Answer: ACT
ACT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 517 times.
- Take steps
- Dramatize, with "out"
- Ham it up
- Show biz group
- Make a move
- Do film work
- Play the part
- Behave
- Pretense
- Fake it
- "If you ___ now..."
- Do something
- Decree
- Operate
- Masquerade
- Take a part
- It's the Law
- It may be staged
- Play piece
- Deed
- Play a role
- One of five in "Othello"
- Be in a cast
- Feign
- Have work in Hollywood
- Show piece?
- It may be hard to follow
- Take measures
- One of two in the play "Shylock Returns"
- Perform in plays
- Undertaking
- Tread the boards
- Function
- Do not delay
- Not hesitate
- Make a scene?
- Misbehave, with "up"
- Play a part
- See 46-Across
- Play part
- Part of a play
- It separates two breaks
- Take effect
- "___ your age!"
- With 62-Down, be demure
- Cleanup target?
- Do lines?
- Front
- Malfunction, with "up"
- "___ now!"
- Play one's part
- Do one's part?
- It's been passed
- Appear
- It may be passed on the Hill
- Don't just sit there
- Series of articles, maybe
- Stop stalling
- Work within a company, say
- Tea __ of 1773, a cause of the Boston Tea Party
- The whole song and dance?
- Stage entertainment
- Follow direction?
- See 55-Down
- Collection of scenes
- Production part
- Fill in (for)
- Series of scenes
- With 57-Down, commercial entreaty
- What a scene is seen in
- Do something dramatic
- Performance piece?
- Not delay
- See 43-Across
- Vaudeville segment
- A third of some plays
- 26-Down segment
- Riot follower?
- Perform on the stage
- Step into character
- Vaudeville bit
- Vaudeville feature
- Work on a stage
- Riot or Stamp
- Congressional measure
- Stage performance
- A fifth of "Hamlet"
- Put-on behavior
- Get off the fence
- Opera division
- Play segment
- Group of scenes
- Go in the movies
- Nightclub bit
- Put on a show
- Facade
- Make a scene
- Circus segment
- Get up on stage
- It may be put on
- Play division
- Perform
- Congressional output
- Seem
- Be part of the picture
- Operetta division
- Play thing?
- Pretend
- Pretend to be someone you're not?
- "The Gong Show" offering
- Play a part?
- Parliamentary procedure
- Do some role playing
- Quit stalling
- Perform in a play
- One of five in "Julius Caesar"
- Brave face, maybe
- Behave badly, with "out"
- Perform in a movie
- Routine
- Function improperly, with "up"
- Legislator's creation
- Do some lines?
- Don't just talk
- Appear in a picture
- Put up a front
- Charade
- Congressional creation
- Ballet division
- Set of scenes
- Play on Broadway
- Accomplishment
- Don't just stand there
- With 40-Across, role-play (and a hint to this puzzle's theme)
- Bit of legislation
- Pretend to be
- Make it happen
- __ I
- Put-on
- Do one's part
- Get busy
- Nightclub performance
- Comic's routine
- Don't wait
- Piece of legislation
- Nightclub routine
- Successful legislation
- Performance part
- Perform on stage
- Circus routine
- Comic's show
- Show initiative
- Play in a play
- Opéra part
- Perform on a stage
- Emulate Eastwood
- Shtick
- Work on Broadway
- Not sit on one's hands
- Play Romeo
- Misbehave (with ''up'')
- Brave face, sometimes
- Stop being apathetic
- Play part, or play a part
- Thing done
- Emulate Washington or Ford
- Behave in a certain manner
- It may be heroic
- Step into character, e.g.
- Take the initiative
- Song and dance, sometimes
- Play subdivision
- One-third of some plays
- Be a thespian
- False front
- Circus unit
- Make things happen
- Word with "riot" or "class"
- Legal instrument
- End up in a cast?
- A fraction of some plays
- Statute
- What a brave face is sometimes
- Hop to it
- Shakespearean segment
- Be a major player?
- Stamp or riot word
- Clean Air, e.g.
- Misbehave (with "up")
- "Clean up your ___!"
- Dramatic division
- Appear in a movie
- Play a character
- Emulate Will Smith
- One fifth of "Hamlet"
- Take the stage
- Bill, once passed
- Be in a cast?
- Unit for Shakespeare
- "Sister __": Whoopi Goldberg film
- False pretense
- Work on a Broadway stage
- Section of a play
- Play period
- Perform one's scenes
- One way to earn an Emmy
- Do a portrayal
- "___ natural"
- Section of a script
- Musical performance
- More than plan
- See 1-Down
- Work between the wings
- Behave in a Spacey way?
- Class ___
- Create a role
- Performance
- Emote
- One may have several scenes
- ___ I
- "Sister ___": Whoopi Goldberg film
- Club routine
- Play dead, e.g.
- Do studio work
- More than talk
- Join a troupe
- Work in a studio
- A play may have one
- Play parts
- Bill
- Perform in a skit
- Do summer stock
- Volstead ___: Prohibition enabler
- "Just ___ naturally"
- Not be passive
- Operetta part
- Role-play
- Perform
- Make believe
- Make believe
- With 41-Down, it follows "Think globally"
- False show
- Role-play
- Spiel, e.g.
- Bit of song and dance, e.g.
- Formal decision
- Play a part, or play part
- Broadway play segment
- Patriot ___
- Join a cast
- Drama division
- Be decisive
- Join the cast
- Legislation
- Intermission preceder
- Try for a Tony
- Be a 15-Across
- Respond to a stimulus
- Earn an Obie, maybe
- Do something
- With 58-Across, first play division
- Not be idle
- Sequence of scenes
- Get off one's butt
- A good way to wind up in a cast
- Perform on a TV show
- Job of 8-Down
- "If you ___ now ..."
- Pretend to be someone you're not
- Emulate Olivier
- What thespians do
- Vegas attraction
- How to end up in a cast?
- It's divided into scenes
- You may need to clean yours up
- Don't hesitate
- Work in a play
- Vaudeville routine
- Several scenes
- Insincere display
- See 23-Across
- What a faker may put on
- One way to enjoy being in a cast
- Word with class
- Work as a thespian
- Legislation creation
- Comport oneself
- Recite lines
- House work?
- Perform in a cast
- Play charades
- Not just sit by
- Legislative edict
- Do some film work
- Circus performance
- Work for a director
- It precedes "of God" or "of war"
- Legislative decision
- Play the role
- Not stay idle
- Play Hamlet
- Drama part
- Create some drama
- Quit delaying
- Play part or play parts
- Take a stand
- Work in Hollywood, perhaps
- Talent show entrant
- Work in summer stock, say
- Riot or Homestead
- Fake being
- Drama section
- Misbehave, with "out"
- Dramatic unit divided into scenes
- Take to the stage
- Participate in an ensemble
- Volstead ___
- Legislative product, perhaps
- Word after sex or riot
- One may be hard to follow
- "No Exit" has one
- Have a role to play
- Part of a tv play
- Dramatize (with "out")
- Caught in the ___
- Do your part
- Appear in a play
- Perform lines
- Exploit, e.g.
- Congress creation
- Get in on the ___
- A.C.A. part
- Emulate Michael J. Fox
- Do a thespian's job
- Dissemblance
- Have a part
- Work with a cast
- Parliamentary output
- Scream "Stella," for instance
- Civil Rights, for one
- One way to earn an Oscar
- Revue segment
- Go before the camera
- Be on a role?
- Drama unit
- Not just sit
- Exam with a Science Reasoning section
- Play
- Move forward on a decision
- Work onstage
- Play section
- Conduct oneself
- Be in a film
- This fills a festival slot
- Vegas performance
- Don't delay
- Just do it
- Make one's move
- See 35-Down
- One of a pair in "Waiting for Godot"
- Creation of congress
- Make a decision
- One of two in "Hamilton"
- Vegas routine
- What Denzel Washington can do
- It may be tough to follow
- Play component
- Portray Romeo
- Coll. entrance exam
- Have a moving part
- With 15-Across, "Don't delay!"
- False modesty, e.g.
- Have a part in a play
- Perform a role
- Work in a cast
- Work with a company, say
- It's only make-believe
- Work on a soap, say
- Part of a musical
- German digit
- "Hamlet" division
- Stop quibbling
- Insincere show
- Opera segment
- Produce an effect, as medicine
- Play before the camera
- Get into character
- Have an onstage role
- Law
- Part of ACA
- Appear in a film
- "___ now!" (infomercial phrase)
- You might clean yours up or put one on
- Play a part ... or a play part
- "Hamilton" segment
- SAT alternative
- Perform a part
- Play unit
- One of two in "Waiting for Godot"
- Play a scene
- Bill's possible future
- "Prime Suspect 7: The Final ___"
- Be in the picture
- Exert energy
- Play a role onstage
- Beckett's "Endgame" has one
- Lay about? No, U-turn
- One of two in "Don Giovanni"
- Congressional statute
- Comedy ___
- Stage show segment
- ___ of Congress
- School recital segment
- "Macbeth" division
- It's not for real
- Take effect, as meds
- One of five in many plays
- ACA part
- Not twiddle one's thumbs
- Samuel Beckett's "Endgame" has one
- Talent show entry
- Theater segment
- Portray a character
- Play a part (in)
- Be dramatic?
- Don't just sit
- Show piece
- One of five in "Hamlet"
- Perform in a skit, say
- Univ. entrance exam
- Segment of a play
- One of two in Albee's "Three Tall Women"
- Its max. score is 36
- Something a false person puts on
- Talent show participant
- Perform onstage
- Not just stand there
- Stamp ___ of 1765; colonists' bane
- Word often followed by a Roman numeral
- Be effective
- Exam with a max score of 36
- Make a scene, in a way
- Apt exam for an aspiring theater major?
- Not sit idly by
- One of four in "The Crucible"
- Not just think
- Do what's expected
- Its max score is 36
- "Macbeth" part
- Theater section
- Perform a stage role
- Perform in a film
- Entertain in a cast
- H.S. exam with a Science section
- Variety show segment
- Perform in the play "Sweat"
- Broadway division
- One of two in most musicals
- Juggling or magic, in a talent show
- Put on a performance
- III, e.g., in "Richard III"
- Stop hesitating
- “sister ___”
- ___ Up, political group formed in response to the AIDS crisis
- Enter the picture?
- Section of a musical
- See 34-Across
- Segment of a ballet
- Dramatic segment
- Segment of a musical
- Assume a role
- University entrance exam, for short
- A play may have just one
- Part of a play group?
- Perform like Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
- The musical "Come From Away" has one
- Pretense that's put on
- See 18-Down
- Not just sit around daydreaming
- Be in the picture?
- "___ Like You Know" (LaShun Pace song)
- Perform in character
- Lawmaker's creation
- Civil Rights ___ of 1964
- Play a role on stage
- Stage play part
- Exam taken by many jrs.
- Sham
- Talent show performance
- Get your ___ together
- Be part of a cast
- The A in ICWA
- The second "A" of 22-Down
- Play thing
- Exam that many take in H.S.
- Play part or play a part
- ___ Up (AIDS advocacy group)
- Emulate Hanks
- One of two in the play "Trouble in Mind"
- One of five in a Shakespeare play
- Fulfill a Star Performer card in Cranium
- State lines?
- Performer's routine
- ___ your wage (do only the work you're paid to do)
- Perform in "Blood at the Root"
- Perform in "Radio Golf"
- Subdivision of a play
- See 67-Across
- Play a part, or a play part
- Perform in "Trouble in Mind"
- Contribute to a company, say
- One of three in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"
- Bit of law
- ___ on one's 38-Across
- Magician's set
- Appear onstage
- That's unreal!