- Word with "fine" and "performing"
- Healing ___
- Language ___
- Theater ___
- Op and pop
- BA's A
- Muses' domains
- AMPAS penultimate
- Matters for the Muses
- Fine or graphic follower
- Patron's interests
- Fine pursuits, perhaps
- A word
- "Lively" subjects
- "Liberal" studies
- "Fine" subjects
- Critic's beat
- Patron of the ___
- Partner of crafts or sciences
- ___ and Literature (Trivial Pursuit category)
- Theater, dance, etc.
- Concern of some patrons, with "the"
- "Liberal" group
- Conservatory pursuits
- Macrame and origami
- They can be fine or graphic
- Beaux-___: architectural style
- "Fine" group
- Aesthetic endeavors
- Word with liberal or visual
- Half a Trivial Pursuit category
- The 700s, in the Dewey Decimal System
- The second "A" of A.M.P.A.S.
- Painting and sculpture, e.g.
- The 700's, in the dewey decimal system
- Diploma word
- Diploma word
- Fine study
- Liberal study
- Museum topic
- With 28-Across, a Hogwarts class
- Esthete's concern
- Dance and music
- College study
- Works of beauty
- The 'A' in 'A&E'
- Macrame and scrimshaw
- Crafts' mates
- Sculpture, macrame, etc.
- Decoupage, et al.
- Decoupage and macrame
- Origami and macram, e.g.
- Macrame, decoupage, etc.
- Crafts' partners
- ___ and letters
- Macram and ikebana
- 700s, in the Dewey Decimal System
- Part of M.A.
- Part of MFA
- Academy of Motion Picture ___ and Sciences
- Part of 101-Across
- Crafts companion
- School of design offerings
- Music and dance
- Word with letters?
- NEA part
- Part of 34 Down
- Dark ___ (Voldemort's practice in the Harry Potter books)
- Liberal subject?
- Well-practiced skills
- Word after liberal or fine
- The "A" of B.A.
- Master of ___
- Word after fine, martial, or liberal
- Dance and such
- Section of some newspapers
- "Lively" pursuits
- The A in BA
- Word after language or liberal
- Craft's partner
- Word with "martial" or "liberal"
- Purview of some councils
- National Endowment for the ___
- News-paper section
- Field of many nonprofits
- Humanistic disciplines
- Film and theater
- Word after martial or fine
- Fine subject?
- Cultural activities
- Theater and film
- Sculpting and singing, e.g.
- The A in B.A.
- Fine and liberal things
- Martial or liberal follower
- ___ and Leisure
- Ballet and others
- Stage and cinema
- "Fine" or "liberal" things
- and crafts
- Partner of "sciences"
- Branches of learning
- Painting and music, e.g.
- Common newspaper section
- Sciences' partners
- Some are liberal, some are martial
- National Medal of ___ (honor bestowed by the president)
- Word with "industrial" and "martial"
- Music and dance are two
- Culinary pursuits
- Bachelor's degree
- Certain patron's interests
- Word with "liberal" or "fine"
- Part of M.F.A.
- Music and dance, for two
- See 129-Across
- Juilliard curriculum
- Muses' domain
- Literary group?
- They may be endowed
- Applied ___
- Paper part of many puzzles
- Theater, design, etc.
- Witchcraft
- "Fine" or "lost" things
- B.A. word
- Dance and drama, for two
- Martial ___ (judo and others)
- "Graphic" group
- They may be fine or dark
- Dark ___ (Hogwarts subject)
- Counterpart of sciences
- Patronage recipients
- Music and theater, e.g.
- "Martial" follower
- Mime and puppetry, e.g.
- Creative expressions
- Creative field
- "Crafts" go-with
- "Liberal" pursuits
- Domain of the Muses
- Word with graphic or lively
- Word in many degrees
- Aesthete's concern
- Part of 101 Across
- MFA part
- College knowledge
- Black ___ (voodoo and such)
- They may be fine or lost
- Eggleton and Conan Doyle, familiarly
- Word with "fine" and "liberal"
- Painting and dancing
- Conservatory studies
- The "A" of NEA
- Music and such
- Self-expressive pursuits
- Bonsai and ballet, for two
- Sciences go-with
- Some are fine, some are lost
- "Sciences" go-with
- Theater and dance
- Word with "industrial"
- They're fine or lost
- "Liberal" things
- Martial or liberal, for two
- Expressive endeavors
- Newspaper section with many reviews
- Liberal ___ college
- ___ and crafts (grade-school projects)
- They may be dark or fine
- Visual ___
- Common philanthropy focus
- Bachelor of ___ (kind of degree)
- Liberal or martial things
- They may be dark or graphic
- Music, dance, etc.
- Word with dark or graphic
- "Fine" pursuits
- Painting, sculpture, etc.
- Dark ___ (black magic)
- The "A" of STEAM education
- The "A" in A&E
- Aesthetic pursuits
- Painting and printmaking
- Music, drama, dance etc.
- Word after martial or culinary
- Part of MA
- Graphic design and others
- ___ college
- Music and theater
- The "A" in MFA
- Sculpture, theater, dance, ...
- Bachelor of ___ degree
- Master of ___ (graduate degree)
- Conservatory concerns
- Glassblowing and others
- Musical theater and ballet, for example
- Word after "liberal" or "dark"
- Dark ___
- Graphic design and painting, e.g.
- Fine ___ degree
- Crafts go-with
- Beadwork and painting, e.g.
- Calligraphy and opera, e.g.
- Painting and pottery
- "Fine" or "liberal" follower
- Word with liberal or language
- The "A" that makes STEM into STEAM
- The A in 61-Down
- Origami and ceramics, e.g.
- Muses may represent them
- The "A" of M.M.A.
- Basketry and tapestry, e.g.
- Dance and sculpture, e.g.
- The A in a B.A. degree
- The A in BFA
- Ikebana and pottery, e.g.
- Poetry and pottery, for two
- ___ & crafts
- Calligraphy and pottery, for two
- Opera and ceramics, e.g.
- Muse's domain
- Etching and embroidery, for example
- Partner of "crafts"
- Section of a Sunday newspaper
- Beadwork and basketry, for example
- Painting and filmmaking
- Kabuki and ikebana, for two
- Drawing and architecture, for example
- Review-heavy newspaper section
- Dance, music, sculpture, etc.
- The "A" in many degrees
- Pottery and printmaking
- The A in MMA
- Animation and sculpting, for two
- Acting and dancing, for example
- They're not sciences
- Ceramics and embroidery, for example
- Etching and sculpture, for example
- M.M.A. finale?
- Part of MFA or MMA
- The "A" in STEAM, for educators
- The "A" of M.F.A.
- Performing ___ center
- They may be dark or dramatic
- Embroidery and beadwork, for two
- Creative writing and industrial design, for two
- The "A" of STEAM
- Pattachitra and pottery, for two
- Word after "martial" or "visual"
- Painting and pottery, e.g.
- Noh, pottery, etc.
- Part of STEAM
- Dancing and singing
- Bonsai and origami, e.g.
- Word after "performing" or "visual"
- Ceramics, cinema, etc.
- Ceramics and sculpture, for two
- Opera and origami, for two
- Word after "language" or "liberal"
- "Graphic" or "fine" works
- The "A" in STEAM
- Pottery and poetry, e.g.
- Section of The New York Times
- Collage and lithography
- ___ district, feature of many an urban area
- Word after "fine" or "dark"
- Pottery making and illustration, for example
- Poetry, weaving, et al.
- Graphic design and origami, etc.