Crossword Heaven
Answer: AFI
AFI is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 32 times.
Movie org. with the "100 Years" series
Film-preserving org.
"100 YearsÂ…100 Movies" org.
Morgan Freeman won its 2011 Life Achievement Award: Abbr.
Hollywood org.
Movie-cataloguing org.
Movie-excellence org.
Org. behind "100 Years, 100 Movies"
Movie org. that created a top-100 list from which all of this puzzle's quotes come
L.A. film org. that bestows a Lifetime Achievement Award
"100 Years...100 Movies" org.
Assn. with a "100 Years ... 100 Movies" list
"100 Years ... 100 Movies" grp.
Steve Martin won its 2015 Life Achievement Award: Abbr.
Film-preserving org. of L.A.
Movie list org.
Org. with a "100 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time" list
Movie-archiving gp.
Org. with a "100 Years ... 100 Movies" list
Movie-archiving org.
John Williams won its 2016 Life Achievement Award: Abbr.
Org. archiving movies
"100 Years ... 100 Movies" org.
Movie org. whose "100 Years ... 100 Thrills" list has 106-Down at #2
Org. rating cinema
Directors Series producer
"100 Years ... 100 Movies" listmaker, for short
Org. that ranked comedy films
"100 years... 100 Movies" list org.
"100 Years... 100 Movies" org.
"100 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time" org.
Nonprofit org. with a Directors Series