Crossword Heaven
Answer: ANGLE
ANGLE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 138 times.
Polygon's corner
It increases by degrees
What a protractor measures
Photographer's setup
Go fishing
Point of view
It's measured in degrees
Journalist's idea
Go fish
Vantage point
Devious plan
Hidden motive
Trig figure
Polar __ (measurement in some coordinate systems)
Go for fish
Turn sharply
Story's approach
It may be acute or obtuse
Special approach
Drop a line from a pier, say
Two lines may make one
Journalistic slant
Fish with a hook and line
Every conniver has one
Protractor's measure
Secret motive
Reporter's slant
Try for trout
Camera viewpoint
Fish with a hook
It might be right
Catch some rays, maybe
It might be acute or obtuse
Each one in a square is 90 degrees
Billiards player's consideration
Geometry measure
Seek slyly, with "for"
Ulterior motive
Hidden agenda
Protractor measure
Protractor measurement
It can be obtuse
Journalist's viewpoint
Camera view
Acute subject?
This can be right
It may be right or acute
Approach to an article
See 40-Across
Geometry calculation
Trig topic
Billiards player's concern
Geometry class measurement
It's sometimes right but always to a degree
Journalist's approach
Use a fighting chair
Polygon corner
It may be acute or right
It may be acute
Fish with hook and line
It can be right
Matter of degree?
Way of looking at things
Billiards shot concern
Author's approach
Position, as a pool cue
Con man's approach
Sharp corner
One with degrees?
Acute or obtuse thing
Corner formation
Square's corner
It's right at 90 degrees
Corner of a square
Geometric corner
Approach to a problem
Right ___
One of four in a square
It may be right, but not left
Con man's scheme
Billiard player's calculation
Acute thing?
Trig term
Reporter's approach
Devious method
Each one in a square is 90°
A straight one is 180°
What "x" may be in trigonometry
Acute or obtuse
Something acute or obtuse
Protractor's measurement
Right or obtuse thing
Billiards concern
One of a square's four
One of a hexagon's six
Every corner or con man has one
Protractor's revelation
Pool player's calculation
This can be acute
An obtuse one is more than 90°
Cinematographer's consideration
Particular slant
Camera placement
Geometry class measure
Right ___ (90-degree shape)
Theta, in geometry
Selfie taker's concern
A 54-degree one is acute
< or >
Selfie consideration
It might be 45 degrees
Feature of L or <
Photographer's concern
Relationship of the circled letters to the apt words they connect to in this puzzle
A 90-degree one is "right"
It may be acute, obtuse or right
It can be obtuse or acute
One of six in a hexagon
One of seven inside a heptagon
90-degree ___
It's measured with degrees in geometry
One of five in a pentagon
One might be acute or obtuse
Acute thing
Measurement given in degrees
"I've looked at this from every ___"
A matter of degrees?